Threads Of Fate Is PSP Ready [6/3]

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007
^ Why? I love that system myself, and the games I have for it. If old PS1 games I can't find anymore are available one more time through UMD or digital download, how is that a bad thing? Should I instead pay ridiculous amounts of money on eBay for a used game missing manuals or even original box/casing, and with money that won't go to the developer?

I keep hearing good things about Threads of Fate, so that's a potential buy from me :hmmm:
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You should totally buy it. I love Threads of Fate. Threads of Fate totally made made my summer at one point, and I played through it about 50 times. It's a fantastic game, a bit short though. :hmmm:
Seeing as we never saw it released on this side of the Atlantic, having it on PSN will be very welcoming. I've seen videos of it being played and I have to say, I would love to have a go at it. I wouldn't mind playing it on the PSP though, but I'm not going to get one of those PSPGos.

Square needs to let go of PSP already.

I totally disagree. The PSP still has a strong install base and if SE or indeed any other company unleashes a strong release for the PSP, it would still sell really well. Crisis Core and Dissidia both did exceptionally well on the PSP. It's still a profitable platform, just less popular than the DS. I for one would love to have more games to play on my PSP (if it isn't currently kaput).
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