What could have made this game better?


Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
Mar 17, 2010
The Farplane.
So every game has flaws. What do you think could have been added, changed, or dropped completely?

A few of mine are.
1. Change Vanille's voice actress
2. A Fight with Jihl.
3. Delete the Adamantadoise from existence.
Oh, I liked Vanille's voice...but I am aware I am like the only person though :P

1. Have the battle's a little more like Star Ocean: The Last Hope. By that I mean how you can change character at any time, bring in the other characters and run around on the battle screen.

2. Theatre Mode. I mean seriously, all this effort on graphics and you don't give us a chance to rewatch the best parts?

3. Similar to theatre mode but let me revist the parts of Cocoon! There are a few places that were just so beautiful i was dying to go back there.

4. Don't have the crystarium locked, I didn't like that.

5. Let the crystarium spread out more. Yeah choosing which role you upgraded and when is at least SOME customisation but a little more within the roles would have been AWESOME.


7. As awesome as the weapon upgrading thing is, it is fairly stupid how you have probably already upgraded you're default weapon when you get the next one making it not so useful.

8. Make the battle team changeable from the start. I don't see why you weren't allowed to. I like how the story defines who is in you're party but I hate how it defines who you play as. There is a whole part near the start where I can't use Hope because he is the 4th member.

9. Having Gadot and Lebreau in you're party near the start AND NEVER BEING ABLE TO USE THEM AGAIN! That is just mean, they seem awesome.

10. A fight with Jihl, seriously there is the opportunity there.

11. Speed up the tutorial section a bit more.

12. NORA and Jihl were made to look like they have a bigger role in the story yet they did not. I can actually imagine certain times for NORA to help and for Jihl to have a bigger role. (1st fight with Bart becomes Jihl fight and thats just a start)

13. Titan as the final boss. I can imagine it happening.

I am actually doing a playthrough saying little things that could have been better.

All this being said. I freaking LOVED the game. It just lacked a lot in a few areas. Such as post-story play value. I have no drive to play now that the story is over :(
I wanted Colonel Jihl Nabaat as a boss though this should probably be in the spoiler section :hmmm: Also wanted to rewatch the scenes but youtube fixes that.
I'm not going to list them all, only a select ten. It's in no particular order:
  • Memorable, more ruthless villains. Nabaat was pathetic. Rosch was too redeemable to be a villain. I don't even class Raines as a villain. Barthandelus was too mediocre and forgettable. Orphan was just thrown in as a villain out of the blue.
  • Theatre kind of location, such as the Luca theatre in FFX and FFX-2. It would have been nice to watch all those CGI scenes again without trawling on Youtube.
  • Later weapons you collect in the game were useless when your current weapon had already been upgraded to be ten times superior. Taking that idea back to the drawing board would have been a good idea.
  • It would be much better also if the whole game DIDN'T feel like a marathon of battles in a straight line just to get to the next cutscene/boss battle or both.
  • Some kind of town. It can be a flashback kind of thing, such as that one particular bit in Bodhum - but expand it so it seems more of a town and somewhere to do a bit of exploration
  • Puzzles!! Dungeons in the game are just linear affairs with battle after battle. Couldn't have there been some puzzles thrown in to get the player's head actually working? I wasn't expecting Zelda-esque ones, but I did expect some puzzles in there somewhere.
  • Crystarium could have been MUCH better. Like FFXII's License Board, it is guilty for giving each character essentially the same augments and abilities. There wasn't enough uniqueness.
  • Capped Crystarium...........what is the point of that? That shouldn't be there. If I want to power level, I should be free to do so.
  • Improve the Eidolons if you're going to have them. I only used Odin and also to a lesser extent, Bahamut. The summons in this game (like in FFXII) are that ineffective it makes me laugh. Honestly.
  • Less save points. The "Retry" option in battles is already there. Why do we need so many save points in this game? Every two to five minutes or so, I see one.
Where to start...

Less linearity for one. I swore that this wouldn't get to me but it's ridiculous, I could understand the first 10 chapters because they were story driven so there wasn't a huge focus on gameplay. But once it got to chapter 11 and Square-Enix claimed it "opened up", well that's a lie. Inserting one big open field with linear paths going off that doesn't class as "opening up" in my eyes.

Story. The plot was woeful and so, so generic. The whole having to save the world from destruction...seriously?

Characters. I liked half of them. Fang, Lightning and Sazh were all pretty decent characters I thought but then you get the "teenage, whiny bitch" Hope, "I don't know what my fucking accent should be" Vanille, and "roid rage - your hero's coming" Snow.

A villain. Jihl Nabaat has to be classed as the worst "villain" in existence. The story had it nicely set-up for her to be a villain and for revenge. Yaag, was too nicey-nicey to be considered a "villain". Cid Raines was never a villain imo, and was never meant to be. Barthandelus had nothing to do with the main story then just randomly popped in now and again to throw in a twist. Orphan...HAHAHAHA!

I'm going to stop.
- Revisiting cities would be awesome. In the last chapters you could only walk around freely.
- An airship that you control that can take you to other locations.. seriously, I missed that.
- Vanille's voice acting.... =.=
- Snow mentioning Serah and being a hero less.
- No sound effects on the treasures
- Higher drop rate for rare items. It took AGES to get a damn trapezohedron or whatever
- Selecting a leader from the start and the party members.
- Sidequests like finding a hidden eidolon or something.
- Giving more oppurtunity, whenever there was another road it mostly lead to a treasure.
- I would have loved to see old magics like darkness and silence.
- Better weapon system.
- In the last chapter, when you have proceeded through all halls already, I don't like it when you go through the portal when you go back to orphan's cradle that you end up in the area in front of the boss again, I wouldnt mind to fight those monsters again with high CP.
I actually liked the storyline; the general "save the world (or try to not destroy it) things was actually nice to me. Some of the FF storylines are way too out there and hard to keep up with. There were tons of details that did cause it to be tricky to understand, though. It took me to like, 20 hours into the game to fully comprehend all the L'Cie stuff. I honestly liked Vanille's voice, I thought it was very pretty for all the narrating. Her battle noises, however, were absurdly disturbing. I could have done with fewer orgasms form her during my battles, since she was always in my party. Hope annoyed the hell out of me with his stupid little inspirational speeches, but again, I usually had him in my party and had to deal with him all the time. Snow also annoyed me, I didn't care at all for the Snow-Serah thing and thought he was too pompous and stuck up. So mostly, I think the characters need fixing in XIII. I really loved the battle system, you have to be sharp and quick thinking to beast the battles. The graphics were just beautiful and I didn't mind that it was completely linear. The ending also really disappointed me, the game would have been so much better if it was a little more complete. As in, the reunions with Serah and Daj just didn't feel epic enough for me considering I spent 60 hours working towards saving them and whatnot. I would have liked to seen some more footage later, perhaps from during the wedding or something. Maybe I'm just spoiled with the wonderful ending of VIII....
Alright for the people that complain about the Adamantoise and having to fight it, you do realize there are 3 other options to go right? You can either A- Fight Adamantortoise which has about 2 mil lower exp, and easier to fight, and has the same drops as the Adamantoise or you can B- go the route of buying the Trapezohedron. Killing Adamanchelid's have the chance to drop Gold Dust, which sells for 15,000. You could also kill Sacrifices or Sanctum Inquisitrixes that have a chance to drop perfumes as well that sell for 12,500. And lastly option C- Digging treasure up with the chocobo is another route you could take as well, although I did it for maybe 30 minutes and quit because I never found anything worth a damn.

I'm sorry but the arguement about Adamantoise being annoying and ruining the game for ppl doesn't hold water for me, because there are other options for you to choose to get Trapezohedrons.
Well it would be nice if the world was open like FINAL FANTASY XII and the gameplay like FFVIII or FFX-2, about the story I can't say much because I didn't like it that much... the old final fantasies had some memorable moments those moments made final fantasy famous along with the music and the battle system. FINAL FANTASY XIII has some very interesting things to do after you beat Ophan but it's too hard to kill those damn Long Guis and the ultimate weapons are not worth the effort because I've already done all the missions, not all with five stars but I'm not interested in the Platinum Trophy or the character themes it gives for my ps3 (PSN: "Demokaze" btw:D) the only thing I will always remember about this FF is how Lightning rides the chocobo :griin:
i thought it was fine except for the adamantadoise or whatever(didint pay attention during game =P) i kinda got cluster****** after chpt.11 but at least they still have chocobos. i luvz chocobos =P
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1. Vanille's voice. I couldn't tell if she had a british or austrailian accent. And the voice sounded fake, as if the voice actor was trying to sound like a young girl.

2. Give Fang ravager as one of her main paradigms. She would have been a perfect character for me.

3. No so linear. The game felt like a destination and not a journey. I fell like I spent the entire game walking in a straight line.

4. World map. If this game were made in the SNES or PS1 era I think I would have liked it better.

5. Too much walking. With a world map, you walk from one town to the next and get the idea that you walked across a continent and don't actually have to do it. I kept getting lost in the story because if felt like I was always walking from point A to point B.

6. Classic FF music. There was no victory theme, no crystal music, or main FF theme.

7. No classic spells as far as I am aware of. No holy, meteor, flare, my characters didn't get ultima.

8. What was with the summon names? Why new unpronouncable ones? What's wrong with Ifrit, Ramuh, Leviathan, Titan? They are the only reoccuring characters in the series. At least they included Shiva, Bahamut, and Odin. And Odin, though I appreciated his appearance, he's the summon that is an instant kill. Lightning should have had Ramuh.

9. Make Serah look as though she is old enough to leagally date Snow <.<

10. Main character dying means game over. A little annoying if the boss has an instant death spell. And why can't a medic raise your main character?

11. Too dark. The atomosphere did not encourage me to finish the game. Grand Pulse was such a breath of fresh air.

12. Give us an air ship.

13. Villians were forgettable. I had completely forgotten about one of the villians. The one you fight twice towards the end of the game? And Barthalamaus was forgettable even though you fight him three times. He didn't have the presence that previous FF villians had.

14. Towns, the world felt fake with out them

15. More NPCs, especially friendly. The world felt very small.

16. Have your characters meet over the course of the story. Everyone except for Fang meets up at the begining. In the older games, it was fun to meet people along the way.

17. A main character. the story is easier to follow if we see it through one character's eyes, and this story didn't seem appropriate for trying to make everyone a main character.

18. Have only one character be a La'cie (would have been best with Hope, or if Serah had been playable). It would give the story more depth if the characters in the story chose to help out the La'cie character. This just kind of forced them all together.
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I think mainly the main one is the story......

FFX and FFVII are both great games which have really good stories which makes them stand out from other games. And the same reason why so many love FFX and FFVII is because of the story.

But FFXIII lacked a real good story..........they didn't really have a heart-break moment..........apart from Hope's mother dying,at the beginning of the game but at that point you probably didn't give a damn because you didn't really know who she even is.

As well as not many emotional moments...........the story lacked a real villian. Yes you can say Rosch and Barthendulus.But you wouldn't compare them to a Sephiroth or Kuja.

Secondly,for the after-game you need towns and villages where you can just chill out. Instead of having Gran Pulse just an empty field with monsters........it definately would of been better to have towns with people and NPC's............but even with that it would get boring..........in other games you go to different towns which offer different stuff such as a different range of weapons in shops.But in this game I used Gladius (from eary on) all the way after upgrading it..........and the shop is technically the save spot.......which also rules out having shops in towns. Also they could of added a mini game like a card game where you play with people instead of just going up to them and seeing what they gotta say.

All together, even though this game lacks towns............having towns would be useless anyway.........but even if they did have towns with NPC's in Gran Pulse it would of been better
the main thing i miss is any form of mini game something u could do to earn eqiupment etc
Was the story really so bad?

The real problem lies within the battle system, you cant just hack it and stick a few new bits in there, Paradigm shift is the worst battle mechanic in a FF game, its hard to think of a comparable idea, in fact there isn't one it no FF game has been botched like that before.

Lightning was weak main character and underwhelming in the least, The other guys were great, Hope maybe was a whiner and a Vaan 2nd birth but he was still okay. Fang,Vanille, now and Zahs(?) were great for there roles,.

Limited statistical information and a reduction in the stat fields, Only having Strength and Magic as the primary stats= boring.....Where was Defence or Evasion, Hit % S-E must think we all some how got stupid since FFXII.

Well thats to in a row now they botched how more do they have left in them?

I think its time for the creators to hand over the reigns, Y'know fresh minds, fresh ideas.
The Crystarium needs a major improvement. The fact that the entire game is linear, I don't understand why the character progression needed to be so linear as well. I really think something like this should be removed in general. Bring back the Experience Points and traditional leveling up.
I believe more depth could have helped this game. I mean all you do is run, boss fight,run,bossfight etc.. FFX was linear as well but atleast it felt like you were going somewhere and you started to feel for each character during the games progression.
So every game has flaws. What do you think could have been added, changed, or dropped completely?

A few of mine are.
1. Change Vanille's voice actress
2. A Fight with Jihl.
3. Delete the Adamantadoise from existence.

1. I liked vanille's voice actress. I thought it suited the character well

2. Didn't Barty kill Jihl?

3. Agreed.



2. Jump the party to worlds from previous games.