What Did You Name Tidus?

I kept Tidus because I usually keep the default names as well through my playthroughs. Keeps it simple and then when I go to talk about the game it makes it easier to discuss. Plus, the names I'd pick would usually suck anyway.
i named him after me the first time round...but ever since then ive always kept his default name :lol: it makes following guides and stuff easier.
i did the same as most. kept the default. every game i play i always keep the default names, its easier and i feel that if i change them it takes a little bit away from the game and how it was supposed to be.
I don't like changing the characters' names. One reason is I suck at making up names.:P Default names are better than my made up names.
There are times I change it to my name; when I feel like it. But usually, I just use their default names.
Named him Tidus, of course. Default. I don't like naming my own characters...it doesn't seem to fit them. =/ However, if the name extremely sucks, and it really bothers me, then yeah, I'll go and change it to my preference. Tidus was an okay name. ;)
Named by default. I had a strategy guide, so it'd get confusing. I like to keep them at default, anyway.
I named him Tidus.
Becuase that's his name.
I mainly change his name so i know the difference between save files. For instance i know which file has the high relationship stat with auron cos the name is different than the one where the relationship with lulus is higher
I use to change the names to Daryl (My name) but after FFIX, I didn't bother with it and now when I play through the games again I just stick with the default name.
... you're all gonna kill me when i tell you this but the first time i played it i named him Cloud... yes Cloud, i was an idiot back then, not knowing much about final fantasy, and only knowing a little bit through Kingdom Hearts, so yes i named him Cloud the first time i played it, i just thought he looked a little like him, note i have only seen him in Kingdom Hearts at that time... so don't kill me over it, i was an idiot back then