Translated Final Fantasy XIII Trailer Shows Off Voice Acting [1/13]

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yaoi master ari
Oct 25, 2009
Destructiod writes:

Seeing this new trailer for Final Fantasy XIII is a thrill for me as I've put going on 40 hours into the Japanese version. It's nice to see how it's going to turn out in my first language. And wow, the voice acting is superb. I've seen all of the included scenes (holy sh*t, some are dangerously close to spoiling), and I can say that theEnglish language version holds up very well when compared to the Japanese version. Color me impressed. Fantastic job, Square Enix.

You'll also get to hear the new cut (I hate when people say that) of Leona Lewis' "My Hands," the Final Fantasy XIII theme song for the round eyes. It's no "Eyes on Me," but it does the trick. I'm probably alone in liking the sappy pop ballads instead. The Japanese score has me all melty and romantic. I've learned the main theme on piano already.

But back to the voice acting. Damn. I'm so proud of you, Square Enix. I'm definitely playing the English version now.

Source: Destructoid
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I seriously love Lightning's voice here. She definitely did a superb job. I'm warming up to Hope now as well. Hmm...My thought I could get into it at first but it just...doesn't flow well, but whatever. My opinion.

Two more months! Clock is ticking.
You know, that trailer actually got me excited about the game. Maybe just a little bit at least...

The voices do sound amazing, I was expecting them to have those voices but it actually sound like it's good quality.

As far as I'm concerned, my only worry is how the characters gel in the story. I don't think a trailer can convince me of that so I'll just have to play it.
I have to say though...and I'm not sure if this is just me being picky or what...but after Lightning says "So stay strong" and the tears suddenly seemed a bit off. :hmmm: It didn't quite reach up for that teary moment, I suppose. But it's still good nonetheless.

Thanks for the video, Ariana! =]
Honestly, I still don't like them at all. The cast isn't the worst I've heard, but its definetely down there. I can't honestly say I'm overkeen on the song, either - but then, Leona Lewis isn't exactly to my taste anyway.

I can only hope for the option to turn the voices off and just have the subtitles on. If not, I'm going to have to seriously reconsider buying this game. I have a fairly high tolerance for poor voice casting, but everything I've heard from FFXIII so far is just irritating the hell out of me...
I've been watching the Japanese trailer too many times. Watching it in English now just feels utterly weird. I really need to get used to it. :wacky:

"My Hands" doesn't seem to fit for me. I am too used to hearing Sayuri Sugawara's song. That was definitely more fitting.

As for the voice acting........right.....where do I start? Lightning and Jihl Nabaat are perfect fits. Lulu's voice makes a great female villain here. Dysley, Cid Raines and Rygdea seem fine. Sazh seems satisfactory.

I'll need to listen to Serah and Hope more to get used to their voices. But Yun Fang's voice actress really doesn't seem to be giving much oomph when she aims her spear at the party.

It's certainly not the worst I've heard, but it's definitely nothing amazing. It does seem irritating and painful to listen to at some places, but hopefully I'll get used to it eventually.
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Ummmm truly beautiful I love the voice acting and this is final right? no changing anymore. God damn though the song in the backround where is Kimi ga iru kara. Damn you Leona. But then again the music isnt that bad.
"My Hands" doesn't seem to fit for me. I am too used to hearing Sayuri Sugawara's song. That was definitely more fitting.
I have to agree. I enjoy listening to the song and the trailer was brilliant, but it looked as if "My Hands" was just slapped on top of the trailer, not one part of it flowed well with the trailer. It was either drowned out by the voice acting or down the voice acting out. I thought I could get away with the first verse being a bit off but the whole song seems off now it's on the trailer.

Oerba Yun Fang yessssssssssssssssssssssss! :rage:
Okay, I can admit that I'm kind of a "japanophile" so I still prefer the Japanese voices over the English ones. And from what I understand, it's understandable for Japanese to have better voice acting since it's a recognized career as opposed to the West or something, so it's not unexpected :hmmm:

But anyways, putting aside my language bias, I can say that the voice acting isn't bad in English here. Sazh, Cid, Jihl and Fang are my current current faves, followed by Lightning, Snow, Hope in second. I'm...not really loving Vanille's voice though. I think she sounds too high pitched. When she was screaming in one scene I was cringing quite a bit >.<

I've more or less resigned myself to "My Hands" and I admit hearing it with those scenes in the trailer, it's not as unbearable as it was before.

I've been avoiding spoilers like the plague, so hearing something about those markings piques my interest, for sure.

And on a final note - I think I'm starting to understand why people are inspired to make fan art of certain pairings :awesome:
The city at the end (was it Cocoon?) looked incredible. I could buy the game just to stare at that for hours on end, and I'm not even a big graphics junkie. Also, GOOD VOICE ACTING FOR THE WIN. Has to be the first time I heard quality voice acting in a JRPG, although I suppose Lost Odyssey wasn't TOO horrible.

However, I agree that the song was out of place. It didn't sound like a song fit for Final Fantasy, because it isn't made for Final Fantasy.
nice.. I like it..
the voice acting is great.. but.. the part where lightning said "so stay strong.."..
for me, it didnt really make me feel sad or teary.. but still.. its good..

and the theme.. I still prefer sayuri's song than leona's.. my hands doesnt really fit.. but we cant do anything about it..
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