Using all characters?


Fatal Noob
Jun 22, 2009
As you probably know, most FFs offer more playable characters than you can in a battle.

So, do you get the "OMG! I have alot of characters! Must use them all!" feeling?
Or you just choose a few you like and use only them?
(unless you are forced to use different characters)

I always use all characters I have and keep a balance between their levels.
It probably makes the game a little more difficult for me, because the less characters I use the more EXP I get for them.
But nowadays the FFs are really easy and having some challenge never hurts.
And I just can't see a non-balanced party... just can't...
I keep the characters I like on equal high levels, those who I don't like can go suck it. ^^
For example, Lulu finished Yuna's sphere grid before Yuna did, I just let her sit there...
Sometimes there are way too many characters who are there for no reason, like Umaro in VI, I barely use those...
I use certain characters at first. Of course ya gotta have the main character in the party and then I like to use the remaining characters that have certain abilities, like High attack strength, powerful magic, etc. And then once I get to a certain point in the game I like to go back and start leveling up, or making my other characters more stronger or useful.
They are alot of characters sometimes though, but most of them stay interesting.
At first I would choose the few that I liked and only stuck with them the majority of the way through the game.

But during the next play through of the game I thought it would be fun to try out the other's and give them a go at getting leveled up and such.

In the end it's better if they're all at the same level round about or you've got no back up. XD
I pretty much use the same characters from beginning to end unless one joins that I like, basically I just get rid of all the useless ones like in FFXII where I didn't use Vaan, Penelo and Fran for basically the whole game >_>
Plus, by time I realise I may want to use another character the monsters in the area I'm at are way, way too powerful for the character I want to use and I cba going back to previous areas to level >_>
I use one group of characters for a while so that when the time comes to put in the backups, I can mix them in with the main guys so they don't get slaughtered.
I choose the ones I like, with a few exceptions. I always make sure the main character is in my party, as well as his/her love interest. Or at least whoever I believed to be his/her love interest.

It just adds to the dynamics.

Other than that, it's always just whoever I like best. I couldn't see playing through VII without Red XIII for example. Or playing through IX without Steiner (because he's freaking hilarious. :P).
I usually have The main character, The prettiest girl (lol) And a tank haha.

ff7- Cloud, tifa, Barret/vincent
Ff8- Squall, quistis, Zell
Ff9- Zidane, Freya (this is the only exception about the girls, She a dragoon :P) And amarant
FfX- Tidus, Lulu, Auron and so on
I think this wouldve been sorted if they just had shared CP like they did in FFXIII............

I normally just use my strongest team in any FF no matter what I'm doing..........But a game like FFVIII or FFVI forced me to equal out almost every single character because you would be split into groups to progress through the story.

That is what I tend to like more often in an FF game where the partys are split into two groups it forces you to use all characters in the game...........

But like in FFX for example you hardly ever get split up...........and all you need to do is use your strongest team to progress through the story.........You don't really get that mixed up..........except when you land in the desert but soon you are reunited with the rest of the party.
i tend to try to level everyone equally... though that tends to go to pot at some point when I can't be arsed. Im a bugger for it with X, especially when I start deleting nodes, and thus characters stats, my characters Ive been evenly training, suddenly end up miss matched to fuck because I stop concentrating on 2 or 3 of the characters evenually.

The intention is always there, it just rarely happens. I didn't bother with VI, I saw all the characters and almost died a little inside
It depends on which game.

For FFVII, currently I am having Cloud, Aerith and Barret. Aerith because I want to see as much as her before she

For FFVIII, of course it's Squall. Then for my latest playthrough, I have quistis and zell. Well I liked quistis. Zell was a random choice. I ignored the rest and did not junction anything on them. It doesn't matter anyway because every character has similar stats after equal junctioning.

But for FFIX, towards the final dungeon, I have Zidane, Vivi, Eiko and Steiner, and pretty much ignored the rest since like disc 3. Eiko is perhaps the most useful character in the whole game because she's the only one with overpowered healing powers. (Dagger's healing magic are limited). Vivi has the most offensive attacks while Zidane and Steiner's attacks almost equal Vivi's with MP attack. The other characters seem less useful to me, especially Dagger as I have said.

For FFXII, all 6 members are usable in one single battle. This, I think, is one good aspect of the game because in other final fantasies, people usually have their strongest 3 or 4 characters and treat the rest like they are nothing. Thus it's kind of pointless to have them except for story purposes.

Not sure of the other titles. But overall, yes, I choose the strongest characters most of the time rather than going for favourites.
I always try to use all my characters equally. I love their different personalities and their different fighting styles. Even the seemily usless or annoying characters XD And I get bored using the same three or four characters. I also always anticipate having to split up the team and using all the characters anyway. It would suck to have an entire team completely underleveled.

however, in VI this can be quite a challange D: So I usually always keep Terra in my group and exchange out the other three.
I have no idea why, but I always feel like I should keep my party about equivalent. Even if I don't like them (for instance in 8 zell annoyed me but I kept changing the party up to include him). Is it because I am half a completionist? or that I feel bad for the leftovers? I really don't know.

Recently I was playing star ocean 4 and I found myself doing it again, even though one of the characters annoys the hell out of me. It is like I can't not do it. Maybe it just comes from playing FF6 as my first rpg and if you keep up party levels the game is easier when you are split up.

I really dont know why I do it hahahaha.
however, in VI this can be quite a challange D: So I usually always keep Terra in my group and exchange out the other three.

Pretty much what I did, just having Terra who can cast 2 Ultimas in a row at 2mp at the start of the battle meant the other 3 can just stand there with their anti-side attack and bonus-exp relics and collect their undeserved Exp points:awesome:.

I only keep everyone's level balanced until the main story ends. Once I complete the story and move on to sidequests that's when I just pick my first-choice party and concentrate on them; otherwise it just takes too long and it feels like a waste of time.

I do think this is the reason why many of my Dissidia characters are still at low levels, but really I only use 2 or 3 characters in that game once it get's hard or when I play online :hmmm:.

There are some exceptions though and they are the GBA versions of IV and VI, where the hidden dungeon requires everyone to be strong. Also XII where you can switch characters instantly mid-battle.

But with the others; I,II,III and V you only had one party, VII,IX and X you only need 3/4 good ones for the dungeon/battle (for X there are so many good auto-abilities that you only need your main 3) and VIII you don't actually level up and you can switch junctions anyway. I just don't see the point in having a really powerful character resting inside the airship.
It depends. I'll generally try everybody out, and by about halfway through the game or so I'll have my favorites.

With VI, I was very conflicted because I loved most of them and could only pick four, so I kept switching out.

With VII, I flipped back and forth a lot, too, though I never used Cait Sith because I felt like his presence interfered with The Super Serious Dramas of it all.

With VIII, I guess because your levels didn't really matter and it even helped if you had an underleveled member of your party hanging around sometimes, I just picked my faves in terms of usefulness and love.

With IX, I had favorites, but more than three, so I swipped them out a lot, too. But I never used Quina except when I had no other fourth party member :/

X, I used everybody all the time except Kimahri, because he just... didn't have a slot, poor guy.

XII, I really wanted to use everybody, but found that was impractical in terms of gameplay.

XIII, I used and loved everyone, mind, you don't have much choice for most of the game.

I'm a completionist about characters, though. Not about anything else, but if there are bonus characters I NEED them. I take a long time to play Suikoden games, and Chrono Cross was a nightmare. O_0

tl;dr: I use everyone, except when I don't
Though I do try to switch out the characters often in some FFs, I do also find myself keeping mainly the characters that I like in my party most of the time:

In X where it's extremely easy to switch them out, I found myself doing it the most; however, there were certain characters (Auron, Wakka, Kimahri, Lulu) whom I found myself using more often that others based on their abilities (strength, speed/strength, white mage, black mage, respectively). And let's face it, I liked them better than the other three characters personalitywise as well :/

In VII, I liked everyone's battle abilities except for Aeris, so I interchanged everyone often to get them to learn new Materia skills. However, here I also found myself using the characters I liked the most when possible--Barret, Cid, and Nanaki ^_^ Sometimes I interchanged Cloud as well because he has an undeniable strength both physically and in his techs, and I think in battles with Sephiroth I left him in for the story's sake, if I'm remembering correctly :hmmm: But I still always try to get everyone to learn the materia/magic in any game for the sake of completion, whether I'm going to use them or not.

In XII, other than their graphically exciting special attacks, I'm finding all the characters to be pretty much interchangeable. I'm around level 83 with Balthier, Fran, and Basch, and level 79 with the others, and most of the enemies I've been coming across this late in the game have been either too hard for either group or too easy; at such high levels and with their License Boards all complete, it doesn't seem to make that much of a difference :hmmm: So I use the level 83 party almost exclusively out of mere personal preference :D

In IX, I always do what I feel is a fair amount of switching; however, my preferred party (Zidane, Vivi, Steiner, Freya) always ends up getting ridiculously (like 10 levels) higher than the other four characters :gonk: And it's a pain, because I like leveling up the skills that are attached to their equipment for completion's sake. And, for some reason, I just can't seem to find a good place to level up that's both an aesthetically pleasant environment and also has enemies that are easy for a party of Dagger, Eiko, Amarant, and Quina to beat (not the best battle party for my tastes :/). So when that happens it is really frustrating, because I do make a conscious effort to switch them up throughout.

In VIII so far, though I haven't beaten it yet, I am also doing atrociously at switching--it always seems like it takes forever to level up in the overworld and only like 5 seconds in the actual dungeons/story missions etc. So my preferred party of Squall, Irvine, and Zell is at least 5 or 6 levels above everyone else at this point, and it's very frustrating when I have to switch them out for other characters :sad3: Although I am addicted to Drawing, so maybe that's part of my problem :lew:

In VI, once I have all the espers including the extra ones (auctions etc.), I always have this ritual of leveling up EVERYONE's magic until everyone knows every single spell :ffs: It takes absolutely forever, and I usually drag out some other music to listen to at that point because even the awesome in-game themes get repetitive after a few days, but I just can't seem to finish the game without doing it; I just like to know that whatever set of characters I end up using, I will always be able to do whatever spells I want with any of them. Which is kind of liberating if you want to use specifically the characters that you like best storywise :hmmm: But yeah, then after that point I always just stick with the characters I like best when I have the option--Setzer, Sabin, Edgar, Celes--and they become my superpower party, quite a few levels ahead of everyone else.

In IV, the only other FF I've played, you actually can't switch the characters anyway :lew:, and I must say I really enjoyed that because it was a much more realistic scenario--IRL if you had 6 or 7 or 12 characters in your party, more than 3 or 4 of them would jump into the fight if they run across an enemy :mokken: I mean really, that is one thing that makes me laugh about a game like VI where you have 4 party members going on a mission and the other 8 of them chilling out on Setzer's luxurious airship :ffs: They look so lazy and bored there, it's kind of funny XD
I tend to use only the characters I like, which I think made me end up with a level 78 Cloud and a level 48 (or something like that) Tifa in FFVII. XD

In VI I tend to use Terra, Shadow, Celes, Locke, Cyan, and Sabin the most.
I tend to use all my characters. I lvl all of them up to lvl 99 than I just pick a random team to fight with ^^ It works the best for my fighting style
I pick my favorite characters that I'm going to use, and I leave the rest that I can't stand. I have my favorites, and unless forced to in the game there are certain characters that I would never use. Once in a while though I'll switch it up because I prefer certain cut scenes with certain characters, but when it comes to using characters in battle, I always choose my favorites whether they're weak or not.
I simply need a physical character or two, a Black Mage, and a healer.

Or something like that.

Actually though, I kind of would prefer to level up all the characters. Except for maybe a weak one or two which I might give up on.