Voice acting improved


♥ FFF's Matt Bellamy Pervert ♥
Jun 16, 2006
Manchester, UK
I believe the voce acting has greatly improved since FFX. X was great for its time and the voice over was not bad for Final Fantasy's first attmept. ut do you think since X, its improved?

12 has some good voice acting and good timing, better IMO then X. FFX had some off moments with the voice acting and it wasnt 100% in sync with the character. But Ive noticed that 12 has got it spot on.

Your thoughts?
My god yes. The voice acting in FFX was good in most places, but it was the first FF game to include VA so it was naturally a little shaky in places, XII managed to fix all those problems, and they nailed VA. the voices were so much clearer, better, and better synced.

10/10 for VA :D
FFXII had awesome voice-acting, except for Bhujerbans and the word "marquis". The Bhujerbans bugged me because you could easily tell that they were Americans badly imitating an Indic accent (and it always came and went, with Marquis Endor). And of course the fact that "marquis" should be pronounced /mahr-kee/ rather than /mahr-kwis/.

Otherwise, I found the accents to be a surprisingly good touch. Also, the lip synchs were much better, due to the fact that a lot of the time, speakers wouldn't be shown up close while they spoke, or the back of their heads would be shown as they faced whomever they were speaking to. Unlike in FFX, you couldn't see a mouth moving if the Japanese dialogue ran longer than the English, and you didn't have to bear with more Shatner-ing like Yuna did.
I don't like the imperials voices, it just doesn't suit them :'(
The main characters voices are good and all but the judges sound the best through their helmets ^_^
Just remembered something - what the hell was the casting department thinking when they hired the English VA for Vaan?! In fact, what the hell was Square thinking when they desgned him, whereas both Reks and Rasler are clearly more superior designs?! The only reason I cared about Vaan was because he was Reks' little brother.
The voice acting was awesome in this game. Overall, I thought it was infinitely many times better than the ones in X (I'm not a fan of X's VA)
The only problem I see with the whole thing is Vaan. His voice actor seems to give the impression that Vaan only displays like...one kind of emotion or something. xD
His tone is basically the same when he's screaming as when he's sad or just plain conversational.

Overall - 10/10
Vaan - 1/10
I think the voice acting is really great in my opinion, but i do agree about Vaan's voice. It's rather annoying.
The only problem I had with it was that early on, there were some sound problems, kinda fuzzy at parts. But, it didn't last long. I liked FFX's voice acting fine, apart from Hedy Buress's grotesque Yuna. However, FFXII's was a considerable step up, what with using more stage actors rather than your typical voice actors. The addition of former MADtv alum Phil Lamarr was nice as well, and he did very well considering the more "old-worldish" speaking manner.
I thought the voice acting in this game was excellent for the most part. Ashe and Vaan were pretty bad though. Ashe's was extremely bland and lifeless. Vaan's was just plain irritating.

Overall though, it was a huge improvement over X. X's voice acting was just awful. I had to mute my tv just to get through the game.
I am now convinced that all common Imperial guards are from London - they just seem to have this...London like accent 8D

No offense to Londonians ( 8D ) of course :)

98% was fantastic. Some voices were terribly annoying ( Balthier, common Imperial guards...), while others ( Reddas, Vossler, Gabranth, Dr. Cid, Judges in general...) excelled all expectations.
I am now convinced that all common Imperial guards are from London - they just seem to have this...London like accent 8D

I noticed that also. Caught me by surprise and I suddnely seen Vaan as Oliver! Being a little scally-wag lol. I agree that Ashe's voice was so plain and bland. Balthier, Basch and Fran had the best voices in the team IMO.
To improve on X dosent really take alot. XII is excellent, I hope future games can follow suit.
Fran? She was really plain and she didn't have many lines to say.
I didn't much problem with vaan's voice either
Meh everyones opinion is different I suppose. If only the judges had more screen time like gabranth did.
why did balthier have a british accent? there is no britain in ivalice!

the guards had good voices in my opinion and the judges voices were great considering they had helmets covering their full face

vaan sounded like he was about to cry all the time when he spoke
The voices of the judges made them sound even more evil (especially Bergan) when they spoke through their helmets ^_^
Yeah, I don't think gabranth would sound the same when you fight him a second time, it sounds more serious when he wears a helmet
why did balthier have a british accent? there is no britain in ivalice!
There's also no America. What's your point?

I found the voice acting to be adequate in XII. Definitely a step-up from X, but considering X was essentially a beta test for future installments, I can't really hold it against Square for a first attempt. The synch was... God-awful though. XII wasn't great for that either, but again, definitely an improvement.

I didn't like Ashe's voice, however. I'm biased with that statement though; I think she's a complete bitch anyway. :wacky:
In your opinion she may be, but I personally believe she has an interesting voice and it sounds unique.

I thought that as well. I really loved Fran and Basch's voice overs.

Apart from Vaan and maybe the Imperial Soldiers, I think the voice casting was improved a lot. Like someone said that it doesn't take a lot to improve on X but I think they do think it is quality.