Weirdest thing ever happened to you

I remember what my moment would be. :D My best friend and I were walking through the forest, and I'm a heavier then she is by a good fifty pounds or so. It was muddy and I wanted to go around, 'cause my shoes would get all muddy. My friend urged me to go on, so she went ahead, and I followed. I suddenly tried to pull my way through the muddiness, and my left foot sunk down to my knee in mud. I gulped, and my friend just laughed. I tried to push my right foot down to get my other foot out, but that foot got mud up to the knee in mud too.

In short, before I got loose, I feel on my butt in mud, got stuck, fell face first, got stuck, lost my shoes twice while they sank, I had to dig with my hands, my friend couldn't help, she was laughing so hard, I had mud in every imaginable place, and got a very big scolding. Very random.
It would probably be the time I was watching Advent Children. It was near the end, and Vincent was shooting at Bahumut. And I'm known to shout out random things at the TV while watching movies or playing video games, so I was like, "Go Vincent! Shoot that stupid thing!"

And then I got a momentary crush on Vincent... It was very strange. :3
one day I woke up and I had so many deja vus during that day, that it smead that I had already lived that day, it was so frickin weird
just now, something really weird happened.... Its more annoying than weird

a message came up for me saying that someone wanted to add me, i accepted (as usual) then when she came online, she told me she was from chile and she lives there, i introduced myself and then i asked her where she got my msn from. then she said that she googled it, with the fact that she never played shadow hearts before (i asked her if she play it or not, she said she didn't). Then she said that she loves tyler, i dont know whhat the hell she was talking about, then i asked for her age, she said she was 21. then i said i was 11, she stated to say i was a boy, then she said i was small children o.0

WTF ??
Once I was shocked by electricity.....that has got to be the most wierd feeling ever besides stepping in dog shit.

It feels like somebody is punching or grabbing your heart.
A really strange thing happened to me earlier this year. It was really horrible. I had trouble getting to sleep one night, because my neighbours were throwing a party, but I eventually feel asleep. However, I started having a weird nightmare where some demon had invaded my room and was attacking me viciously. However, whilst i was dreaming this, I could hear my neighbours throwing a party and shouting outside in real life.

It was awful, I was terrified. Whilst I was being murdered by a demon in my dream, my neighbours were partying outside in real life and I could hear them throughout the entire nightmare. It was just freaky and messed up.

But then again, I always having weird nightmares so that's nothing new. Guess I am a bit of a troubled soul.
you know how you're foot sometimes falls asleep? well, one morning i woke up and my bottom lip was asleep.
My turn now.A few years ago,during my break out school me and my best frind were chatting with other two guys.
And one of them pushed the other one and he grapped my boobs.I didn't hit him cause I knew it wasn't his fault.

And yes,that's weird for me.
i once got flung off a mattress into a chest of draws very weird i dont remember why it happened , all i remeber is waking up about an hour later with a sore head and quiet happy , aahhh the wonders about being concussed. Also one of my mates hit me on the back of the head with a a level maths book because he felt like it.
I'm not one to believe in ESP but I nearly came close a few years ago.

When I first met my current boyfriend, you know, we were talking, and I asked him what he wanted to major in when he went to college. I immediately though "engineering" and a second later he said engineering. I shrugged it off and he said that he had to work at four. I asked where he worked and I immediately though of a resturaunt called Diane's. sure enough a second later he said "Dianes".

Probably not as exciting as most of your stories.
Heh, this was actually recent. I think it was about a few weeks ago when that member "Leilani" spammed our inbox, advertising another forum. The weird thing is that my daughter was sitting next to me at that time, and when that message popped up in my screen, I looked at my daughter, bewildered...her name happens to be Leilani, you see. =)
I was walking through a park after school. It was windy and my skirt flew up. Luckily only my friends who were guys were around.

I once fell into a well while jumping over it. Another time, i fell into some rapids while white water rafting. Another time, i fell into a river and got up to my stomach sutck in the mud. Which leads me to a point. I am bad around water...

Anyone ever have those dreams where your falling, and you wake up, and your actually, somehow, falling.
i was attacked by a person i didn't know (glomped) and then told.."Oops..wrong person." as i am laying on the ground with grass in my mouth and nose. They didn't even help me up!