The Simpsons Movie

Jack's Smirking Revenge

i am the one who knocks
Mar 6, 2007
Since the old thread vanished, it's time to start it again.

Just got back from watching it, and I was more than happily surprised at how good it was. It was definitely time well spent making it. There weren't too many jokes so that it was overkill, and they were actually funny, which is nice to see after watching the new series'.
One thing I would have liked to see was more big name stars. There was only Green Day and Tom Hanks.
And Arnie :monster:

I thought they got away with alot for a film that was rated PG, deffinately funny though, and deffinately worth my money
That wasn't actually Schwarzenegger who voiced the President though I don't think. He sounded remarkably like Ranier Wolfcastle. :monster:
They did get away with a bit (basically Bart's nekidness and Homer giving everyone the finger xD) but it's not anything damaging.
Mr. Burns' closing line to Smithers was hilarious, but Ralph's "I like men now" is pure gold.

I know it wasn't actually Arnie :updown:

What about Otto with the bong? :monster:
I wasn't dissapointed with the film at all, even though i went to the cinema expecting to be dissapointed, because i never expect much from a hyped movie.

boy, was i wrong XD

i think its one of the funniest films i've ever seen, all the characters were perfect and theres several lines that still make me laugh especially these two

"I was elected to Lead, not to read" and,
"Oh he's not spiderpig anymore marge, he's harry plopper"

Definalty worth the fiver i paid to see it.
I was very disappointed with this movie. The only part I found funny was spiderpig. I mean I giggled, but spiderpig was the only part that made me laugh
I was surprisingly pleased with the whole movie.

I did wish there was some more involvement from the other characters, but you can't fit everything into a movie :(

My absolute favorite moments were:

- when Marge yelled, "Somebody throw the goddamn bomb!", mostly because it was her yelling it.

- Bart, after drinking hotel whiskey and the following line, "I'm troubled"

- Ralph, and the "I like men now" line

And, surprisingly enough, I'm a sucker for true love, and the whole ending with Marge & Homer riding on that motor cycle and the kiss made me feel all warm and squishy inside x3
Seen it last week and its so-so. I mean the animation was sexy as hell, but there werent enough funny moments IMO. I didnt laugh as much as I thought I would.
Seen it last week and its so-so. I mean the animation was sexy as hell, but there werent enough funny moments IMO. I didnt laugh as much as I thought I would.

Same here. The Simpsons movie had a great storylane but somehow it has lost its touch if you know what I mean
I definately want to go and watch this film. I love the simpsons and the film looks great. I will probably watch it in the next couple of weeks.
Was this good? Cause honestly I'm not a diehard Simpson's fan. I've watched the show a few times and never really gotten into it... but the commercials did look good so I wasn't sure. I may go see it...
If it's not what you're into, then you might not like it, but I thought it was funny.
I still think that episodes of Family Guy are better than it though.
I really liked it, but to be honost, it just felt like an extended simpsons episode...which isn't bad, I guess.

I really like towards the end when they all think they're going to die, everyone in the church runs into the bar, and everyone in the bar runs into the church.