Was it your first FF experience

Was ff vii your first ff expirence

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For me, it was actually FF Tactics for the PS1 that was my first FF game. I actually didn't know anything about the FF series at all, so after I beat it I was surprised that FF was actually a series of games ^^

After that, I bought FF Anthology (FFV and FFVI), then FFVII, and so on.
Yes, this great FF game is the reason I started playing this great series. That is probably why it is, and always will remain, my favorite FF.
Technically, yes. I got a demo disc from my brother's friend and the disc contained a quick demo of when you go through the first reactor (only instead of having just Barret on your team, Tifa was there as well). I remember the only reason I originally played it was because I caught a trailor at the beginning of the disc, and I thought Sephiroth was a girl. And I thought his/her hair was pretty. ^_^

I didn't actually get into Final Fantasy until my mom rented me VIII, though. I loved the free will at the beginning of the game.
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