V.A.S.T.-Sign Ups and Discussion-


Jun 17, 2008
In a house XD
Welcome to VAST....

Your Journey is only just beginning...

Hello fellow RPers, this is my newest RP called VAST and it is a new kind of RP, something very different to the average RP. What it is will be explained below...then again. It is not really different from the average RP. the only different thing is I will explain alot of it in a different way than what people would normally do.

Here we go.

Q: What is VAST?

A: VAST is a new RP I have thought up.

Q: What exactly is the plot of VAST?

A: Glad you asked. VAST is a RP set in a gigantic city populated by tons and tons of people, things seem pretty normal for awhile....

Q: untill?

A: All Hell breaks loose.

Q: why is the RP called VAST?.

A: The name of it basicly explains itself. VAST is set in this enormous city, the city is...Vast...its your typical big city, taxis,gangs, the whole bit....They thought they had seen everything...untill something turns their world upside down and into a living hell.

Q: What exactly is this "thing"?

A: The "thing" is a race that has been dormant for thousands of years...

Q: untill now?

A: Yes, untill now.

Q: So will be Rpers know when this race will appear to wreak havoc on the unsupecting citizens?

A: No, only I will know the time and place...

Q: can you compare this RP to anything? a movie a book? something?

A: Hmmm...I suppose the best thing to compare it to would be the movie:"Cloverfield". But it will only be similar in a monster-horror way not the plot.

Q: Sounds interesting.

A: Indeed...but enough of this....

Time to begin....

Your typical city right? WRONG!!!

What this RP is all about:

Basicly you just sign up with a character and a bio and just live your life in the city doing whatever you want to do(nothing evill) After a certain amount of time I will have the things code named "Parasites" attack the city. This is when things get chaotic. The Military come bursting in the city locking down sections of the city and trying to fight the Parasites.


That is basicly the only thing you want to achieve, is survival. Fight for your life whatever it takes. Survival is not going to be easy though, with Parasites stalking the city all the time and lurking in the shadows there is no way to know what to expect. In the time before the invasion you will just do normal things in the large city like going to work, buying food, driving, anything. Once things get started and the Parasites arrive it is up to you how you attempt to survive, but one thing: Dont expect your character to survive the RP.

This is do or die people, kill or be killed, no one can be trusted but then that is up to you...just make sure you make the right friends or else you could end up dead pretty quickly...


1: All FFF rules apply.
2. No Godmodding.
3. No Powerplaying.
4. No Spamming.
5. Do not kill another character without asking me first.

I am the Grand Master meaning if I have to I can control everyones characters. This is usually only needed when a large events happen.

The City:

Central Square:

Central square is the middle of the city. This is where all the city is most busy. Most traffic and is usually packed with tons of people. There is a large building in the square that is in the middle, this divides the roads that lead into the Square. There are pretty much roads from every direction that lead into the Square.

The Slums:

This is the section of the city where all the bottom-feeders hang out. This is where drugs,prostitution,violence, and gangs are most active. The police have been trying to crackdown on this section of the city for years with no luck.

West Side:

The West side is the business side. This is one of the richer districts of the city. This place is where all the big-name move directors,business men, and anyone that makes mass amounts of money lives. There is basicly no crime in this part of the city due to advanced security.

East Side:

The East side is where the normal people live. The people who are not rich and not poor. This section has normal crime-rates and all around isn't a bad place to live. This is where the majority of the citizens live.

South Side:

Warehouses. This place is the industrial section of the city. Smoke constantly hangs in the air choking anyone who happens to be around. This is not a place where people actually live but a place where all the work goes on. The majority of the people that live in this section are the people that work in the factories and warehouses.

North Side:

This is a nice place to live. It has alot of the local attractions and is probably the most populor tourest area. It has theaters,parks,Clubs, anything a tourest might wanna check out. The people that live here are the kind that are rich but are making more than the average citizen.


Where you live: North,South,East,West,Slums,South,)

Due to the size of the city I am going to try to have people spread out over the city, as in dont all live in one section, you can travel to other sections but where you live is what is important.

If you have any questions about the RP please feel free to PM me.

hmmm nice idea, do we get anything to fight the parasites with? i'm gonna be a gangster this time round, i'm pretty sure i got an old unused character i can use here.

Name:Gunnery (or boss, Gunnery is a gangmaster)
Age: 16
Appearance: Gunnery isn't a tall guy, he's about 4"6 and he usually wears camoflauge as his gang colors. he has two earrings, one in each ear, and he has green eyes. he wears normally cleats, a t-shirt, jeans, and wristbands bearing his gang's name (Guns of VAST). he carries around a shotgun,an M20, and a pistol.
Personality: Gunnery is your rough it kind of kid, he talks gruffly, rarely cracks a smile, and doesn't call anyone friend. He is also paranoid, due to other gangs trying to kill him.
Backstory:Gunnery had a rough childhood. He never had any schooling, and his parents died in a gang fight when he was 6. After that incident, he learned how to shoot all type of guns, and he created his own gang, the Guns Of VAST.
Where you live: slums
Bio accepted Shadow, welcome to the RP ^^, when the Army rolls around they might just have something to fight the Parasites.
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Name: Richard Glendale
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Appearence: About 6 feet. Doesn't have a perfect physique, but is no couch potato either (he's in fairly good shape for his age). Has silver hair and mustache. Grey eyes, usually wears trendy glasses. Always impeccably dressed (three-piece suits, etc.). Extremely wealthy, and it shows through his appearance...
Personality: Depends on which part of Richard's life one knows. On the public side, Richard is a kind executive. He is good to those under him, and is generally well-liked in his company. When necessary, he also has a razor-sharp wit. However, there is another side to Richard altogether...
Backstory(optional): Richar is one of a long line of Glendales in the telecommunications business. However, he is the first to turn to the darker side of production...
Job(optional): Richard is the CEO of Glendale Enterprises, the largest telecommunications firm in the city. Also, unknown to most of his fellow West Side inhabitants, he is one of the most powerful figures in organized crime in the slums. His company has a secret division which produces weapons, which Richard then provides the slums with in exchange for their loyalty. This side of Richard is rarely seen, but is completely ruthless...
Where you live: West, Glendale Mansion
alright we got some good starts here man, all we need now is a few more people (hopefully gangstas, i want to fight someone other than rich peeps) and then we can start going at each others throats.
Name: James Howitz
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearence: A fine looking man, a little thin, but still healthy, with the exception of a slight respiratory problem he struggles against. He's 7 feet tall, but most people believe he's shorter. His short hair and sharp eyes are both of a deep black color, with an almost penetrating look. His usual attire consists on loose black pants, a white sleeveless shirt, a tight black jacket and a pair of black leather boots.
Personality: Usually open to new experiences, James is a cheerful and caring person, but life has taught him not to lower his guard even where crime is supposed to be extinct. For that reason, his attire allows him to hide perfectly in the dark, and also to sprint incredibly when needed. However, when something happens to James, he makes sure that the offender pays back, due to the fact that he has mastered the arts of thievery and lock-picking.
Backstory: His parents were foreigners who decided to establish in a BIG city, and they found the right place in the North Sector. However, one night, they were killed one night when crossing the slums, thus James "inheriting" the store. Other than that, James is almost new to the city, swearing never to return to the slums unless it was a matter of life and death, and having never visiting the west sector.
Job: Student, Manager
Where you live: East

Okay, we're spread everywhere in the city, Slums, West and East, :)
hmmm i feel proud i managed to make a gang person, HE SHALL HUNT YOU ALL DOWN WITH M20S AND FLAMETHROWERS BWAHAHAHAHA sorry insanity moment lol.