thoughts on Lord Seymour Guado.

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Jul 18, 2006
i fell in love with Lord Seymour from the moment he died. i love the fact that he is unknowingly evil, how he thinks he is doing good. i dont know how 2 describe it. i guess i'd call it a strange kind of...evil innocence.
alot of people think that he's really evil, but i really dont think he was that bad. before the whole 'incident' in macalania, he acted very kindly towards both yevonites and the al bhed. and i do think he was attracted to yuna, and did love her. i think his insanity can be traced back to his mother giving herself up when he begged her not to. (i cried so much at that flashback.) and isolating himself for 25 years didnt do him any good. i think its a shame he was twisted by such a horrible childhood. he never learnt to express his emotions in a decent way. his plot to kill humanity, which sounds evil, was his way of saving us. he didnt want us to hurt anymore. i think its comparable to suicide. people commit suicide because they are alone, depressed, scared. seymour saw us like this, and, he saw our emotions as a flaw, and painfull burden. he wanted us to be at peace. the only way he saw of doing this was death. he didnt know he was doing the wrong thing. he was doing what he thought was right. i feel what he feels really clearly, and i dont see why everybody else doesnt. i see him as a desparate person trying to rid the world of pain. someone said that his childhood was no excuse to kill a well respected man and many others, but you must see that he is mentally insane! in his mind he was ridding his father of pain. a person with schitzophrenia cannot control it. they think what they see is real. apply this to seymour. it isnt his fault he is twisted and insane. i must say though, even after all of that, sometimes i jsut wanted to stangle him. like at the wedding. poor yuna. he pretty much forsed a kiss apon her. and we all know he wouldve gone further. that wouldve been unforgivable. and although i sometimes love him and sometimes hate him, most of all i think he needs alot of hugs
(and perhaps a rubber room). i also loved the looks. i myself being a hair product and big hair ADDICT absolutely loved the hair! also loved the looks overall. people diss the clothes but this is final FANTASY. i overall think he's an absolutely gorgeous person (Hot with a capital 'H') and a great villian. i just love him. he is in no way ''badass'' but i always look forward to fighting him. long live the memory of Lord Seymour Guado!!!!
Cute. But completely proposterous. I think you've missed a MASSIVE thing to do with Seymour here. Firstly, he didn't kill his father to "free" him from pain. His father was aware of his darkness, of his evil, and thus became the only wrench in his plan. To remove Jyscal was the first stage of gaining power, after much training, and becoming loyal with Yevon. This itself granted him the title of Maester. With that power, he manipulated everyone knowing exactly what he was doing, and for what purpose. His "saving" and "freeing" people from pain was his twisted side of things, to make people potentially follow him. I see it as being a cover-up for his ultimate goal; becoming Sin. Which, ultimately, is revealed later on.

But I must agree that his mother leaving him become a fayth was the major turning point in his life. It's more than possible that she could have helped and supported him through the trauma of being secluded by both the races which he had in his blood and heritage. Poor kid.

I love him too, he's definately one of the better characters. Manipulation FTW.
lord Seymour

its quite amazing how alike Sephiroth and Seymour are....both were screwed up in life as children and grew up to hate the world....if only these world destroyers had a loving mommy and daddy...i bet Seymour would have grown up to be king of da world with supperoth at his side:P
Seymour was a total gimp. I just wanted to smash his face in. But he does have his mother which is one of the best Aeons in the game. Anima is a pro Aeon. Seymour shouldn't even have it. Hes a discrace to all of his Guado people. I will spit on his grave.
spit on his grave

AndrewDay said:
Seymour was a total gimp. I just wanted to smash his face in. But he does have his mother which is one of the best Aeons in the game. Anima is a pro Aeon. Seymour shouldn't even have it. Hes a discrace to all of his Guado people. I will spit on his grave.
Didnt you know hes not even dead? he will come back someday ican guarentee :P
I was actually a fan of Seymour Guado. I just hated fighting him and his name is so lame. A lesser villain needs a better name than Seymour.
The only time i liked him was when you used him against that sin spawn boss....that was awsome! well anyway he was freaky to me......evil and very strange..........i always didnt like him, but at the scene where you talk to him before the plan with the al-bhed and machenia i really hated him.....but still he was annoying to since you had to fight him 4 times in the game i mean die already!
Seymour is one of my favorite video game villains. I absolutely adore his character boss designs, and his manipulation skills. This is the kind of person who I believe really personifies the undying resilience and desire of a human. His was so strong that it could not die with him.

He wanted power, and he did what he felt necessary to attain it. I highly doubt he really had any pity for Spira, but instead he thought becoming Sin meant ultimate power.

Give that guy a Klondike Bar.
AndrewDay said:
Seymour was a total gimp. I just wanted to smash his face in. But he does have his mother which is one of the best Aeons in the game. Anima is a pro Aeon. Seymour shouldn't even have it. Hes a discrace to all of his Guado people. I will spit on his grave.
wow i don't like seymor but not that much:D
one thing i absolutely hate about seymour is that he just wouldn't stay dead he always had to come back, it was so annoying, everytime there was another battle with him i said why must you come back, i mean i already beat you, so stay dead:D
al_bhed_psycho said:
alot of people think that he's really evil, but i really dont think he was that bad. before the whole 'incident' in macalania, he acted very kindly towards both yevonites and the al bhed.
He did not act kindly. He was deceitful, caniving (sp?) with a cunning mind. He, like all the other Maesters of Yevon, believed the Al Bhed to be blasphemous and infidels in the priesthood.

al_bhed_psycho said:
and i do think he was attracted to yuna, and did love her.
No, he wanted to marry Yuna, become her other half, sacrifice himself and become her Final Aeon, then become the next Sin. As an unsent, he has eternity to control it from within. This is his master plan.

al_bhed_psycho said:
but you must see that he is mentally insane! in his mind he was ridding his father of pain. a person with schitzophrenia cannot control it. they think what they see is real. apply this to seymour. it isnt his fault he is twisted and insane.
He is not mentally insane (insanity is a condition of the mind, so the word "mentally" was not necessary :P), he is delusional and corrupted by false views and pessomistic comments/

al_bhed_psycho said:
people diss the clothes but this is final FANTASY. i overall think he's an absolutely gorgeous person (Hot with a capital 'H') and a great villian. i just love him. he is in no way ''badass'' but i always look forward to fighting him. long live the memory of Lord Seymour Guado!!!!

Terms nowadays such as "badass" are frequently over-used in this society. He does fit in to the modern day definition of this term. I suppose it depends on your perception of him.
I feel that Seymore was an anoying villin in FFX, but I felt that he wasnt the major problem overal. I mean after you beat him the first three times it got to the point where he wasnt even really needed. He wasnt the finnal villan like Sepheroth was. I mean Thats why Sepheroth was so great. He was there till the end, he at all times was the villin you were pushing to kill. In Ten I found Seymore to be an anoyance and that Yu Yevon was the real villin, although he was a nice ad as the lead antagonist roll. I feel he wasnt insane parsey like THE SEPHEROTH GENE stated. He was more like twisted to the point of coming off insane. I mean the things he was doing was terrible to other but in his mind it was doing the right thing. Sort of in death you can all be free so its a better life and salvage humanity. Kind of like a self sacrifice for the currupt and twisted. Also I found him to be cunning in his goals, and I liked how he got around with it. Considering Master Mika had no clue his true intent. I did feel badly though when he wasted Kinok, and when he slayed the Ronso it was on. Other than that I feel Seymore was a nist Antagonist to fight and rejoyce in beating, but I felt that in retrospect he wasnt the main villin, for the whole game I was set on Yu Yevon ( I would say sin but sin is Ject and being manipulated by Yu Yevon so yea, plus Ject is funny as hell in those flashback spheres).
Roxas 101 said:
wow i don't like seymor but not that much:D
one thing i absolutely hate about seymour is that he just wouldn't stay dead he always had to come back, it was so annoying, everytime there was another battle with him i said why must you come back, i mean i already beat you, so stay dead:D

Wow. It's the same thing with me, I got so annoyed from him getting back up again,again, and again. His high voice made it more annoying though :wacko: .
AndrewDay said:
Seymour was a total gimp. I just wanted to smash his face in. But he does have his mother which is one of the best Aeons in the game. Anima is a pro Aeon. Seymour shouldn't even have it. Hes a discrace to all of his Guado people. I will spit on his grave.

Amen!! I really didn't like Seymour from his stupid hair to his gay voice. Bleh he annoyed the hell outta me. Sorry to any Seymour fans, no offense to you xD
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