Ultimate Equipment - When?


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 23, 2007
Hi everyone.

Where & what lvl do ya start getting Ultimate Equipment?
I recently bought another PS2 to play this game again last time I got to Mateus summon and then didn't bother playin it so I have started again lol.

At the moment I have just beat Mimic Queen boss and that was mega easy so just wonderin when do Ultimate Weapons starts coming into play.

Also does anyone know where I can find a guide for getting them?

If you just defeated the Mimic Queen, you have quite a long way to go. Ultimate weapons don't come until much much later in the game, which is why they are called Ultimate weapons. And if you need a guide to get them, go to Gamefaqs. They have plenty of great guides there.
Ya you have a long way to go. The first Ultimate weapon that most people aim for is the formalhaut because you have to do the antlion mark (Fairly early compared to others).

The formalhaut is more useful the earlier you get it.