

Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
Where's the best place to train for both EXP & jobs?

And also somewhere fairly easy to train with decent exp for a party that's lvl 33 - 35? I need to dedicate afew hours to training for a while I think >_>
The vois is a decent place to train, get quite abit of ABP in there aswel, I just kinda rushed through it though so i didn't bother -dash was equipped and I legged it all the way through :wacky:
The Vois? Where is that? I'm only on the 1st world. Im at the floaring castle/ruins. Where is a good place to build up in this world?
I mean the Void >_<

Its in the 3rd world, I never found anywhere decent to train all the way through it, I just mooched through and gained extra levels from being lost >_<
Thanks. I know what you mean though. Sometimes getting lost can be a blessing in disguise as for as levels are concerned. I just got to Galuf's world. You mean there's 3 different worlds in all?
Yeah, theres the combined world after Galufs. It's like bleeding torture >_<

I was really struggling with training spots towards the end though, not being strong enough to go in the void but I kept getting my arse handed to me on a certain boss which almost made me quit because I hate training with a passion and I just couldn't be bothered
Oh yes :monster:

Although it's no secret that I really hate this game, you might not struggle as much as I have done >_>
Are we talking snes version or gba version? If it is the latter: Train in the sealed temple. But you have to have beaten the game first. But for jobs (And money), fight at the "last floor" in the rift, you know, right before you fight Exdeath. The least amount of Ap you can get per battle is 28. The most is 199 by defeated some Movers. And if you beat Movers, you can get 150,000-250,000 gil. :D
I agree with Zeromus, movers are the best way to train. PS (zenigage is the best way to kill them...)
Yeah the Void is probably your best bet their, but try to make sure it's near an area where you can heal up and save every so often so you don't lose all you've trained for.
Earlier in the game I find that a great way to train is using the D.Chimeras just north of the Ancient Library. They provide 3ABP and around 250 experience I believe. They are the ones from whom you can learn the Blue Magic spell Aqua Rake. In order to do it effectively my party was as follows:

Levels: 18-21
Butz: Ninja with the Guardian and Crescent
Lenna: A white mage/summoner
Galuf: A Mystic Knight with Two Handed learned from the Knight Job
Farris: A Time mage.

The Ninja often gives you a preemptive. Haste Lenna; that way she can cure 2 your party or use life if needed. Next, haste either Galuf or Butz, and the other on your third turn. This should make short work of the D.Chimera. It also is a relatively simple party to assemble, and allows you to train a variety of jobs. Great for getting ABP early, and getting to some of the levels on jobs that require 30+ ABP. Downside is that you have to heal often, but you can do that in the Ancient Library for free. Also, it does not provide a whole lot of gil. However, gil can be easily won from the Wild Knacks in the forest east of Karnak. The Knacks give about 650 gil per fight, and are victim to Level 5 Doom, thus making for easy fights

I find best way to train is the Object d' Arts in the basement of Galuf's castle. They give roughly 18 ab each and come in groups of either 20 or five. Plus you can kill them using gold needles/softs. Been a while so I don't have a recomendation for xp.
The final level of the Void is a great place to train jobs. You get about 30 JP from every battle. I managed to Master all my jobs there but, you don't get exp. The other levels of the Void(Any one of them really) gives massive amounts of EXP. The Void is the best Final Dungeon ever.
First world: Any of the small islands near Crescent Island.
Enemy: Prototype
Hp: 5,000.
Exp: 500
How to defeat it: Once you learned the control ability from Trainer, simply use that ability and have the monster self destruct. (Most powerful monster in world one.)

Galuf's world: Sealed Castle
Enemy: Shield Dragon
LV: 29
HP: 20,000
Exp: 10,000 (5,000 in the psx versions)
How to defeat it: Simply do the same method as you would against Prototype, but preferably have two players with the control ability. Also make sure someone has the white mage ability that's a must! Once you control the creature, spam blaze on itself until it's gone.

Fused worlds: The Void
Exp Varies
How to defeat them: Varies, but primarily having good weapons, strong enough levels, etc.