The Zodiac Spear


drawn into the woods
Mar 1, 2008
I played through this game once, and now trying to do it again What really bugs me is that you can't open certain treasures, otherwise you won't be able to get it How stupid is that? I mean you don't know at first what treasures you can't open. Is it written somewhere? I really think it's stupid. And it's not even the best weapon in the game IMO.

What do you think. Is it worthed to play the game over again, just to get the zodiac spear?
It's pretty annoying, but believe it or not that's the EASY way to get it. SE actually did put it in a section of the Henne Mines...but there's a 1/1000 chance of it spawning there and it's the most dangerous area in the game.

Now is it worth playing the game over to get it? It's not really a necessary weapon, although it'll be handy if you intend to do alot of hunts. If you do start a new file, be sure it's the "avoid the treasure" way:

Personally I think it's retarded. You see a treasure chest and you're going to open that damn thing. It's always been that way in RPGs, it's instinctive for us gamers.
It's not the end of the world guys 8D

- Don't touch the chest outside Old Dalans house
- Do not touch any of the 16 chests on Phon Coast. You're meant to not touch one, but theyre all poop anyway so leave the lot.
- Do not touch the chests in the place where everyone gets their weapons again.

Cannae remember the 4th.

EDIT: When sneaking into the palace (Before getting the Goddess Tear), there are several chests in the Cellar. Do not open the two chests in the southeast corner.

I'm not sure if I touched the palace ones or not...oops.

If I did, I'll just start another game. Afrer I finish my current one :)
Actually getting the Zodiac Spear is pretty easy compared to getting some of the other ultimate weapons and armour. :P

Now try getting the Tournesol, Saggitarious, Grand Armour, Danjuro, Yagu Darkblade, Ribbon and the Grand Helm before whining about the Zodiac Spear. :P

Those are actually are all very HARD to get compared to the Zodiac Spear. No thanks to the insanely low steal/drop rate of getting some some items from monsters not to mention the lameass idea of random chests in this game as well. :P
yeah, you're right about that! :) But I didn't mind killing of all those fiends hehe!
But still I don't understand, why you can't open THOSE chests. It's not written anywhere, how are you expected to know that?
Cheat guides and walkthroughs, or just noticing this by chance. I actually read a walkthrough to find out, though it probably would have come to mind eventually after a playthrough or two.

As for the rarer weapons and armour, I found things such as grand armour and the yagyu darkblade to be easy in comparison, now the genji stuff is annoying. :sad: Same with the ultima blade.
i got the zodiac spear quite early in the game beause i decided to try and get it before i got to phon coast and i did and it really helped me through the rest of the game
The Zodiac Spear isn't that hard to get. I found the Danjuro to be more troublesome to obtain.
I never bothered to get it, but it seems easier than getting the Excalibur II. I mean, getting midway into Disc 3 in FFIX within 12 hours in order to get a sword for Steiner that doesn't even teach him anything he couldn't learn anyway? Not only is that pointless, it's nigh impossible.
Its pretty crap for someone like me who doesnt use guides until he has completed the game and then goes back to do everything on the same game using a guide.
I never got the Zodiac spear, but I did avoid the treasure chests because the guide I was using told me to xD

It's a pretty sly way for the game to be like "Ha! We screwed you over! Remember that potion you got from that chest? Well that stopped you getting the best weapon!"
I'm a treasure hunter, I see a chest I get it so I don't have it but after seeing my mate use it I now one thing, it's not worth the trouble.
There is actually more than one place to get a Zodiac Spear, so if you got one of the chests that are connectedto the main location, you can still get it.

Its in a chest in the Henne Mines Phase II Dig. The chest only appears randomly, and there is only a 1% chance of it giving you a Zodiac Spear, but its a reappearing chest, so you can get 6 Zodiac Spears if you really want to and have the patience... not to mention a shit load of money, as the chest has a 90% chance of giving you around 10,000 gil.
There is actually more than one place to get a Zodiac Spear, so if you got one of the chests that are connectedto the main location, you can still get it.

Its in a chest in the Henne Mines Phase II Dig. The chest only appears randomly, and there is only a 1% chance of it giving you a Zodiac Spear, but its a reappearing chest, so you can get 6 Zodiac Spears if you really want to and have the patience... not to mention a shit load of money, as the chest has a 90% chance of giving you around 10,000 gil.

Way to repeat what has already been said :neomon:

And unless you're a really high level, there's safer ways to make money. You don't wanna aggro a ton of enemies just rushing in trying to get money and then get trapped by them.
seems a bit crazy you have to restart for it ... but w/e. I think you just need to get a gameguide sometimes cause it saves hours of frustration. and the ffxii has some good pics if you get the limited edition :)
There should have at least been some kind of warning riddle not to open certain chests! I think its a big flaw to make one of the most powerful weapons unattainable to someone who doesn't use a guide... cos let's face it no one is going to work out leaving specific chests alone is going to grant them access to the spear!!!

You might get it completely by chance if you miss those chests but you still wouldn't know why you got it without looking up a guide.

Rookie error SE. :rolleyes: Lucky its not the BEST weapon.

It's still a great game though:P
I can't get it anymore, except in the henne mines...

The game never told me about it.:(
I knew from the start about the whole Zodiak Spear deal with the chests. Even before beggining the game I looked in a walkthrough so I avoided those chests like the plague. It's a good weapon but definitely not the best. Though Basch looks so good with it and his victory poses with it look great XD
The Zodiac Spear was an Ok weapon it's strength was worthwhile but not worth the trouble of getting it. The weapon itself isn't all that impressive either but it has been extremely helpful throughout my game. Another thing about the Zodiac Spear is that you can get it in the Phase 2 Dig of the Henne Mines well according to the official guide that is I've never actually found it myself has anyone else found it in the Henne Mines?
yeah, i was pretty annoyed when i got the zodiac spear. I didn't think it was all that good especially with all the trouble you had to go through. Not opening certain chests etc.