What do you mean gone?


Dec 12, 2008
Do any of you find it really annoying when you've levelled up a character to brilliance, relied on them throughout the story, and then they go and leave the party, sometimes forever?

What was the worst incident it hapened in, and how did you deal with enemies and bosses without them?
Aeris is an annoying one. For some reason I feel the need to level her quite a bit, aswell as go to the trouble of getting Great Gospel and her Princess Guard, when I know that she's not going to be there throughout the full game.
Aeris was one of my favorite party members in ff7. I liked her so much I learned her level 4 limit break. I even got a saved file with her on disk 1. :). I managed bosses by leveling up my other characters lol. Just like everyone else would have to do.
Half the bastards in FFIV, especially Yang, I was like wtf.... COME BACK IVE TRAINED YOU HOW RUUUUUDE. He was like, my best fighter, i was gutted, and I kept going back tio the Fairy place in the vain hope Id get him back, but alas, no
This was pretty annoying in FFIV. It annoyed me how the party was constantly changing, it seemed like everyone would get replaced just as I was getting used to them. But I guess it kept the game interesting in some aspects; what with getting a new party every couple of hours and all.

FFVII wasn't as bad for me since I knew she was going to leave (although I was surprised at how early it happened, I was expecting it to be a final dungeon type thing).
This was pretty annoying in FFIV. It annoyed me how the party was constantly changing, it seemed like everyone would get replaced just as I was getting used to them. But I guess it kept the game interesting in some aspects; what with getting a new party every couple of hours and all.

FFIV immediately sprung up in my mind aswell. Every character either died or left your party, it was very annoying. Heck i even levelled up cecil a fair bit then he goes and become a paladin or whatever, BOOM back to level one again ><
It didnt affect me in FF7 as i knew she was gonna die pretty much, seein as the back of the game box had a cloud holding a lifeless aerith in his hands...kinda gave it away -__-
FFIV is the one I would have thought of, especially as the stronger characters kept getting replaced by weaker characters. Losing Yang, Tellah and Rydia for the twins was incredibly lame. And then Cecil went back down to level one. Urgh.

FFVI also springs to mind, but not on such a permanent or irritating basis as FFIV. It irritated me that party members were always chopping and changing, especially in the World of Balance. Celes came and went all the time D=

Aerith in FFVII, yeah, really horrible cause after Cloud she was my highest leveled character, but I got over that and used a different one. I always use Aerith anyway, regardless of how much tweaking the party will need in disks 2 and 3.
FFIV. Pain in the bum when it comes to character changing >.>

I did rise above it in the end, and annoyingness of changing characters and wasting leveling time aside, it did add quite a bit of depth to the story in my opinion. I was gutted to see Yang go though, because his moves and STR was a great asset to the party.

FFVII comes second. I'm just glad on my first playthrough I had an obsession with balancing the characters. Though Aerith is in my top five favourite characters, she isn't in my top two choices for forming a party (Two for the obvious reason of not being able to change Cloud >.>)
Half the bastards in FFIV, especially Yang, I was like wtf.... COME BACK IVE TRAINED YOU HOW RUUUUUDE. He was like, my best fighter, i was gutted, and I kept going back tio the Fairy place in the vain hope Id get him back, but alas, no

Ugh, IV was the worst in that area. You go and level up characters only to have them taken away from you and replaced with someone else that you have to level up and so on and so forth.

The worst for me was in Tactics. I had a really powerful monk character that I always used in battle. I had spent a lot of time leveling his job skills and whatnot. Then he goes and dies in a boss battle. I couldn't get to him fast enough to revive him so he died forever. Of course, I didn't think about resetting the game and doing the battle over until about three saves later. -__-
Yeah, FFIV was the first game that came into my mind. I was annoyed by the constant changes of characters in my party. I had to level the new ones up as my Cecil was always ahead of them (after another annoying change, when he becomes a paladin and I have to level him up from level 1 -__-).
Someone dies, gets replaced, then the replacements are forced to be out of action and get replaced, then someone is kidnapped, someone becomes evil then come back later, and so on XD

FFVI had a little bit of it, but I don't remember it being as constant as IV. And in FFVII I already knew Aeris was going to die so... to be honest I didn't really give her much attention.
I'm not sure about the DS version of IV but in the GBA version the characters that have left the party come back after the final boss. (I think, or before.) Unlike the SNES and PSone version where they never came back. D:

It's annoying when characters leave, especially useful characters such as Yang. Better yet, when your main healer leaves and you have to rely on potions which can be quite costly. That was a pain in IX when neither Garnet or Eiko was in your party.

The worst of it is when a character leaves your party with full equipment that you may not be able to get back. It's especially bad if they leave forever and you've equipment them with a one-of-a-kind item. Some games don't automatically remove equipment once a party member leave which annoys the hell out of me. I could use that weapon and armor on another character or sell it for money.
like everyone who read the OP FF IV, i still think of it as FF 2 for Snes, and yes Yang, i read in a nintendo power once that you get a frying pan from his wife and hit him in the head or something, i think ( thinking like 10 years back ) i tried it not sure if didnt get pan or what.
Final Fantasy IV definitely comes to my mind. I would level them up and level them up,then they would just be replaced. I think I was most disappointed by Tellah,Palom and Porom, and then when Rydia leaves. Atleast she comes back though.

Final Fantasy VII didn't really effect me. I didn't know anything was going to happen to Aeris,but she wasn't my favorite character. I did use her in my party alot though. But it's pretty easy to bounce back since the characters on that game level up without being in your party. So you never really have characters that are THAT far behind you.
Aeris was the annoying one. I wanted to level her up pretty well before her demise. I knew she died before I played, but still I wanted to make a decent character out of her.
I understand what you feel. And can't blame you for that. It is really disappointing right? I figured it was time for of us to move on. .
in the super nintendo of final fantasy iv i level up cid really high then like maybe 2 hours in the main quest he leaves for good i got so mad when that happened
It bugged me when someone would leave my party in FF IX with a valuable accessory on them. Fortunately, all of the good characters (except Beatrix, I suppose) came back eventually.
FFX, one thing that really sucked, during my first playthrough. I built up Yuna for her summoning powers, then in the middle of the game she get's kidnapped and suddenly I need to beat the toughest boss yet (Evrae, damn poison breath), without my powerhouse.
RINOA! In FF8, when Rinoa gets possessed or whatever, it drove me INSANE! She was my best character, better than Squall, and they just take her away from me! And then when I got her back, I already had Selphie and Irvine leveled up to where she had been and beyond, so... it was just extremely annoying. Then I discovered the Island Closest to Hell! :D Hello level 100!

Also AERIS! My first time playing that... guh, that was such a horrible time for me XD I tried all of the revival crap :P

And FFIV can die now *nod*
Definitely FFIV was the worst with the character leaving. Really screwed me, especially Cecil's going down to level 1 as a lame-ass Paladin. Although Paladin isn't bad in the DS version, in terms of the FFIV game for the PS1, Dark Knight > Paladin for me -_-

I keep remembering how I equipped a one-of-the kind accessory on Beatrix in FFIX, and I never got her back in my party and never learned to synthesize the accesory later D=

I think in FFVI, if you leave space to get Shadow after leaving Narshe (spelling?) he goes away, and leaves you with just 3 in a party D=<

Aerith's absence only sucked in terms of her own special abilities, but in FFVII, I think I kept everyone at close levels, so I was able to replace her without too much trouble *shrugs*