The Voice Behind Vanille: Interview With Georgia Van Cuylenburg [2/1]

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Feb 19, 2009
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(This isn't strictly news as such, though entertaining to read anyway as it's FFXIII related)

Siliconera have posted an interview with Georgia Van Cuylenburg, Vanille's voice actress. A lot of it seems to be the typical questions to ask of Australian entertainers in America - how'd it start, how's it going, why do Americans love Australians so much - and really only gets into the FFXIII-related bits towards the end, where she discusses the casting, the recording and the other VAs involved in the project.

"I auditioned for her. My agent handed me the script and said if there was anyone else that could play this girl better he would eat his hat. (he is more a beanie guy but...) This was the character description: Aussie accent, young, bubbly, sunshine and rainbows, etc... I so wanted to be her! But I didn't know what it was actually for. And two weeks later, I got the call from my agent to say I had booked it but I didn't know really how big it was.

He said I would probably have five or six recording sessions. Cut to 6 months later, I was still recording. I loved every second of recording - she is such a fun character to and some of her lines are so hilariously typical of something I would say that it was funny to all of us. I had really great guidance from the director and the Square Enix rep, but they also just let me do my thing a lot, too. The team were so great and we spent most of our time laughing if we weren't recording.

I didn't actually get to meet any of the others until we had finished. You always recorded on your own. It was so weird when some of us met at the end because you felt like you already knew them really well. I still haven't met Hope or Sazh - which is even funnier as they are the two I am with the most in the game. But I became instant friends with Ali (Lightning) and Rebecca (Fang) afterwards, and Troy (Snow) and I are now really close, too."

Source of summary: finalfantasy-xiii

Original source: None as Siliconera deleted the article
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Huh, I thought Fang was the one with the Aussie accent..? I should listen to Vanille more closely :hmmm:

Well I couldn't help but feel Vanille's voice was too squeaky for my tastes, but I guess it's to represent her personality more.

And that's so cute! Voice actors being all chummy, d'awwwww :3
I however, thought Serah was the one who has the Australian accent before until I worked out that she's actually voiced by Laura Bailey, an American voice actress who also voiced Faina in Infinite Undiscovery and Reimi in Star Ocean IV.

I only thought that Serah may have an Aussie accent because in the TGS 2009 FFXIII English trailer I thought it was Serah narrating at the beginning (the female voice who says: "When I couldn't see a future...").

But I realised that Australian accented voice is actually Vanille's (because Vanille is the narrator of the story) and hence Cuylenburg's, not Serah's. I personally think Cuylenburg's rendition of Vanille isn't that squeaky, well, compared to Yukari Fukui's voice that is. :wacky:
Vanilles voice is awesome :ryan: Im glad they chose an Australian to do her voice. I think it is cool. Also Fang has an Australian accent also maybe because they both have Oerba in their names. It balances it out. Vanille FTW! :awesome:
Siliconera deleted the interview article

Heh, that's interesting. The interview excerpt seems to be gone as Siliconera removed that article. :hmmm:

finalfantasy-xiii suggests that SE is behind this and I don't really know why. But hey- the interview extract is still here I guess! :monster:
By any chance were Troy Baker, Ali Hillis and Rebecca announced as voice actors before this interview? It's the only reason I can see it being deleted since she hasn't said anything we don't already know :hmmm:
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