What Does The Final Fantasy Team Think Of The Last Story?

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007

(Big shout out to Tsukianei for this one (y))

In January, developer Mistwalker announced it was making The Last Story with Nintendo, a "new form of RPG" bound for the Wii. That's Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi's newest game. What does the Final Fantasy team think about all this?

Surely, The Last Story from the creator of Final Fantasy would perk up some ears at Square Enix. But Final Fantasy XIII's producer sounded unsurprised and impressively diplomatic about the former Square developer venturing forth with a very Final Fantasy-like title.

"I had heard that Sakaguchi was thinking of a title like this so it wasn't much of a surprise to me," producer Yoshinori Kitase told Kotaku. "I don't really feel like the name The Last Story really overlaps with Final Fantasy because Sakaguchi-san probably just wanted a simple straightforward title that Japanese users can pick up and understand." See? No bad blood.

Sakaguchi and Mistwalker's other games, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, don't sound too much unlike Square Enix games.

"It's a very Sakaguchi-san-like title," Kitase said.

MistWalker's "full-scaled" RPG, built on the "universal theme of human emotion" is planned for a release in Japan on the Wii this year.

Source: Kotaku
I actually have to agree. "Last Story" didn't equal "Final Fantasy" to me even if the original creator of FF is working on it. If we're talking just the graphic design on the game logo, okay, some similarities, sure, but it's not the only game logo similar to a Final Fantasy logo *shrugs*
I actually have to agree. "Last Story" didn't equal "Final Fantasy" to me even if the original creator of FF is working on it. If we're talking just the graphic design on the game logo, okay, some similarities, sure, but it's not the only game logo similar to a Final Fantasy logo *shrugs*
Agree as well! Last Story is a whole new different game with different things and i'm sure it's not going to be 'Final Fantasy' maybe include things on the lines of FF but i don't think they would make a whole new game with a different name if it was just going to be 'another' FF that'd be pointless imo.
Lol guys. "Last Story" "Final Fantasy"... you can't tell me you don't see a similarity. Last-final Story-fantasy. He's obviously trying to say "Final Fantasy" without actually saying "Final Fantasy." The artwork is similar, and I damn well bet the gameplay will be similar to the Final Fantasies of yesteryear. Frankly, I'm really looking forward to this. If you're an old school Final Fantasy fan and are tired of how the new games are going, you should be looking forward to it too.
I'll be honest with you... I didn't notice the similarity in titles until now. -facepalm-

Now that you mention it, though, it does look like a copycat. I'm glad that there seems to be no hard feelings between the two companies, though.

I'll most likely check this out. If it does end up being similar to Final Fantasy, that's awesome. New game for me to get into.
Looks very interesting. I think its comically coincidental that the titles are similar Final Fantasy, The Last Story. Since Sakaguchi probably had something to do with it I'll be interested to see how The Last Story turns out. I don't think it will be a complete copy of final fantasy but there will probably be some similarities.
I think Kitase is just being diplomatic. Sakaguchi is basically the guy's mentor, so of course he's never going to say anything bad about him. The logo and the name screams Final Fantasy to me, it's obviously fully intentional and I don't think there's anything wrong with that really.

Sakaguchi created Final Fantasy, and since the rights to that name lies with Square, I think he has every right to create a spiritual successor if he wants to. It's not so different from Tetsuya Takahashi creating the Xenosaga series after leaving Square.
A link to the thread in case anyone isn't really familiar with The Last Story is here.

Knowing Sakaguchi, I can work out how his game may turn out. Considering he didn't like FFVII and FFVIII's sci-fi aspects and declared FFIX to be his personal favourite - I expect The Last Story to share elements similar with FFIX. That means a highly fantasy-like setting - medieval or steampunk.

Other than the logo and name, that's probably where similarities may end. Sakaguchi will make this game differentiate from Final Fantasy in other departments. I doubt that he would let this project become a mere copy of Final Fantasy. He will no doubt implement his own ideas in.
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