Tips for Chaos battle in Inward Chaos Chapter


Jan 26, 2011
So I cant beat Chaos in Inward Chaos chapter. So can someone give me tips or something that would help?

I'm playing with Golbez and here is my equipments:

Wizards Rod
Lunate Armlet

and here is my equipments:

Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Orange, Red and White Drop
Guts Powder
2x Guts Shard
Blue Gem

and my summon is Odin.
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well if you want to defeat chaos on that kind of level you must use sephiroth and it is better that you use him because sephiroth can extremely defeat chaos if you only knew his moves ill teach you some of his moves
I'd have to disagree on Sephiroth, perhaps it's lack of skill on my part but I find him only good for breaking characters and poor for actually dealing HP damage, especially on IC Chaos.

Personally i'd say Warrior of Light (shield of Light), Firion (shield bash/weaponmaster), Onion Knight (guiding swipe/wind slash), Exdeath (mid block covers the majority), Cloud (block and braver/omnislash v5), Squall (beat fang to aerial circle or rough divide his distant attacks)

As for avoiding his attacks...

His teleport spin attack just block 3 times, then attack

His regular combo, get some distance and block or get above him and use an attack that keeps you above him

Divine Punishment: Get in the air but don't move, after about 3-4 seconds, dodge in any direction then charge Chaos while he's throwing the sword

Demondance: Get in the air and when you hear him teleport, dodge away, when he says 'Drown in your dreams!' you can attack him from below to avoid damage

Scarlet Rain: Get airborne fast and then block the fireballs and dodge the rock he throws at you

Charged firebeam (sorry, forgot the name :sad3:) just charge him as quickly as possible and attack him or if you can't get as high up or as far down as possible and hope for the best :gonk:

Utter Chaos: Just try to keep on the move and in the air to dodge the initial attack, then when he throws the swords avoid the glowing areas.

Hope that helps :awesome:
If you're using Golbez, then I suggest you do a lot of dodging. Only counter attack him, whether you do so by blocking or dodging him. Genesis rock is your friend in this one. Summons are near pointless against Chaos, so put on a summon that won't go auto summon and put on a booster that is before summon. Don't use the summon.

I don't use golbez that often though, so I would find my own way of customizing what I just said if I were you.

And Jeansquall, who one is best with isn't by the characters move set, but by the plyers strategy to be honest. Nobody cen tell you who to play as.

I have made a habbit of killing chaos at level 100 with the following, just for fun.

WoL, Garland, Firion, Emporer, Cecil, Golbez, Cloud, Squall, Zidane, Kuja, and Gabranth.

With Golbez all I do is Genesis Rock spam and build some brave though...

WoL I stay defensive, gaining a massive brave boost with every block I make, then whiping out a combo brave/HP attack and ending it quickly.

Garland I build a shitload of brave through attacks and hammer him with various HP attacks befitting the situation.

Firion, Counter counter counter, shield bash/double trouble.

Emporer, dodge, flair...that's about it...

Cecil, build brave in Paladin, hammer HP in Dark Knight.

Cloud: Build brave with attacks, then combo HP attack him.

Squall: Build 9999 brave with my EX mode active, then hit him with fated circle when I see an opening. Or any other HP attacks I see an opening for.

Zidane: brave, then smash him with HP attacks, but I have a damage build, so I can break with just a single combo.

Kuja: Float high and then use Ultima when he uses an attack that renders him immobile. When he comes close, fall or use Star Flair.

Gabranth: Get in EX mode fast, then launch Brave attacks. The EX force released should be enough to stay in EX mode, provided you can gain EX force while attacking. Then when you hit 9999 Brave, smash him with the fitting HP attack.

That's how I do it...I'm rather basic against Chaos.
Well I'll try today once more with Golbez ( defeated twice but third is impossible) and if I dont success then I'll try with the others.

Thanks for all your help they were very usefull I'll REP+ all of you ;D
One last note if you stick to using Golbez, make sure to have EXP to HP on, his EX mode isn't anything fancy so keeping your HP up may be to your benefit instead.