Wepon Choices...


Oct 15, 2007
I was just wondering for the hell of it what wepons people had all of their characters used.
for me it was:

fran - bow
balthier - gun
penelo - dagger/handbombs
ashe - spear
vaan - swords/greatswords
basch - poles

so what did anyone else use???:P
fran - bows/crossbows
balthier - guns/poles
penelo - sword/shield
vaan - Greatswords
basch - Axe/Sword & Shield
The weapons I am currently using are:

Zodiac Spear
Ultima Blade

I don't use ranged weapons too often. They are usually only needed for flying creatures and I have Telekinesis for them.
heres what i used

vann- one handed swords/spears
baltheir- guns/ poles
fran- spear bow arros
penelo bowguns
ash greatswords
bash greatswords

it seemes a little noobish but i gave my charaters whatever the looked best with lol
Penelo:Katana (Obviously masamune)
I just give everyone swords and Fran/Penelo a bow...
Vaan - Sword
Basch - Axe (soon to be Greatsword)
Balthier - Guns
Fran - Bows
Ashe - Katana
Penelo - Spear
Basch uses greatswords. I switch between the Ragnarok, Save the Queen and Excalibur.

Balthier had bows for awhile until I got the Genji Glove and Masamune. Nowe he uses that.

Penelo uses bows.

Fran uses daggers (rarely use her).

Vaan uses spears (rarely use him).
Havent completed the game yet but heres what i stick to:

Vaan: Swords
Penelo: Axes
Balthier: Spears
Fran: Bows
Basch: Swords
Ashe: Swords
Vaan: Sword+Shield/Greatsword
Fran: Greatsword
Penelo: Crossbow
Balthier: Gun
Basch: Greatsword
Ashe: Greatsword
I tend to sell what I don't need and only keep the strongest of everything... So I have a lot of Save the Queens.
When it comes to Final Fantasy games, I'm a sword guy. I use it as my main weapon probably 90% of the time unless the characters have a pre-determined type of weapon that that person needs to use.

However, for FFXII, I used the Zodiac Spear on Vaan, Ultima Blade on Basch, and not sure whether it was the Excalibur or Ragnorak, but Balthier used that one.
Vaan: Swords
Penelo: ninja swords
Balthier: Guns
Fran: Bows
Basch: great Swords
Ashe: Swords/daggers
vaan - katana
balthier - gun
fran - bow
ashe - 1h sword/ shield
basch - 2h sword
penelo - staves
Vaan: Bow
Balthier: Spear
Fran: Greatsword
Basch: Pole
Ashe: Sword
Penelo: Handbomb
Might i also say that most of my equipment is storebought,except Balthier´s spear (Dragon Whisker)
Vaan- Zodiac Spear
Fran- Tournesol (Man I hated Gathering the gemsteels For it!)
Balthier- Masamune
Basch- Masamune
Ashe- Excalibur or sagittarius
Penelo- Yagyu Darkblade (I equipped this coz its so damn hard getting one of these suckers!)
Vaan - 2 Handed Sword/ 1 Handed Sword/ Spear.
Balthier - 1 Handed Sword/ Spear.
Fran - 2 Handed Sword/ Spear.
Basch - 2 Handed Sword/ 1 Handed Sword/ Spear.
Ashe - 1 Handed Sword/ 2 Handed Sword/ Ninja Sword/ Katana.
Penelo - 1 Handed Sword/ 2 Handed Sword/ Ninja Sword/ Katana/ Pole/ Staff

I hear Balthier is the worst person to use a gun and Fran the worst to use a bow due to their animations are ever so slightly slower...
Vaan - Bow/Staff
Basch - Greatswords
Fran - Swords/Greatswords
Ashe - Swords
Penelo - Crossbows
Balthier - Poles/Guns
At the moment:

Vaan- Axe (I'm going to put him back on daggers though.)
Balthier- Gun/Crossbow (Sirius/Bowgun atm)
Fran- Staff (Flame staff)
Basch- Spear (Heavy lance)
Ashe- Katana, but she was using poles before. (Kogarasumaru)
Penelo- Bows (Elfin bow)

I try to balance the weapons between melee and ranged.

Ashe probably has the best weapon at the moment, that katana packs a punch. :cool: