What are you allergic to?

What are you allergic to?

  • Dust

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Mold

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Animal fur

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Peanuts

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • chocolate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • Nothing at all

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • This poll doesn't even scratch the surface of all the s**t I'm allergic to!

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
I guess I'm allergic to those flying dusty things you see flying around outside. Pollen?

Whatever. That's the only thing I'm allergic to I'm afraid.
As far as I know, nothing. I would hate to be those poor bastards that are allergic to half the things that most people would normally have around them.
Lol. I like the last option. XD
I think everyone is allergic to dust and animal fur and stuff like that. Some people just have better immune systems. ^_^

I am allergic to sulfur...meaning I can't take certain antibiotics or I'll break out and develop fevers and headaches.
I'm also allergic to red dye...meaning some juices, and most candies containing red dye make my tongue swell up...followed by headaches. o_O
I have a sever allergy to Penicillin and Bee stings.

With Penicillin, I'll break out into hives from head to toe, my entire face swells up and worst of all, my throat closes cutting off my breathing.

A Bee sting attacks my central nervous system shutting down my involuntary muscles such as my heart and lungs.
It's really weird how some people have completely random allergies and then...other things don't have any effect on them at all. lol.

For some reason, ever since I moved to California, I got rid of my dog allergy.
My reactions used to be as bad as F.F.Fan's up there. What with the breathing closed and muscle spasms, it was horrible.
But then again, there were a lot of strays and whatnot. That's probably it.
Yeah, very true.

For a longest time I could take almost any Penicillin and even a Bee sting or two as a kid, but in my late teens and early twenties I seemed to all of a sudden develop an allergy to them.

A Bee sting is hit or miss for anyone I guess, since their venom changes every year, but yes, it is weird how some people have completely random allergies and others all of a sudden gain or loose an allergic reaction.
I am allergic to peanuts, ceclor, theophylin, just about everything outside, and pretty much anything with fur.

The first one, being peanuts, is so severe, that on my high school's emergency forms that I had to fill out there is a question that asks: "If an ambulance is not able to arrive within 30 minutes, who should we contact?" and I wrote "A mortician". My mom wasn't too pleased with it, but after a minute or two of contemplating she said, "well, I guess you're right... go ahead, leave it", which is completely unlike her.

Ceclor and Theophylin, both are medications, I've only had once, though one right after another. There were some minor complications with my birth due to a nurse's incompetence (I swallowed amniotic fluid due to being forced slightly back into the womb), and they gave me Ceclor to ease some of my symptoms. However, it turned out I was allergic to the Ceclor and started vomiting uncontrollably (sorry for the graphic detail). Anyways, they gave me Theophylin to counteract the Ceclor reaction I was having, and low and behold, they find out I'm allergic to that too.

Animal fur, specifically dog and cat fur, and other outdoor nuisances, flare up my asthma, cause me to form a rash in some instances, and my eyes water, turn red, and are just plain irritated.

Other than that though... well, that doesn't leave a whole lot else, now does it? :P

I feel bad for people allergic to Penicillins though, I really have a thing for "the pink stuff" as they so call it. :D
I love how people say they aren't allergic to a thing. xD. Not true.

There is a high-probability you will be allergic to at least one thing. Since most of these things you never come into contact with, it's hard to say what you're allergic to.

As for me: I am not sure. I may be allergic to bee stings, but I never have been stung by one. =X
OK....allergies...here we go...you ready?

Strawberries......I go into anaphalactic shock and would die without treatment.

Nylon........I come out in a skin rash that itches like hell and my skin cracks and bleeds.

Alcohol........This is a new one. I've never been able to drink too much, but lately ANY alcoholic beverage makes my body temperature soar and I feel sick and dizzy.

Impure Metals.....Any metal that isn't pure gold/silver or platinum causes welts on the area of skin that it rests and then the skin peels off in layers. I am talking buttons on jeans, cheap jewellery, coins etc etc etc.

Certain plastics.......not all. The hard plastics appear to be fine. It's stuff like rubber gloves both the kind used in cleaning and the medical ones. This is difficult for me mainly as I am a First Aider at work and am required to wear plastic gloves when treating someone. It causes the same kind of reaction as nylon.

Perfums.........ANY perfum is like acid to me. If sprayed or dabbed onto my skin it burns like acid and causes welts and blisters.

Wash Powders........The only one I have found that doesn't cause itching and hives is Bold. All others I avoid.

I think that's about it. Well the ones I know about anyway.

Oh and I don't know if it counts but I am resistant to anesthetics. I need double or more of a normal dosage to have any effect. For example the last time I had a tooth out my dentist had to inject my mouth 18 times to stop any feeling. This has the added effect of making me violently sick as it wears off.
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For some reason, ever since I moved to California, I got rid of my dog allergy.
My reactions used to be as bad as F.F.Fan's up there. What with the breathing closed and muscle spasms, it was horrible.
But then again, there were a lot of strays and whatnot. That's probably it.

Where did you used to live?

I used to live in the southeast, and I had a horrible time with regular seasonal itchy eyes runny nose pollen induced allergies.
Ever since I mved to CA, I don't have that anymore. XD
California's heaven, isn't it?
I used to live back in Asia *coughs*
Flooding, filthy water, pollution, and all.
The poor animals practically wade in the stuff.
Dust, latex, pepper trees, certain flowers, and possibly green peppers. o.o

Oh, and those disinfectant wipes they give you at the grocery store to wipe down your carts. XP I can't even touch the carts without my hands burning up. o.o
Last option. Stupid nose. Haven't been able to breathe regularly through it since I was born. Grass, mold, dust, smoke, etc...

The grass thing is weird though. It's like cut grass for what I'm allergic too; not like grass if I fall on the ground while playing football. Crazy shit like that.