Travnia RP Bio


Dec 13, 2009

Role Playing Battle Biography

: Travnia
Title: Star Streamer
Alignment: Neutral
Race: Angel
Gender: Male
Age: 7 Billion - [G]
Eye Colour: Dull yellow
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 255 Ibs
Build: Medium build
Hair: Very long, chaos black hair


A sophisticated looking angel best recognised for his chaos black hair. His hair is extreme in length, worn straight down reaching to the small of the spine, with long strands hanging over his face. Through those strands peer his dull yellow eyes, incredibly unnatural. Travnia's eyes appear wide open, holding a yearning of rage mixed with focus. Weight is rested upon his gaze, a look of knowledge is held in his eyes. Standing tall at 6’ 5” his body is of medium build. Free from age and rot, Travnia is perfect in looks. He maintains the look of a forever young man.


His simple plain black clothes cover his body. Wearing only a torn and rugged black shirt, he is unaffected by the natural weather elements. Covering his legs, he wears a pitch black pair of trousers. Protecting his feet he wears a pair of dusted leather black boots. Finally completing his appearance is his 3/4 length black cotton trench coat.
The coat's length reaches only just past Travnia's knee height, fluttering all the time. Its light weight and thin material are ideal for freedom of movement when Travnia is in battle, or even wandering the universe. Concealing most of his body, the coat is worn open and slack, button's lie along the left inner rim, as their loop holder's lie within the right inner rim. Rarely does Travnia ever button-up the coat. All the clothing contains no pattern or design.


Travnia's armour is very unique. Created himself, his chest plate is very thin, yet strong and durable, the chest-plate is worn under his shirt. Only millimetres in depth, the silver metalled armour, leaves an inch or two, space, between his skin and the armour; for impact and shock damage. It encases his upper anatomy, by wrapping around him and locking into position. The armour is split into two plates; the chest plate and the back plate, a permanent shield over his torso, chest and spine. They are connected together, encasing the upper body, with the aid of locks. Two locks lie on either side of the waist. Two very small rectangular loops, on the chest plate, catch small hooks built onto the back plate. The same process is repeated on each shoulder, thus locking the top of the armour together. Once all eight locks are set, the armour is firmly in place. The weight of both plates is rested upon his shoulders. There is no swaying due to the locks, despite the shock gap between him and both plates.
Sets of locks are made from two locks directly parallel from each other. As previously said, two on the left hip area and two on the right, lock the lower half. The upper locks lie on the shoulders with, again, two locks on the left shoulder and two on the right shoulder.

The design upon the plate is rather vague. What appears to be an Angel holding a planet in his hand is engraved into the silver metal. No colour is made or complex patterns. Only this image dominates the left side on the chest plate. The image itself is not seen unless close enough to focus upon the fine narrow line that creates the image. On the right hand side of the armour his name is inscribed. Only in small text, suggests his time and title as an angel has not been forgotten. A classy finish to a phenomenal piece of armour.


Travnia’s person is extremely violent, his hatred for all cultures, religions, races and followers gives rise to his ruthless mentality. Travnia enjoys cruel and wicked torment for weak minded beings which he sees are worthless life forms. His loathsome for courageous and heroic figures fills him with bloodlust only to be satisfied by smashing them from existence. Travnia is vulgar and offensive in his speech in aim to provoke and torment any opposition.

First Impression

Through the eyes of others, their impression would see him as a hate filled being with an isolated mind. His physical appearance would be seen as lacking by the proud and brave. Travnia tends to engage in dialogue which would always befall any opponent. He will never strike unannounced.


Travnia’s physical strength is no more than any commoner. Strong physical hits are not his nature, his stamina for prolonged battle replaces this disadvantage. Despite being an angel his body is flesh and body and suffers the same limits and disadvantages as most beings. Travnia's physical strength is estimated to match the punching power/damage of an average human adult male.


Travnia’s speed is very fast, key to his fighting style his manoeuvrability can make him a difficult target but not impossible. His physical attacks are often attributed to speed tactics and surprise blows. His movement skills are approximately 15-17 mph. Constant movement at high speeds can only be mantained for 2-3 minutes.


Travnia’s endurance for damage and pain is high, although this damage will have effect on his battle ability, he is self disciplined for prolonged battle. Travnia can experience a final surge of energy toward the end of battle at the sight of his own blood. This surge can render him unconscious after usage. Travnia can maintain constant battle for approximately 15 minutes.


Travnia’s reflex is average, he is not so fast to react upon close-personal battle and will suffer damage. Further distanced incoming attacks have a greater chance of being dodged or countered as his reaction can be focussed on time delays.

Fighting Style

Travnia tends to favour unnatural attacks (magic) but does often use physical fighting style. Due to the nature of his weaponry Travnia can use physical combination attacks. Travnia loathes honour and will fight dirty. Other beings opinions on what may be honourable or not do not hold any sway. With a ruthless attitude, Travnia will not spare mercy for anyone under any circumstance. Travnia will aim to attack 360 degrees around an opponent, striking and attempting to wear down any advisory.


Since his creation Travnia has mastered something greater than a weapon; He had the ability to create a weapon. A violent build up of spirit energy combined with self faith, could replicate any blade he wanted. Despite this form of creation, Travnia favours one style of weapon in particular, the dual sickles.

-[Dual sickles]-

Hand crafted by Travnia himself. Upon mastering his faith, he unlocked the energy of his own spirit. Over the period of much study and practise, the ability to fuse matter was granted. Using his spirit and faith energy, he forged a new weapon, a weapon ruthless enough to be held by an angel such as himself. Fusing a crimson aura of light into solid matter, Travnia created the wicked dual sickles. The sickles are made from 10 inch long metal handles that mould with the steel hooks of the sickles. Each sickle has a diameter of 20 inches yet very thin in depth. The circumference of each sickle is 90 C from the handle.

The blades are used as hand-held weapons for close quarter battles; the blades can also be used as throwing weapons. The long thin handle that runs from the blade to the foot of the weapon, is hexagonal in diameter, made purely from fused matter in metal form. Travnia's hands fit perfectly, comfortably and tense. The handles was wrapped in a tight black coloured string webbing, to add more friction for the holder, to perfect attacking and defensive swings. A combination of severe sharpness, of the blade edge, and speed of movement, affect the power of the weapon. Unlike traditional scythes, where the under edge of the blade is the only sharp edge, the dual sickle blades are razor sharp along the both the under edge, top edge and of course the blade point. If Travnia is disarmed the sickles will cease to exist evaporating into the raw energy they were before being created.



To apprehend Travnia's use of Miracles is to understand how it is created; A combination of mathematics, spirit energy and self faith. The ability to believe in performing such an event combined with the knowledge of past, present and future of what the Miracles does. A mind, body and spirit held together with faith, enables Travnia to perform Miracles. Within his self faith lies an actual energy; the energy of the spirit. Travnia‘s maker granted him no soul, instead replaced it with faith, which in a God's way is the spirit of an angel. The belief in a God and his guidance can lead angels to perform the most complicated of tasks. The belief that they can, makes it so. They believe in themselves to perform miracles with gods blessing. Upon his makers destruction Travnia has broken the mould and unlocked his own faith in miracles.


Using the miracle to control atoms Travnia can bring together mass quantities of molecules to create fine compressed air to elevate him to any heights, essentially allowing him to float and manoeuvre at speed through the air (flying). This ability is learnt from birth; much like walking. This is an ability that uses no extra energy. [Ability only used moderately]

-[Razor Shrapnel]-

The charge of spirit energy, to create primary weapons, can be costly in pre-emptive strikes. Having been witness to these occurrences, Travnia has a secondary weapon that are used to counter immediate attacks. This attack was adopted from another angel of different race and God; the Angel Kayon.

A flurry of razor shrapnel can be launched from under his coat, the creation of small pieces of flying matter can be performed quickly however this is seen more as a defensive approach. This attack is minor in damage, used more for defense - energy consumption is low ranging at 5%.


Entities that are slaves to only their God, such as in Travnia’s case an angel, has the ability to control atoms and molecules, leading to conclusion of powerful radiated attacks. Atomic and Biological attacks have been practised from his former duties. When using this particular ability in battle, it varies in power, density and style. He will never use the same style of attack more than once. His control of matter is only ever used in the greatest of battles, again, his attacks with this ability vary, and he will never replicate his previous attacks. In performing continuous use of these acts they can cause severe drain on his stamina causing blackouts. In ancient times Travnia has been known to destroy stars and create black holes. [Ability only used if opponent agrees]

-[Meta-Morphosis: Angelic Appearance]-

When his most powerful parameters are called upon, Travnia will bring forth his true form. His long black trench coat changes, as he dons a full length white version of the coat, made from the same cotton material Travnia's full length white trench coat is buttoned-up the middle, from waist to collar. The coat is worn tight to him, with the lower half of the coat loosely hanging.
Not only his coat but his trousers, shirts, shoes and gloves all emit a godlike white. A chaotic sight, as his pitch black hair, which hangs over the upper half of the coat, contrasts with the fully white uniform.

There are two bodily changes to Travnia in his most powerful form. The first are the return of his wings. Two wing back bones, created from spirit energy immerge from his shoulder blades. A blinding white light brings the white wings into matter upon the back bones that then solidify. They are essentially created with the aid of spirit energy. The wings are purely for show, they do not provide any assistance to his movement or hinder his movement. They are transparent in their purpose. The two wings are each bigger than his upper anatomy. His wing-span is incredible, as the white feathers overlap one another time and time again, stretching to 8 feet; each wing is 4 feet in length.

The second change to his body is the removal of his eyes. His dull yellow eyes are replaced with a brilliantly glowing white aura, from each eye socket. The glow is intense enough that when quickly moving his head, the light from his eyes trails with him.

This form is primarily ceremonial, as is was this form Travnia used billions of years ago as an archangel.


Travnia tends to avoid basic elemental magic in favour of draining magic. He avoids using the same magic attack more than once per battle. Travnia’s magical attacks are more focussed on dynamic attacks rather than basic magic, never the less Travnia favours signature miracles to cause havoc.


Past duties for his Lord have given Travnia the ability to rain down burning sulphur; harnessing the fire element; this ability requires the use of Travnia’s float miracle. Burning particles of sulphur can cause horrific injuries if not wisely defended against. Depending on the length and mass of the sulphur produced will affect his overall energy supply. [Fire]

-[Cul Mhor]-

Travnia can raise dead skeletal warriors from the ground, equip with primitive weaponry and ancient armour. The skeletons are aimed at providing Travnia extra physical assistance, however this summon can take huge tolls on his energy supply depending on the number of skeletons raised from the ground. Each skeleton warrior is weak in attack and defence essentially only able to slash primitive swords. The skeletons appear decayed, filthy from the ground they have been summoned from. Broken and shattered bones cause them to limp and waddle in movement. [Enhanced physical attack]


Travnia can call upon dead spirits which can be compressed into a projectile form or energy. If absorbed by an opponent the spirits of the dead will aim to decay and drain the body of its physical energy to succumb to limpness. The absorption on Travnia's spirit energy can be ranged at 22%. [Drain]


Another former duty can be called upon to his aid, calling forth a plague of locusts with the intend the swarm of black beasts will eat away and cause damage to an opponents armour, with their metal grinding teeth. This plague was used in ancient times to strip the skin from sinners children. The absorption on Travnia's energy can be ranged at 18% [Nullify]


Travnia is the only one of his kind, not strictly an Angel in terms of religious nature. His maker was destroyed by another God, rendering him without a master. There are other races of angels that litter the universe performing duties for their Gods. Travnia is now alone a b*stard son of a forgotten God. His maker did not cap him in terms of his abilities, and now gone, Travnia is the sole survivor of his ‘race’.

The Void

The mystery of the void is a true enigma, a true universal miracle. No one truly knows who created the void. The void is a passing realm to all the different universes in existence, it links together everything ever created. Only used by those who have the knowledge and power to withstand its awesome force. Having been designed and created in the void Travnia knows the realm expertly. This realm can take Travnia or indeed anyone who can enter it to anywhere in all the universes that exist.

The void connects all universes together through a centralised core, known as the ‘White Hole’. The void takes the form of a web. As the web spans out more and more parallel universes are connected together by the void links. Essentially astronomically massive tunnels bridging universes together.
The entire universes and all their possibilities are unlocked, with the aid of the void. Travnia showed particular interest, in that of Matter and Antimatter. Believing in the possibility of mirror matter, he believes in uncharted parallel universes with the power of antimatter.

The realm acts as a gateway between the universes. The two dimensions act on different rules and laws. While universes are ruled by mathematics and physics, the void is not. Inside the void all balance of power is controlled with self will, faith. One can become as powerful as they imagine yet be countered by that of another with equal desires.

Inside the void is nothing but white, a realm of nothingness. It is here, in this realm, that the two systems of dimensions come together. Both systems of life are merged giving those who can harness the extreme power to become Gods of their own. Creation, knowledge, death, re-birth are all tied within this realm where anything and everything is possible. With his access to freely wander in and out of the void, Travnia can reach any point in all the universes at any moment. Essentially, time and space are folded within the void. If Travnia is killed outside of the void, his spirit energy will return to the void and create a new body identical from the last. [Background knowledge, not used for battle]


As time streamed on with the birth of new universes, inside the cosmic void one God hand carved his first and most powerful angel. Black haired, wild eyed and fearsome strength, the angel would act as a messenger and perform his lords deeds. He was given a heart, mind and body. He was filled with faith in place of a soul. As the god finished his work, he named the angel Travnia and granted him the title ‘Star Streamer’.

In his young life the angel performed his makers commands throughout the universe. Never a duty undone, gained him respect under a flag of fear on millions of worlds. Travnia’s confidence grew with each kill. He had killed, collected and passed on the souls of his victim’s.

Millions of years after his creation Travnia’s power rose to the heights that he was revered to that of a demi-god throughout the universes he had performed in. As his immense power and confidence rose, so did his belief that he could break his rank and challenge his place as a God. His ambitions were shattered as his maker was destroyed by other rival God, filled with revenge Travnia challenged his new overlord.

Completely overwhelmed, Travnia was utterly destroyed under the endless and infinite powers of a rival God, physically destroyed and humiliated; he was stripped of everything he knew. His Archangel Status, his Godlike powers, his weaponry. The only item he was allowed to retain was his body. The Star Streamer was no more….

…Billions of years past, and Travnia had remained unquiet. Rebuilding himself from nothing, Travnia began to become his former self. In mastering the art of self-faith and rekindling his spirit energy the millenniums past like seconds. Forgotten strength grew, power rekindled, ambition exploded; Travnia returned as a rogue angel. No match for his former self, his path is ever expansive aiming to return to the status of his once feared existence. Travnia has worked to achieve his former title but the path is not yet complete. Revenge still burns and the search of his makers destructor is ever at hand. However billions of years have past and Travnia’s opportunity may no longer exist.
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I gave it a cursory glance, and this looks like a very good bio. But I have to know one thing before I get started, and that's whether this character will be used for RP Battles or not. Please put at the top of it which of the three RP types (URP/ORP/RPB) in which it will be used. It determines how I judge things.

Thanks. :monster:
Travnia’s physical strength is no more than any commoner.

"Commoner" is a bit subjective. Give us an idea of the type of damage a single punch could do.

Travnia’s speed is very fast,

How fast? An Olympic sprinter tops out at about 23 mph. Is he that fast? Faster?

Travnia’s endurance for damage and pain is high, although this damage will have effect on his battle ability, he is self disciplined for prolonged battle.

Again, "high" is a bit subjective. How long could he last in battle? You said previously that he has more or less human traits in terms of physical ability, and a battle-hardened warrior should go about 15 minutes of battle before needing a rest.

Also, how long can he run for before needing a rest? And at what speed?

-[Razor Shrapnel]-

This may be better suited under the Abilities tag. And I'm going to need an approximation of how much damage it can do, how much energy it uses, etc.

-[Meta-Morphosis: Angelic Appearance]-

Does this have any affect on his abilities? The way you described it makes it seem like it was just for show.


What's the energy drain here?



Also, how does his energy recharge?

With his access to freely wander in and out of the void, Travnia can reach any point in all the universes at any moment.

So, in essence, he could become unhittable. If a blow were about to land, he could disappear into the Void. There needs to be a counterbalance to this.

If Travnia is killed outside of the void, his spirit energy will return to the void and create a new body identical from the last.

Making him virtually immortal. This, combined with the Voidwalking makes him impossible to defeat, assuming his spirit energy coalesces immediately. He re-constitutes, Voidwalks back to the battle, and voila, he's back. This is going to need some work.


He's a formidable character, but for now, [NOT APPROVED].