What if it never happend?


Blue Mage
Feb 22, 2007
On every FF there is always a epic change in the storyline.

For example; someone dies, or something good happens like, the hero saves the girl or whatever.......you get me?


Now you pick a epic change/twist in the stroy of FFVIII and imagine...
What If It Never Happend!

And how would you change the story from there OK!

One of the twists i found was when you found out Edea and Cid where once partners!
But if they wernt partners and that never happend the game would not include Edea, Seifer would not want to be a sorcerer, and him Rajjin and Fujjin would be a troublesome gang wandering the land finding people to go on thier 'list' and they keep trying to kill squall and co. but there having none of it! :)

PS. You can make up what happens if the event never happend it donst have to be serious it could be something stupid like..
If Edea was never partners with Cid, Cid would be a clown!

Get it?
What if Lucrecia never died?

OOOps, I just realized this was FFVIII only. LOL.

Uhmmm...what if JULIA never died?!?!
Then...Julia and Laguna would've probably hooked up and...Squall and Rinoa wouldn't be born! Hmm, therefore, there wouldn't be a main hero or heroine...which brings me to the conclusion that FFVIII wouldn't have existed, lol.

Gosh, I just now realized how important Julia's death is in the storyline. >.<
What if Raine had never died?

Squall and Ellone would have never been sent to the orphanage, Squall probably would have never joined the garden. Laguna would have probably moved the family to Esther and Squall would have never became a SeeD and never met Rinoa.
What if Irvine would have actually shot Edea?

I would have considered Irvine less of a pansy. Headmaster Cid would have become very mad and a widower. Yeah, I'm out of ideas.
What if Irvine would have actually shot Edea?

I would have considered Irvine less of a pansy. Headmaster Cid would have become very mad and a widower. Yeah, I'm out of ideas.

Hmm, then we wouldn't have to face Edea in so many battles, although I think we only fought her twice or thrice throughout the game...

Oh and Seifer would be extremely furious!

What if Squall was the one that went rogue and not Seifer? Seifer would've became Rinoa's knight while Squall.... Well that's a tough one.
What if Squall fell off the com tower in the Dollet mission. LOL.
There's a thinker. <3

He would have been in a wheelchair at the dance and Rinoa would have never danced with him. XD
What if Laguna died when he fell off the cliff?

Adel wouldn't have been ousted from power, Ellone wouldn't have been rescued from Esthar, and Squall would have never been born (there would be an upside then =D)
What if Squall was the one that went rogue and not Seifer? Seifer would've became Rinoa's knight while Squall.... Well that's a tough one.

Squall would've been the bad guy (now that's something!) but I'd still love him. :P Seifer and Rinoa is a great match too, methinks, lol.

What if Squall and Quistis gets together in the end? What would become of Rinoa?
She would probably be locked up in BelReeve somewhere being analyzed for psychotic dimentia.

What if Gilgamesh never replaced Odin in the Seifer battle?

Then Odin would've been replaced by the Chubby Chocobo GF.

What if Rinoa wouldn't have become a Sorceress?
Then she wouldn't have been tormented by the fact that she was one and would be much happier being normal.

What if Laguna had left Esthar and come to see Raine's child?
hmmm adel would not of been overthrown, squall would not of gone to the orphange neither would ellene. They would be a happy family and laguna and squall would die when esther attack to take ellen

what would happen if gfs did not wipe memories?
Youre meant to answer the previous what if KoT.

Okay then, Adel would turn around and kick Laguna's butt. Basically the end of the Final Fantasy 8 world as we know it! Eek!

What if Cloud put in an apperance?
then conversations between squl and cloud would be very dull
the following is from another thread so dont have a go at lol
What would happen if rinoa was adel and adel was rinoa?