Tournament Battle: Faith versus Logic

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Hera Ledro

FFF's resident Furry novelist
Oct 16, 2006
Combatants - Karen Newport and Ravona Denton (FireFrenzy vs. Drachnon)

Arena – Earth: Forest of the Elves

Lush emerald leaves garnished the trees for as far as the eye could see. The singing of the elven folk could be heard on the rustling wind, and the trees seemed to sway in tune with the song, though this was only an illusion created by the leaves on the wind.

There were several dwellings made within the trees and under them, and a small clearing in the centre of the settlement, accompanied by its own fountain. The water gushed in the small clearing, little more than a score-foot wide, and a river could be heard to the east, the swelling of the water only slightly louder than the splashing of the fountain.

Holes littered the trees, though difficult to spot to the unwary eye. Leaves blew into the dwellings, and were quickly blown out again by the magic of the elven inhabitants.

Within an instant, an emerald light flashed in the air, and three figures appeared in the clearing. To the north of the fountain lay a man, nigh feline in appearance. To the south was a thin woman, and appeared to be an inherent mage. The final figure floated but a few feet above the gushing fountain: a majestic woman wearing flowing emerald and pine-green robes, her face partially veiled beneath the hood of her attire. Her eyes shone a pale green as she spoke, her voice as soft as the blowing wind.

“Warriors of the worlds, it is time. We have come to decide who shall lead the universe to salvation against the forces of evil. Before we can bestow this great honour upon you, however, you must first face a trial.”

“You shall be pitted against warriors who have also been chosen. Succeed in your battle, and you move on to fight the victor of another battle. Fail, and you return to your own world, where you shall live with your own kind until our salvation or doom. Should you die at any time, you will be reborn as the great oak is with the seasons, and you shall age as you once did.”

“In this realm, you will find your abilities involving the manipulation of plant-life and healing amplified by twice their original power. Use this to your advantage, and battle with honour.”

“Should you fail, you will not be able to proceed to aid your people. Bear this in mind, and use it to fuel your desire to win.” In another brilliant flash of light, and a sound akin to a roaring wind, the woman vanished.

The elves were frozen in time, unable to move a muscle or make a sound. Everything proceeded as normal, but their frozen eyes stared ominously at the competing warriors, their halted minds unable to comprehend what was about to take place…
OOC: I'm going to insist on playing my character as she's supposed to be played.

The sudden unwilling teleportation had almost knocked Ravona unconscious, however even in her confused state Ravona was still capable to hear the words of the hooded woman. While thinking about what just happened over Ravona tried to get up. She could feel the moist grass between her fingers and heard leaves crumble as she shifted her weight.

Everything had happened so quick, she had been at home with all her magical wards in place when suddenly she had felt them being crushed relentlessly before she herself had been sucked into a portal leading to this place.
Next thing she knew a hooded person, without identifying herself, announced that she had to fight to man laying on the other side. Claiming that this would somehow select someone who would lead the 'universe' against the forces of 'evil'.
The hooded person had also made some claims about them being reborn even if they were to die but since Ravona didn't plan on fighting much less dying she didn't even bother putting any more thought into those claims.

Whoever it was that had set this thing up made a few mistakes, Ravona was very displeased with her current situation. There had been a few very fatal logical flaws in the words and actions of the hooded stranger. First for someone who's picking a person to lead the universe she had a quite 'evil' way of doing so.
Second, deciding on a leader through combat power would not necessarily mean you would end up with a capable leader though most likely it would be a strong leader. If one was willing to have it's forces controlled by brawn instead of brains meant that she was willing to make unnecessary sacrifices which one could also label 'evil'.
Third no one in their right mind would believe that being reborn as easy as this person made it appear.
And last Ravona knew several dozen people more qualified and motivated then herself to lead a universe into battle.
All of these things together meant only one thing, this was one big facade. No matter how unlikely some people might find it Ravona concluded that rather then fighting to lead the universe against the forces of evil. One or an other party considered Ravona and possibly her opponent, though she had as of yet no proof thather opponent was not in league with the hooded woman, to be an obstruction to their objective and planned to play them out against each other. By itself was having your opponents fight each other a sound tactical move their way of doing it was a bit too flawed to work on anyone with a brain between their ears.

Having drawn her conclusions Ravona decided it would be best leave this place with haste as it was safe to assume that this was hostile territory. Ravona waved her hands and mumbled a few words. With a flash of light Ravona disappeared leaving no trace she had even been there save for a few crumbled leaves.

So that's what will happen, I think you might want to reconsider the reason we are holding this tournament.
Karen was suddenly transported to a strange clearing, luckily he had gotten enough advance warning to get some clothing on. He had been “busy” when the call had come.

Feeling like he had done 3 bottles of vodka shooters the night before he found himself on some clearing in a forest somewhere okay the girl who was talking to him, something about the end of the world and armies and a lot of other BS… Like he didn’t know the apocalypse was coming… then all of a sudden the robe girl vanished and the headache died down enough that he could get to his feet.

Just as he had done so and was about to size up the well girl on the other side of the clearing she vanished into thin air, seeing as her sent was also gone this was probably a teleport. Well who ever thought this was a cool practical joke was obviously not aware of how much he HATED jokes, well jokes on him anyways, the girl had been jailbait and the other one “below average” and that would not do…

So with his adversary gone he set off to find some food… He was hungry…

OOC: I hartily agree with drach, either just describe the setting and let us handle it or give it sufficient thought… As I am going on holiday next Sunday I forfeit the win to Drachnon…

Ooh and one more thing Faith? Karen isnt religious he was worshipped at some point but other then that... i'd have called it something like Easy going versus control

@Drach I do expect you to win now…
Although the Judges initially saw Drachnon's post as a forfeit, due to FireFrenzy's definite forfeit, we will be allowing Drachnon to continue to the next round.

Victor: Drachnon
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