Weapon Rebirth [FFVII]


Weapon Rebirth [FFVII]
Jun 23, 2008
Wow. Can't believe I found this forum again after almost 2 years, lol. FFXIII has definately got me back into the feel of things, so I'm going to reintroduce the stat-based roleplaying concept to help revitalize this place!

With a click of the switch, the observatory exploded into a dazzling array of near dizzying, cascading light. Within moments thousands of stars flashed into existence, meteorites led a blazing trail of searing fire across the cosmos, and planets quickly emerged into view as they swiftly arranged themselves into their standard gravitational pulls.

It was both breathtaking and awe-inspiring.

A warm smile touched his wolven features as Red XIII spotted the tiny shuttle which slowly orbited their planet's atmosphere. Cid... He shook his head in delight - which caused his canine eyes to catch a strange image just out of his wide line of sight.

He turned as curiosity clawed at him. The display followed his gaze towards the outer fringes of their galaxy, slowly zooming in on several unidentifiable objects which seemed to be hurtling through space with indescribable speed. Immediately he discounted them as either a set of comets or meteorites, neither could achieve such a vast velocity, and besides, these seemed to be able to alter their flight passage, and then their shapes...

Red XIII blinked, and then again to make sure that he was seeing clearly. He let out a low gasp as he took an unconscious step back, vehemently shaking his head. "I-It can't be!"

Without another word, he darted out of the observatory with all the speed that his four legs could carry him. Back on the display, the objects began to get more clearer and more defined the closer that they got to their galaxy. There was now no doubt as to who – or rather, what - they really were. Red XIII had fought their kind before along with his friends.

They were the last vestige guardians, defenders called upon in a planet’s darkest hours, towering hybrid entities that emanated power and strength.

They were known, to one and all, as Weapons...

Weapon Rebirth [FFVII] is a RP which blends normal descriptive roleplaying along with the fun of stat-based characters and battles. Players must work together with Avalanche in order to play through the story and attempt to stop the Weapons before they wipe out all remnants of humanity.

Stats are used to determine your character’s fighting abilities as well as the final outcome of enemy skirmishes. All battle calculations will be handled by the GM, and everything will be explained as we go along - so please don’t let that scare you off! Below are some quick basics that will help you understand the RP mechanics.

In order to participate within the RP, players need to know a few of the basics (which any RPG player would know). Weapon Rebirth [FFVII] utilizes 6 main stats:

[HP] The health points of your character
[Strength] The physical attack strength of your weapon
[Magic] The magical attack strength of your Materia
[Vitality] Your capacity to withstand physical attacks
[Spirit] Your capacity to withstand magical attacks
[ATB] How many commands your character can issue per post

-----To Arms!-----​
When a player encounters an enemy, play will switch to a battle scenario. Each player has a certain number of specific commands that they can utilize in a battle. These commands will of course shift and change depending on the Materia that a player has attached, and will be updated in each player’s individual profiles. The starting commands are:

[Attack] Physically attack a target with your weapon
[Materia] Use a specific Materia orb on a target
[Item] Use an Item from your inventory on a target
[Run] Attempt to flee from an enemy
[Limit Break] Unleash a limit break on a target(s) – Requires a full limit break gauge

A player’s [ATB] stat determines how many commands that they can issue per post. For example, your character could attack, then heal with a Materia, then attack again. Within battles, players aren’t restricted to when they can attack a target - since they can post in any player order – just as long as everyone remembers that you cannot double-post of course. In one-player battles, the same principle is upheld, just as long as another player makes a post, you can then continue on with your battle.

You will have noticed that there is no [MP] stat within this RP. Each stage of a Materia’s development will require more of your [ATB] gauge in order to use the more powerful abilities, but they will of course deal much more damage for the [ATB] price. The [ATB] gauge, like most other stats, can be affected by accessories or specific Materia found during the course of the RP.

Enemies will attack randomly (i.e, whenever the GM next gets online to update proceedings). Because of this, as well as the lack of an [MP] stat, battles will be a challenge, so players will really need to work together in order to defeat their numerous foes.

Being KO’d in a battle is not the end! Players can be revived by their comrades via the use of specific Items or Materia. However, if a player is fighting alone, then it is Game Over (unless they have a specific Materia attached...). Game Over starts the player back at the nearest town, along with several penalties gained from their defeat: 15% gil loss (ouch), Limit Break reset to 0, and several random Items lost. A hefty penalty, so be cautious during battles!

-----RP Etiquette-----​
Despite the interesting battle mechanics, players must at all times remember that we are in a roleplaying forum. Under no circumstances will short, or purely battle posts be accepted. The Mods won’t accept it, and neither will the GM. There is a story to unfold and a vast world and new characters to explore. At all times, all of the standard forum roleplaying rules must be adhered to. Please see all the stickied information if you are uncertain as to these.

When players come to post their commands during battles, it must be done in a normal descriptive style. As I mentioned, any less will simply not be tolerated.

So, if this RP seems to interest you, then please sign up using the form below, or feel free to ask any questions or queries that you may have.

-----Sign Up-----​

Physical Description:

Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:

[*]Sword, gun, etc...[*]
Weapon Range:

[*] Your weapon’s range will affect every battle throughout the RP. Depending on the type of weapon, weapons are generally classed into either melee (short range) or long-range weapons. Melee weapons have the innate ability to gain random critical hits during attacks, however, they are unable to attack enemies in the back-row. Long-range weapons can attack enemies in either the front or the back row, however, they can never gain a critical hit. There is of course two Materia that can negate these effects... [*]

Limit Break Name:
Limit Break Effect:

[*] Players may choose 1 opening Limit Break for their character. The Limit Break gauge will increase whenever a player utilizes a command in a battle, or rises even faster when they are attacked by a target. Players can choose only 1 attribute to attach to this opening Limit Break (be that a status or elemental effect, a drain, an attack all, a heal, a buff, etc... ) As players progress through the RP they will get the chance to gain additional Limit Breaks. All Limit Breaks will be molded to the system in use, and the GM has the final say on the actual extent and effects of Limit Breaks.[*]

[HP] 150/150
[Strength] 25
[Magic] 25
[Vitality] 5%
[Spirit] 5%
[ATB] 3

[*] Players must now define their character’s personal development. Are you a physical fighter or a magic user? A jack of all trades, or a heavy defender? Players must choose two strengths, one medium, and two weaknesses from the first 5 stats above: [HP], [Strength], [Magic], [Vitality], and [Spirit]. This choice will determine how effective your character levels up during the course of the RP.[*]

After signing up, players will be given a random set of starting Materia. Each player will begin in the town of their birth - which will come under attack – and they will then be called to Cosmo Canyon. Again, if anyone has any comments or queries about the RP before joining, please feel free to post them here.
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