Announcements Upcoming changes.


Βρεκεκεκὲξ κοὰξ κοάξ
Staff member
Social Media Team
Jun 26, 2008
Shiva Snowflake
Carlos el Cactuar
Chocobo Egg
Accessory (Arms)
Accessory (Head)
Polyphemos Bromios
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Following a lot of recent feedback and internal discussion within staff we are looking into some fairly big changes on this forum that we think shall be for the better.

We are seriously considering deleting various sub-forums and making use of prefixes instead.

For example, we might delete the ‘Help Booths’ and introduce ‘Help’ prefixes where they don’t already exist. Similar changes shall occur with many sub-forums in Orience (apart from Palumpolum). Many of the sub-forums are simply not active enough to warrant a separate area.
A restructure shall help to streamline the forum and make us more accessible with fewer links to click and search through.

The archive:
Related to the re-structure, staff have been working hard on the archive recently. Do not worry if you find that entire sections in the archives are missing, or that particular threads are not where they once were. We are restructuring things so that we have archives in their own sections where relevant (such as past events and competitions), whereas many other threads are returned to their sections. This might naturally scare some people used to the archives, but the threads that will be returning will likely be so old that they shall not be cluttering the first pages of any board anyway.

We will also be unsticking old threads that seem irrelevant (including those with broken links) to keep us looking fresh. With posts restored to their former boards it enables the engagement statistics to reflect how active we have been over the years. Hiding most of our posts had been hurting our overall appearance.

A big update:
We cannot say anything yet, but we can expect a really big announcement regarding the site in the near future from our techie, Belazor et Britannia. Please be excited.


FFF Magazine:
Staff members have discussed and started planning a digital magazine series for FFF. This shall be a good chance for us to promote our forum, to reminisce on old times, and to celebrate new content. We could promote the artwork of members (with their permission or at their request), show recent FFXIV Free Company endeavours, news, short game reviews, and so on. We are open to any ideas that people have about this and I shall be posting more information in another thread at another time.

Donation feature:
We will soon be introducing a donation feature to the forum, operating through PayPal. This feature will allow people to donate to FFF. The money donated will be used for competition prizes and items only (it will NOT be used to pay for hosting or software licences), and if we get donations then it could mean more tangible real-world items.

We’ll never be pushy and nobody will be forced to donate, but the option would be there. There shall be incentives for all contributors, of course.

Gold Outlet:
Some of you may not be aware about the new items that have been added to the Gold Outlet in the MogShop. We now have a $5 Steam giftcard and a copy of Mitsuki's FFF Photobook for sale.
See here for details.


Those are some of the big things, but we have been working on a lot behind the scenes.

If you have any issues with this, let us know. If anybody has any suggestions about events or any of the above suggestions, feel free to discuss. Tell us what you want. We are listening!
I take it that no one has any issues with the updates mentioned above, especially where prefixes are concerned? :) If there's any further suggestions or input, now is the time to let us know.

A lot of sub-forums are pending for removal and set to be merged in their main forum (e.g. FFVII compilation, FFX-2, etc).

An example of how this will work:

Balamb Garden is still pending for sub-forums removal as well, and [Music], [Anime], [TV / Movies], [Books], [Tech] prefixes will be applied.

Same with Sphere Theater (except for Let's Play, Game Screenshots, and Reviews) and Gold Saucer (except for Gaming Clans Archive).

This is a huge overhaul work for the staff, combined with re-organizing the Archives and restoring threads (especially FF topics being the most tedious ones...) to their former boards due to that it causes information loss according to Fil. So archiving threads to Zanarkand Ruins is no longer practiced here. The only sections that will be available for read-only in Zanarkand Ruins are Survivor, RPG, and RP Archives.

For those who were here for FF Clans, you may now view the board here. Unfortunately we do not have plans to revive the FF Clans at this time.

RIP FFF Staff.
When are we going to see these changes? Did the magazine take over? You said something about a new look, I can't wait! The excitement is killing me, when I ask, when are we going to get this "change" this "new look" this "FFF 2.0"?
When are we going to see these changes? Did the magazine take over? You said something about a new look, I can't wait! The excitement is killing me, when I ask, when are we going to get this "change" this "new look" this "FFF 2.0"?

The magazine didn't take over, but several of us are busy working on that at the same time.

We are moving things around in the background at the moment, but the big changes are to be announced officially a little later. I'm afraid we cannot go into detail or announce what that is at this time.

Please be excited! :argor:
When are we going to see these changes? Did the magazine take over? You said something about a new look, I can't wait! The excitement is killing me, when I ask, when are we going to get this "change" this "new look" this "FFF 2.0"?

Also I'm not sure if you are aware too, we are working on the forum archives as well now. As part of the upgrades in the future, we had a huge discussion about forum structure/architecture. You might notice that most of the major archives no longer have any threads in them anymore. They were not deleted, but moved back to their original sections. All that is left is Final Fantasy related topics at this point, which will take quite a bit.

Does this slow the upgrade down? Nope, it does help it in the long run.