Twitch Twitch Discussion & Inquiries


Dec 14, 2006
Chocobo Egg
Chocobo Egg
Barry the Behemoth
Accessory (Arms)
Mitsuki Calei
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Questions, comments, feedback? Maybe you'd like to comment about someone playing with their beard too much while streaming?! Here's the place to do it!

You can also make requests for particular games you'd like to see streamed, or pretty much whatever you can think of. Tutorials, GFX behind the scenes, FFF-related streams, whatever tickles your fancy.

For the past few days now, Twitch has been giving me problems. Sometimes I can't even access their website, or when I do, it gives me a blank page with the Twitch logo in the middle (or a server not found page). Flushing DNS helps sometimes, but the problem persists later on. When I do manage to get on the site, a lot of times I can't even view the Profile or Channel. Dashword seems to work though, but I can't view Twitch videos at all. It's a back-and-forth thing that's getting really frustrating. I have the latest flash installed too, so I'm not sure if it's a problem on my end or Twitch. Anyone else experiencing the same issue from time to time?
Ultima's Bane with FFF peeps:

Took awhile to fully touch up on my controls after a six months break. Apparently I had forgotten to zoom out in the first round. :| Geocrush right on top of me. I have no excuse.

The great struggle was the last set of orbs.
Best moments from that fight:

- Mitsuki's first (of many) death to Geocrush. Jeff wittily calls her a "loldrg". Mitsuki thinks I said it, probably because I was the first to call her a "loldrg" prior to starting the fight. I just end up confused.

- Kira and Jeff in chat like an old married couple. Kira accusing Jeff of shit heals and being a wannabe monk. Jeff christening the game as Salt Simulator 2015.

- Following a wipe, I make the comment "my butt is so clenched". Mitsuki notices and laughs, while Kira asks if I've floated off my chair yet, alluding to that earlier moment in (probably) Amdapor Keep HM when I said "my butt is so tight right now, I nearly floated off my chair".

- Jeff steals a Limit Break...5 seconds later we all wipe.

- Cofu and Kira off-tanking. Brave of them to volunteer to be sacrificial lambs.

- Our reactions when against all odds, we actually survived the last balls phase and won with a minute and a half on the clock.

- The fact that we were on Echo 25%.

Lesson from this fight: eat your balls like a man
Bambi - Moved your post here. :P And yes...yes, we did. But it was a fun battle, no stress, etc. Wish we can all do it again.
woops sorry, didnt realise there was a discussion thread!
Well I think I set it up on here correctly, bought the priv. and all how long does it normally take for my channel to get added to the listings?

Although I'm not exactly used to streaming yet, mostly since I dont get views -flips hands in the air-
Meijin Kawaguchi - It's been sorted. :) Have fun with it! I'll stream every now and then, but I'll usually use the FFF account for it.

Also I've set it so that the Twitch block will randomly feature a channel every 24 hours.
Ahh coolies thanks Mitsuki :D, I just started with it and if anyone watches my bloodborne stream lately you will hear me bitch and moan about being suckerpunched by EVERYTHING XD

Been playing a bit of everything though so my stream will be pretty active just need people to watch it XD
Awesome! If you can give us a heads up when you'll be streaming in that schedules thread, that would help a bit so I can get an idea when you'll do it, and I can help you with audience by linking your twitch live channel to our social media accounts. :)
Sry for the double post but a small update for my streams this week, chances are will be streaming darks soul's 2 pvp, dragon ball xenoverse pvp/missions, May finish dying light and bloodborne playthrough maybe more I'll be kinda scattered on my streams this weekend xD so if you wanna see a variety of stuff tune in Tuesday through Thursday night's :D
Downloaded Twitch on my PS4 the other day. I'm planning to stream Star Ocean 5 on the Universe difficulty, once I beat it on Galaxy (normal) difficulty (which I'm currently on).

And of course I'll likely be streaming FFXV when that time comes, too. :x3:
Twitch honestly pretty much runs my life. I absolutely love the website! I can't even say when the last time is that I actually played a game on my XBone. Twitch is always up and I'm always watching a stream on my console. :lew: