Training your characters


Chocobo Breeder
Jun 30, 2007
Hi everybody,

I just wanted to ask you, which characters do you use (and why) and most importantly, what is in your opinion the best way to train them (and fastest ) - I mean, which areas are the best.

And also, where can I obtain the best regular loot to make money

Hope you got what I ment :) as I probably said it a little bit chaotic :)

thanks for any help

PS just for imagination - I am using mostly Vaan, Basch and Fran and they are right now lvl 31, 29 and 29 and I have some difficulties to finish Stilshrine of Miriam (the final esper boss)

thanks again
I use Basch and Balthier because I like them. I use Penelo as my third character because, out of the other four, she's the least irritating.

As for training, if you're in the stilshrine of miriam, I'd say the paramina rift or golmore jungle. Both places have plenty of monsters to kill.

If you have ice shields, equip them when you fight mateus and use shell. Also, have you tried berserking Basch? It works wonders.
I use Basch and Balthier because I like them. I use Penelo as my third character because, out of the other four, she's the least irritating.

As for training, if you're in the stilshrine of miriam, I'd say the paramina rift or golmore jungle. Both places have plenty of monsters to kill.

If you have ice shields, equip them when you fight mateus and use shell. Also, have you tried berserking Basch? It works wonders.

Thanks! I will try that. I have only one Ice Shield on Vaan and I dont have the Shell spell (I will have to go to some shop as in Mt But-Omisace they dont have it...)

I will try to berserk him and Fran to heal him... will see if it will work for me :)

thanks again, will report back
I use vaan since he has best overall stats by lv 99, ashe since she has 2nd best stats and penelo because she is the best magic caster.

Berserking isn't good since you can choose who you target.
Instead just have all 3 heal and attack ^_^
I didnt use ice shelids and i was lv 25 and i won fairly easily
Right now my main party consists of Vaan, Basch, and Penelo. All three of them are at level 45. And my reserve party is Ashe (lvl35) Balthier and Fran (lvl30).

I just reached Archades.
I've spent a lot of timie leveling up in the golomore jungle and doing chains on Panters there. 99 Couerl pelts sell for over 40,000. =]
Guy, thanks for your input. I have finaly managed to Kill mateus, but I wasnt easy... I had to repeat it onec, as it killed me when it had like 500 HP with Blizzaja or how its called...

It was pretty teadeous for me, as I had to manualy attack and heal and so on and so on as I cant work that good with Gambits...
And also, the first part wasnt easy, as I had to kill the Ice Azers, and as Mateus had reflect the spell also affected my characters (as I dont have Protect and Shell - I have to buy it on the next shop - as on Mt Bur Omisec it couldnt be bought...).

But I managed to do that.

I will probably go to train in the jungle, as in the southern part theres the couerls and they are pretty strong for my level, good value and enough exp points.

Any other hits for me? maybe about common use of gambit strategies...

thanks again and have fun
I keep all my party at the same level, I usually train near monsters that give you more than 1 to spend on the license grid. This way you gain experience and skills very quickly.
I often visit the giza plains during the rain to kill an elemental or 3, along with the accesory that gives double exp. they give more than 3600+ exp. per kill xD.
WAIT! What is the accessory that gives double exp. I could look it up, but you telling me could help me a lot considering I am in the Giza Plains during the rains and I am trying to level up from 19 to at least 25 or higher before going on to the Ozmone Plains.

BTW: I keep all my party members at the same level or at least within one level of each other. I have a problem with efficiency like that. I am going to try to beat this game doing the best I can!

Question: Here is how I set up my char. Tell me if it sounds right. I also need some weapon and armor recomendations for my mages and healers. Penelo, Ashe, and Fran(more of a battlemage.)

Balthier-Range-Guns-Heavy Armor
Ashe-Healer-Staves-Mystic Armor
Vaan-DPS(WoW Warlock lol)-Ninja Swords-Light Armor
Fran-Battlemage-Bows w/Magick-Mystic Armor
Basche-Tank/Warrior-Spears-Heavy Armor
Penelo-Mage-Rods-Mystic Armor

Any help would be appreciated. So I know what to do while I am leveling. Just asking for some ideas. Thanks!
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I was just today playing FF - battle with Judge B, but I can not figure out how to kill him, as he has the 3 pesky judges to help him... What might work on them? How can I get rid of the 3 helpers asap?
As they always just bash me to death...

As for the wapons and armour, I just always try to the the best avaliable...

anyways, my party lvl is as follows? Vaan 32, Basch 30, Fran 29, Balthier 28 and Penelo and Ashe 24 (I am trying to get them to the same level as the rest, but they just keep dying all the time :))

anyways, for my its just annoying to attack, heal, attack, heal and again and again... Any hints about the strategies? As the bosses (and mostly if there are more of them) just slash me to pieces just for the raw number of them (I mean now when I fight Judge or other bosses where thers more than just one figour)

any hints here?
My main 3 are the 3 guys in the party: Vaan, Balthier, and Basch.

I pick them because it's who connects to me the most. Vaan is who I think the main character is so I included him right away. At first I thought Basch would be my favorite character so I started leveling him up. Then as I saw more of Balthier I began to see how he's my favorite character and now I use him the most.

Ashe is a close 4th palce.
Judge Bergan i killed at about level 30-35 with 2 quickening chains before he even had chance to attack me.

I used :

Basch as a tank
Ashe as both Mage and warrior
Fran as both
Penelo as both but expertising in spellcasting

I picked them because i like them more ^_^

Theres an accessory called the Golden Armlet which you can buy in Archades which doubles your LP gain, and later on you can buy an item called the Embroildeld Tippet (or however you spell it) which doubles your EXP earned ^_^

a good place to train is the golmore jungle, i was level 25 before leaving there with 4 characters and got a load of Gil and LP too ^_^
In the cerobi steppes you can defeat shield wyrms for 3800+ exp perpiece, with the double exp. accesory that makes almost 8k exp. per kill ^^.
Thanks guy, i will try the quickenings and will see how that work out.

anyways, when using Basch as tank, you cast decoy on him so the enemies focus on him and you keep healing him, or just you use him as a butcher and the rest as mages?

I use Basch, Balthier, Fran, & Vaan. =D.

Best Place to train? I'd say Golomore Jungle or Parmonia Rift. *nod, nod*
Use your 3 weakest characters do a mist chain then change over to the original 3, which may kill the 2 lesser judges

Judge bergan is easy for the 1st 3/4 of the fight then he gets hard with his enrage
If you set up gambits with 2 of your characters ~party leader target-attack
~ally hp>40% cura/curaga for this stage and a few others like heal your self with appropriate healing items against status effects or even esuna
Gabranth, thanks, I will tray that today, hope I will bae able to manage it :)
I will report it tomorrow
thanks again and have a nice day
I found a new best place to train!

In the Nabreus deadlands go to the hidden path (where you fight that golem hunt and where you can acquire the 3rd medallion you need for the necrohol of nabudis bosses).

In that place Dead Bones pop out of the ground like there's no tomorrow, they die fairly easy but still give a nice 1500 exp., combine that with the Embroided Necklace (double exp.) and the fact that per visit you can encounter more than 30 of em, this gives very fast experience. If you run out of dead bones just go 2 areas back and return. If you want you can avoid killing other creatures on the way ( you wont encounter a lot, maybe 2 banshees) and have one of your biggest chains ever.
There are loads of awesome places to train all over the world but a good place to gain chain levels and make lots of gil is the Nam-Yensa Sandsea:)
Best place to level up?

When I faced the last boss for the first time... my characters were all around level 45 and my weapons & armors were not that great. I did not want to waste too much time trying to level up, so I ended up going in the depths of the Lhusu Mines... which I believe is the best place to go. There are tons of Undead monsters in this area and before long (couple of hours) I left this place with all my characters at level 65.