Was AVALANCHE's eco terrorism justified?


Final Fantasy Nut
Apr 3, 2008
Exactly as this title says, I wonder if AVALANCHE's terrorism was justified? I am not going to make an essay long post but I do want discuss about the morally of what they were actually trying to do. They destoryed two Mako reactors, destoryed the only WEAPONs that might save the planet and probably left the economy in ruins after the game was completed. Shinra may have done despicable things in the game but we cannot really overlook at what AVALANCHE has done especially when they had probably killed hundreds of people due to their terrorism. Barret was just doing the whole thing out of revenge while disguising it as "Justice" but is this even justified in the game and was it worth destroying the lives of hundreds of people? Not to say that I am letting Shinra "off the hook" but still AVALANCHE has done many questionable things when the game started.
Well, that's the whole 'is violence/terrorism ever justified' argument, which is a pretty long and thorny one. Though it should be noted that towards the end of the game Barrett expresses regret for how AVALANCHE went about trying to stop Shinra.
No it wasnt. As charlie said it comes down to the question. Is using voilence/terrorism an accepetable way of changing the world? I disagree, they may have wanted to save the planet, which in effect is a good thing. The means by which they try to achieve it is wrong. Barret even states this later on in the game. I guess You could say Barret was the Bin laden of FFVII, at least for a little while anyway :ahmed:
Interesting question.

Like everyone else has stated it is not justifed, however I feel it made for good story in the game, and also raised some issues, i.e this one. Is violence ever justified if the end result is the terrorists saving the planet?

I didn't pick up on it so much when I was younger, but on my second playthrough last year some time I remember being quite shocked. Quite some number
died in the reactor explosions
for example, and most would be innocent people in the surrounding sectors etc. I can't remember if it gives figures, but I think if it did it was
at least 50 or a 100 deaths with the first reactor (I think it is said on the news channel,
if not then I may just be making it up).

Barret in particular was very violent towards people.

So yeah, I don't see the terrorist attacks at the begining of the game as justifiable. But they soon learn to realise that, and thats perhaps one of the messages the game was trying to get out. If you remember the reaction of Shinra to finding out where Avalanche's HQ is was
to flatten the whole sector with a part of the Midgar plate.
This was an atrocity in itself,
killing loads of people, but Shinra saw it as a neccessary step to stop Avalanche

Basically that could be saying "don't use violence, little terrorist, for you will suffer worse!"

That said, Shinra was still a lot worse in terms of blowing things up, killing innocents etc. So you can see how Avalanche would think itself justified, but as seen, the reactor explosions did little good but anger Shinra. I don't think they ever actually achieved anything with them. They only started to make an impact and change the world when they started travelling it and saving the world by trying to stop Sephiroth etc.
No it wasnt. As charlie said it comes down to the question. Is using voilence/terrorism an accepetable way of changing the world? I disagree, they may have wanted to save the planet, which in effect is a good thing. The means by which they try to achieve it is wrong. Barret even states this later on in the game. I guess You could say Barret was the Bin laden of FFVII, at least for a little while anyway :ahmed:

So yeah, I don't see the terrorist attacks at the begining of the game as justifiable

But unless people rebel, then the status quo will continue.

Midgar wasn't a democracy, a lot of non-democratic theories are based on the issue of violent revolution to start a rebellion with (Marxism, Communism etc).

Unless a violent revolution happened, Shinra would have been allowed to continue as they did. Sephiroth would have broken Jenova out the pod in the Shinra Tower and would have destroyed the planet, unless it was the intervention of Avalanche (if you name the group under them as well).