Welshy's Sound Cloud

The Welsh Paddy

The Human Flamethrower
Oct 22, 2006
North Wales
Only one piece of music on it at the moment, like... but hey, I'll probably be making some more tunes over the next few months and all.


Notes: V1 is the first take. The three of us were only just starting to get familiar with using Logic so it was a huge learning curve that had us cooped up in the studio for the better part of two days. And then there's V2, where we went back and properly mastered everything and added in a bunch of extra stuff to really pad out the track. The cheesy power metal scream near the end was thrown in partly for shits and giggles and partly because we needed to demonstrate being able to throw in a vocal sample and use effects on it and stuff. You'll notice a massive improvement on the overall quality between V1 and V2 though. And considering one of the guitarists had never even touched a guitar before making this instrumental, I'd say we did a banging job with it! Oh, and the guy who did the power metal scream... We didn't even know him. He just popped into the theatre while we were pratting around recording tons of drum sounds and we never saw him again afterwards.

For the record, this assignment got us a friggin' distinction, which is the highest grade you can get. :watching:

V2 is also a lot louder than V1, so if you're listening to both of them, make sure to turn your headphones or speakers down a bit after listening to V1. Feedback would be nice! :)