What do you truly think about these pictures?


Mar 29, 2009
The Cave of Wonders









I'm going to be 100% honest and say that I think these are funny. Except for the second last, there's nothing really to laugh at there, and I'm not just saying that because it's racist. It's truly not that great. If these were made recently, I would probably be offended, but these are old.

What would you do/say/think about these pictures if they were pretty recent? Does the age of these pictures not matter, and they're too much anyway?
What are your thoughts?
The only one, to me, that could seem pretty bad is the black and white one, and that's only if you take a racist view towards it. The other's a generally funny, even the Hitler one is funny, and to be honest I think it's only Germans who take offence to that sort of stuff anyway. :wacky: But yeah, to me they're still only cartoons. :wacky:
They're cartoons and meant to be viewed as such. It's supposed to be comical and funny, in short, if you don't like it don't watch it. That is the wonderful thing about having power over what you view.

Personally, I don't find any of them offensive at all. And I think sheltering people from cartoons is a bit much for those parents who decide it is in their child's best interest. There are worse things out there than man marrying a rabbit for the lulz.
I actually find the 2nd to last One really creppy what are they suppose to be

The only One i found remotely Funny is the 3rd one i think it's Just the Expression on His face
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I never even thought of racism when looking at them, until the word was mentioned further down. -_-
I wouldn't say any of them are offensive really, apart from the two ones before the Hitler one, they're a bit dodgy and could be seen as quite racist - but they are of their time.

I honestly don't see a problem with the others, like Estella said, they're just cartoons and they're supposed to be funny, and not taken seriously.
I agree with a few of the others. They are just cartoons, and I don't find any of them offensive in the least bit.

Im also pretty sure that I own/have seen all of these before while growing up.
I didn't think anything bad about them to be honest.

I looked at each picture and wondered what this thread was really about at the start.

The humour of them at the time was accepted and although they may not be very tasteful for most people these days, they are still classics.

They had their time and will remain memorable to those who viewed them as children.

That second last one was from Fantasia I'm sure. I loved that movie!
Just thinking, things like this can be seen as offensive and racist blah blah blah, but then how much has changed with the times? Family Guy, South Park etc. make racist jokes and they are alot more obvious about it, yet there's no talk of them like of these.
Truth be told, these made me feel a little nostalgic. :wacky:

It's just a reminder of how far cartoon have come in the last decade or so. I remember a time when Cartoon Network would air nothing but Bugs Bunny cartoons for the month of June. This annoyed me because I watched Toonami and was missing Gundam Wing and Dragonball Z. At the time I complained, but now...that everything is so different...I miss these old cartoons.

Bring back June Bugs. :awesome:
When I saw the first one I thought that the only thing that could be offensive there Is that it looks like gay marriage!
The 2nd and 3rd could offend crazy animal lovers like PETA:woot:
4th one was weird but funny and 6th made laugh.:lol:
The 2nd to last isn’t funny at all just strange but I don’t know, racism?:unsure:
And of course the last one could be offensive but like Larxene said, that stuff is only offensive to the germans. Nonetheless most of them were funny!
Firstly, yes, those are all real pictures by the original artists, if any of you have doubts. I've seen several of them myself.

I hate to sound like a racist/whatever, but I lawled so hard at all of those pictures. Firstly, there was no PC-ness, so people just caricatured stuff to the point where it was funny and slightly offensive. Back then, you could get away with guns, sexual jokes, and stuff. Nobody really cared until the whole "politically correct" thing. Finally, Donald as a Nazi. Disney made a cartoon about Nazi Germany in the 1940's, before anyone knew what was really going on in Germany. The Holocaust was never discovered until *after* the war had ended and everyone was already dead. It's sad but true.
Hahahaha i just found them funny tbh. I can see the slight racial theme in some of them but that wasnt til it ws pointed out to me if im being honest. Still looking at them now i cant say i really care either way. Theyre old cartoons, things were different in those days, nowadays no doubt a black worm woman wouldnt be shown filing the nails of a beautiful white horse lady. If i seen it on the TV i wouldnt even raise an eyebrow to it really in terms of finding it offensive to certain races. Id just laugh at bugs.