What does the way Summons are referred to say about a player?


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 24, 2007
Lancaster, UK
Ive always wondered this, basically no matter what game the topic is about, some people always refer to summons as Summons (7) others always call them GF's (8), and some Aeons (10).

The same thing goes for Limit breaks, Overdrives, Quickenings etc.

Basically which do you use, and what does it say about you as a player? Im thinking it says a lot about your favourite game, or maybe just the one you are playing at the time.
I use the terms that go woth the game, eg GFs for 8 and Aeons for X.
I dont think it says much about a person which ever term you use really. How can it?

Well, I've always referred to those monsters that aid us in battles as "summons". I do know that it's referred to as that in the series more often than once.

I don't think it says anything about me as a player or anything about a favorite game. It just grew on me, you know? I mean, I can't call it "GF" because the term was only used in FFVIII, therefore, I've only used the term "GF" when playing or discussing about FFVIII. But generally speaking, it's always been "summons" to me when talking about those creatures. The term just changes when it's referred to as a different name in different series.

As for limit breaks, overdrives, etc...it's always been "limit breaks" to me - unless of course it's referred to differently, such as FFX. They called it "overdrives", so I called it that. In FFXII, they called it Quickenings...so Quickenings it is. So yes, it changes every now and then, but they're all limit breaks to me just the same.
I'm with Mitsuki here. I always refer to them collectively as summons unless I'm referring specifically to a certain game, such as VIII (GF), X (Aeons); and even then I only use the in-game terms sometimes. An exception is IX. I don't think I ever use the term Eidolon, just summons.

I also use the term limit break or limit and rarely use the in-game term for these types of attacks. For XII, I did say quickenings though.
Well I mostly use summons, cause basically in all games you SUMMON those monsters.
As for Limit Brakes, Overdrives and Quickenings, I use Limit Brakes, since the first FF I played was FFVIII and kinda got used to that term.
I'm in the habit of calling them Avatars, thats what they are called in FFXI. Till about 5 years ago I just called them summons.
well i either call them espers or summons mainly because i love VII and thats how they are referred to in that and espers because i am currently playing 12
I call them summons unless I'm talking about a game that calls them something else. I guess I call them that because in most of the games I'v played, they are called summons. (Tactics, Tactics Advance, IV, V, VII). But I also tend to call it something else if I'm in the middle of another game (ie. if I'm playing VII right now then I tend to call them GF's) when I'm talking about them in general. I guess it's just what games you play more and/or what game you're playing right now
Well, it all depends. It doesn't necessarily means that if you refer to them as summons, or limit breaks that FFVII is your favorite game. Maybe it was your first final fantasy game and so you got used to saying summons or limit breaks. I actually refer to what they are called in the game because when you're discussing it with someone else, they're not always going to know what game you are referring to if you don't use the right terms.
I've always refered to them as summon monsters. And I've always refered to limit break as well limit breaks.

I suppose what ever anyone refers to the summons or limit breaks as, it is an indication of what FF game they played first?
I always called them summons or eidolons probably because the first game i played was ff9, and for the limit breaks and quikenings i called them trans, soo ff9 is my game.
Summons for me as well. FFIV was really the first FF game I played, so it stuck with me. Regardless of what they are called you are still summoning them. FFVII introduced limit breaks, so that is what I call them in every FF.
Interesting look at gaming rhetoric. I think it really would only indicate the player's favorite game, or the one with which they have the most experience. It could possibly indicate something about what a person thinks the function of a summon is. Most games call them summon monsters, and so does the company when referring to them at large, so "summon" seems to be the most common word simply due to media diffusion. However, the words do have different connotations.

"GF" implies that the being is there to support and guard a party member, although the use of initials also gives it a technical, almost commodifying sound. Since a GF can be drawn, there is a definite sense of possession. The GFs that must be defeated, thus seem more like they're being tamed (like a Pokemon).

"Summon" implies that the being is not bound to duty as a GF seems to imply, but rather is invoked. This is a more reverential term, in my opinion. When fighting a summon, as opposed to a GF, there is a sense of being tested by the monster, rather than trying to capture it.

"Aeon" and "esper" don't really give off any vibes of extra meaning, except perhaps making the beings sound more mystical and arcane since neither word is common in the English language.
I think what they are refurred to says a little. But really that little bit only extends to what a persons first game is, and which they play the most often.

Of course Summon is used is more games then GF or Aeon so its likely people will say Summon. I know I do.

In terms of overdrives...limits...trance. I really just call it Limits. When speaking about FFIX I use the word trance, but thats because FFIX holds its own little spot in my heart so it gets a special referance. But when speaking about all games with FFIX included in on that generalization... yeah its still Limits (Too lazy to say Limit Breaks.)
I think what they are refurred to says a little. But really that little bit only extends to what a persons first game is, and which they play the most often.

Of course Summon is used is more games then GF or Aeon so its likely people will say Summon. I know I do.

In terms of overdrives...limits...trance. I really just call it Limits. When speaking about FFIX I use the word trance, but thats because FFIX holds its own little spot in my heart so it gets a special referance. But when speaking about all games with FFIX included in on that generalization... yeah its still Limits (Too lazy to say Limit Breaks.)

Agreed, it does say very little in my opinion. I think it's just for the ease of quick use or reference. With the exception of IX, in which I do say trance. Though I think I do this because the characters even change appearance in this state, so it feels like something different.

In the end of all of this, it's all the same crap. It's just quick to think summon over eidolon in some games. Though when the use of summons is so important or rather any feature for that game, you usually seem to catch yourself saying it the way the game states it.

(Example being GF's in VIII)
I use the respective term for each game, BUT sometimes when I'm having a brainfart, I'll click back to summons, mainly cause it's the most generic and broad term, and limit breaks, because they were the first ones before everything else.
I agree, I usually call them summons due to FF7 being my first and favourite Final Fantasy.