Vitrenie Windrider


The Biting Tiger
Apr 27, 2011
I’m not experienced at character creation, but this is my most common character I use anywhere.
Vitrenie Windrider
Gaurdian of the Wild.(as in ‘from’, not ‘to’)
Alignment – Nuetral, with a lean towards good.
Race – Human
Gender – Male
Age – 23

Appearance/Attire –
Large and strongly built.

I’ll go from top to bottom. Blue eyes dark brown hair.
Hair is shaggy but grows to be long a slightly curled at the tips but he never lets it grow past his neck (Because it itches). Eyes and face have a constant look of alertness and occasionally paranoia. Shoulders are not appeared to be slouchy but he’s like that anyway. Strong build, physique of someone who trains on a regular basis. (Like fighting and flexibility, not weightlifting). Top clothing is anything warm, comfortable and flexible, earthy colours only and he prefers not to have symbols or logos on him. He doesn’t have any tattoos but he does have a necklace, it’s a pendant with an arctic wolf wrapped around a sapphire. He also sports a bracelet on his right arm, its 3 inches long made of soft dark leather. It means nothing. He prefers no belt, but if he needs it he will wear it. Flexible denim is his preference for pants. Sweat pants are a no-no. Once again earthy colours are a must. One scar under his right rib cage, like he was shot with an arrow. (he was). One outstanding trait is his dogtail. it’s the same tail a husky would have. (there’s a story behind that)

Armour –
He prefers to be lightly armoured. Leather is most often what he wears. He hates wearing clunky metal.

Personality –
The name Vitrenie has taken on a personal meaning to me over the past few years. “Vit” meaning Guardian “Renie” meaning warrior. “Eren” means animal to me (Viteren is another variation).
“Guardian Warrior”, Vitrenie stays loyal to those that need his protection. Although he is still not a professional warrior, that wont stop him from facing others dead on. He’s a tad too serious at times, doesn’t take sarcasm well and doesn’t get most jokes. He’s always friendly, and very patient, also loyal and obedient.

Often canine in his antics, he can be amused by the weirdest things. He can turn territorial at times and is not initially trusting to new strangers, although his trust isn’t hard to earn, but extremely hard to earn back if it is lost. He stays quiet in groups but is always a good listener.

First Impression –
“OMG HE HAS A TAIL AND A WOLF IS WITH HIM!” Is usually the first thing people say to him. As a result he usually lets others speak first and waits for that initial reaction to die out.
He never places absolute trust in a stranger, but he doesn’t avoid a hello and is willing to make friends.

Strength – He’s a warrior who trains daily, He’s not above average but he isn’t weak.
Vitality -- Read “Salmon’s Journey” in abilities.
Speed – More of a focus in battle, so naturally above average.
Stamina – Read “Salmon’s Journey” in abilities.
Reflexes – He hates getting hit, He can dodge most to all blows.

Fighting Style –
Its all about control and dexterity. His focus is not entirely on power but skill in executing his blows while dodging the ones that come at him. He also enjoys putting speed into the equation. Since protection is a focus, teamwork is a given, he always tries to work with his allies to create a much more powerful opponent to his enemies. He always accepts a helping hand.
He’s not a master in his weapon practices but he is growing fairly well.

Weapons –
His weapon is a variation of a pole arm. Its like a spear, but with more of an axe head to it.
He named it Luna, its entire colour varies on time of day, a light blue at night and a soft grassy green at day, a mixture of both as dawn or dusk progresses. It has a long reach to it and is rippled for easy grip. The tip is in the shape of a thin crescent moon and is carved to be very sharp. It has two sharpened rings (He calls stars) that stay wrapped around the middle of the crescent shape. The rings are slung off when a fight begins and follows the crescent closely as it swings, giving an almost chain-like slash through the air. At still during a fight the rings hover in the middle of the crescent shape. No one knows why they follow the blade. Rumour has it the crescent is attached to the pole with the same magic :O. The weapon has no other magical effects, its cut has the same properties as would any cut from a slashing weapon.

Abilities –
He has a natural connection with animals and beasts alike due to his tail.
His animal connection leaves him with many abilities.
Eagle’s wings: He can glide through the air at graceful speeds. He cannot fly. Kinda like hang gliding.
Bear’s strength: Only in short bursts he gains an amazing amount of strength. It takes a small amount of time to activate this technique.
Deer’s Grace: An amazing boost to his speed and agility that allows him to travel faster than the human body is physically aloud to., his upper body strength is compromised though.
Owl’s insight: A massive sharpening of sight, hearing, touch, sight and smell. He needs to stay still for the full effects to take place.
Salmon’s journey: An endurance technique that allows him to keep moving forward and not give up. It does a massive strain on his body however, and the more strain he gets the more recovery time he needs.
With the exception of Salmon’s Journey, he cant use more than one technique at a time, naturally.

Magic – None aside from his polearm and abilities.

Other Skills –
Has an Arctic Wolf named Shiela. A trusted companion of his.

His necklace signifies he has the Spirit of the Wolves. After a journey with his own pet he gained the respect of a wolf pack, they gifted him with the necklace, which lets him call upon the power of their ancestors when he needs it.
Fury of the pack: Summons the Arctic wolves ancestors to viciously attack whomever he targets. They act as real wolves and dissipate if they are “killed”.
Knowledge of the spirits: Allows Shiela the ability of telepathically communicating with Vitrenie. Although Vit still needs to talk normally to get his thoughts across.
History –
His father is a dead warrior (oooh original :/ )
His mother is traditional although she’s picked up quite a bit from the father. She stays home taking care of the youngest child.
His brother follows in the fathers step (but is not dead)
His sister left to join a specially trained group of knights
His other sister, although very young, has a natural talent for magic.
He himself started out a tad later agewise in his adventures and took a while before finding a profession that suited him. Beforehand he worked in a zoo working with all the exotic creatures and learning about them and their origins. His job paid for the startups his siblings had in their journeys. When they were gone he himself started his adventure, leaving his mother and younger sister at a peaceful hometown.
He tried out many unique professions, and failed in each one. It came to the point were job trainers didn’t want him when he came near. Eventually he came across a hero of old and discovered he wanted to follow in his footsteps. His skills are based around the hero he’s met and followed for a little while but his own travels shaped his abilities and gifts. As a result he’s come to have his own adventures and heroic stories to tell.
Anything else of his history I kind of want to turn into an RP, maybe. Will I be successful and good at it? No.

Anyway that’s Vitrenie. Feel free to tell me if anything seems off or confusing. My format was a tad different on Word but I'm too lazy to do anything about it right now.
Strength – He’s a warrior who trains daily, He’s not above average but he isn’t weak.
Vitality -- Read “Salmon’s Journey” in abilities.
Speed – More of a focus in battle, so naturally above average.
Stamina – Read “Salmon’s Journey” in abilities.
Reflexes – He hates getting hit, He can dodge most to all blows.

Check the Bio Format guidelines for these tabs. There's more specificity to each than you've put here. For example, we need to know exactly what types of blows he can dodge, and those he can't.

Eagle’s wings:

How long can it last? How fast? How much energy does it drain? How often can he do it?

Bear’s strength:

How much does it augment his strength? How long does it last? Are there any after-effects? How much energy does it drain? How often can he do it?

Similar questions for Deer's Grace, Salmon's Journey, and Owl's Insight.

Fury of the pack:

That would be an ability. Also, give us a sort of mini-bio on one of the wolves that is summoned. How strong it is, appearance, how long it can last, etc.

Has an Arctic Wolf named Shiela. A trusted companion of his.

If it takes part in a fight, it needs its own mini-bio.