Thinking about playing


ShinRa Guard
Dec 31, 2006
Eastern, WA
Hi folks,

The wife and I are looking for a mmorpg and since Final Fantasy is one of my favorite games we thought we'd give it a look see. I do have some questions tho'.

1. How populated are the servers? Are they crowded...sparse?
2. How hard is it to get started? Easy or do ya die a lot?
3. Any race/job combinations to avoid?
4. Are most players courteous? We tried WoW and dumped it because a disparaging number of folks were rude to us and used crude language.

Thanks in advance.
1. Most all of the servers are about the same. There are usually about 3000 people on at a time.
2. It all depends on how well you can adapt to it. Usually, the people who don't take chances and think their moves through will advance the quickest and easiest. Your deaths play off your ability to make good decisions.
3. Not really. There's an advantage to every combination.
4. There will always be people who are jerks. However, I have noticed that people on World of Warcraft are a lot more arrogant than those on Final Fantasy XI.
I have been playing FF11 for 1 day now. I just got my warrior to level 10 and I am loving it. People are VERY nice in the game. The only problem that I really have is that I don't see many people. I think it might just be because I am in a very unpopulated area, but when I do see people they are very nice :)
I have been playing FF11 for 1 day now. I just got my warrior to level 10 and I am loving it. People are VERY nice in the game. The only problem that I really have is that I don't see many people. I think it might just be because I am in a very unpopulated area, but when I do see people they are very nice :)

Only because of this:
But I don't really know much about MMORPG's. WoW couldn't have been that bad... Probably just some teens being pricks. I do it all the time.
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Be careful when you install it. On some machines, it tends to delete and eat things. I'm not kidding, when it installed, it overwrote some important file of mine, one that I had NEVER heard of before, and my whole computer was useless until I got a recovery CD.

Also, be careful about Play Online/SCEA. They keep billing you and billing you even if you can't log back on to cancel an account (my internet was down, and the tech person wouldn't let me cancel on the phone).

A relative of mine who bought it for me, and offered to pay for a month or so to see if I liked it enough to pay for it myself, was being billed for FFXI even though I couldn't play the game. I'm just warning you, they are really fickle people, and they will probably think you are trying to pull some sort of wool over their eyes when you ask them to simply help you.

Sorry if this seems anti-FFXI, I just have had many friends who have lost lots of computers.
Did anyone even bother to read what was in my link?
Your link was irrelavant to the thread. RMT characters have nothing to do with players not being in the beginning areas.
Your link was irrelavant to the thread. RMT characters have nothing to do with players not being in the beginning areas.


Also, don't use a PS2 for XI, if you know what's good for you. It lags everyone else because of some crappy thing with ps2, so although the PC version can fry your machine, the ps2 version makes everyone else unhappy. :O
Yeah. That's why Square Enix discontinued making the PlayStation 2 version of Final Fantasy XI; the support from Sony was horrible and made it nearly impossible to get anything done. The only thing they can do now is create updates and expansions. They can't really toy with the way their end works with Sony's end.
I played this game for a day, and I would of kept playing but my busy social life stopped me from continuing