vivi the heartless


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 25, 2006
who thinks that vivi in ff9 and kh2 looks like a heartless from the kingdom hearts series i mean in kh2 there is lots of stuff goin on about him at the start of the game - he keeps turning into a nobody-im not even sure if he's a male or a female:wacko:
The Vivi in final fantasy 9 and the KH2 vivi are two completely different people..... Can't remember where i found that out. And he's not a heartless he's a puppet created by the mist.... in ff9.. I think.. (correct me if i'm wrong)

Vivi is a black mage and, as far as we know, does not have a sex.

Vivi from IX and Vivi from KHII are not "completely different people", otherwise, it's not Vivi. However, one of the Nobodies appeared tp have possessed him, thus equalling Vivi acting differently.

What do you mean "he looks like a Heartless"? He is no different, minus the Dusk-zip on his hat.
i dunno about vivi in kh2 cuz i nvr played it

but i played ff9, and vivi definitley not HEARTLESS

he's just a 9 year old (i think) nice black mage
You never meet Vivi in KH2. He is just an illusion in the fake world Roxas lived in. Vivi is male. PROOF: In FF9 when the party are in Maiden Sari Zidane and Vivi have a man-to-man talk in which Zidane constantly refers to Vivi as "us guys" or "men" and helps him with girl trouble. They also ...erm... tinkle under the stars. "An age-old male tradition" states Zidane.
You never meet Vivi in KH2. He is just an illusion in the fake world Roxas lived in.

That's incorrect. At a point in the KH2 storyline (after Tron and the Pride Lands), Sora and Co. can return to Twilight Town for a sidequest. Vivi runs up to Sora, proclaiming that something happened to Seifer. This is long after Sora has awoken from his Roxas world.
I think he means by looks like a Heartless is that they and Vivi both have the plain black faces with yellow eyes, nothing more than a coincidence as Vivi is in no way a heartless.
Actually when KH1 first came out, I thought the Heartless were a bunch of naked Vivis. When I saw Vivi was a character in KH2 I couldn't help but laugh at the coinscidence.
okay sorry but are you taking the mik outa vivi???? cos thats not ryt he is a guy and i havent played kingdom of hearts yet or nothin but vivi is just the best!

HOW DARE YOU....You are heartless for suspecting poor Vivi of being suspicous.....Wait, big pointy hat......Glowing eyes........NO FACE......I think you are on to something my friend.
I think vivi might be the base from which the heartless stemed from. Take a look at hardrocks avatar. see the straps joiining hsi coat? remind you of anything?
hmmm....I thought so too. when I first saw the heartless in KH1 I automatically drew the connection between virtually every black mage in FF, with Vivi at the top of the list! And when I saw Vivi in KH2 I KNEW something was not right about him. That and The fact I thought there would be heartless that looked like Vivi through the rest of the game. And, I was somewhat right, they had giant mage heartless and they looked ALOT like Vivi, except with no legs!
When i heard that vivi would be in kh2, i was SURE there would be some huge misunderstanding. But no. They get all panicky when OTHER heartless show up, but not Vivi. It's discrimaintation
Well, Vivi isn't Heartless, but many of the black mages "appropriated" from his village in FF9 were like that, automatons who couldn't control what they were doing. So I figured the Heartless in KH (1&2) were based on the black mages. When Vivi showed up in KH 2 I figured it was just another homage, like when you fight Cloud or Leon or buy airship (gummy ship) parts from Cid.