what is the BEST final fantasy there is for ps2?

imo Final Fantasy X for all 3, most people end up liking it

but Final Fantasy 12 has the better battle system imo, storys kinda dumb but u mite like it in the end.

But definitely FFX all the other final fantasy games 5-9 ur gana have to buy them online.
Well, if you're limiting yourself to PS2 versions, your choices are pretty slim. :gasp:

I've only played X and XII for PS2 but X-2 is a sequel anyway so you wouldn't want to start with that. I had fun playing both X and XII but I like the story in X way better. Plus X's battle system is completely awesome. It's fairly linear though.

XII was fun but I didn't like the story or characters as much as X. Awesome villains though. It does have a huge world, great scenery and there are lots of sidequests to distract you.
Well, if you're only interested in the PS2 FF games, therefore discounting FFVII, VIII and IX, then it's between X and XII.

It's all about personal choice really, I found both games to be hugely fun, and they both lasted about 70 hours or so. I'd say FFX has the superior story, characters and battle system though, but FFXII is also very fun, and I wouldn't discount it ^^

Although, both of them are radical departures from previous FF Games, so they won't really give an insight into what the previous games in the series are like ^^
i would have to say x is ny fav but i think x-2 has a better battle system
but x has a long and good story line
FFX I would say is superior in all 3 categories. It had a beautiful storyline. Although, FFXII isn't exactly horrible either. Only real problem I had with it was the character development. As for FFX-2, I honestly wouldn't recommend this one, but it is like a sequel to FFX, so you could try it just to see what happens in the aftermath.
Maybe Rent out both Final Fantasy 12 and 10 and see what one you enjoy better ?

But Final Fantasy 12 has the length with extra hunts long dungeons and Summoning collecting. Final Fantasy 10 doesn't take that long if you are really good and has less extra missions on the side compared to FF12 massive amount of mini-games.

Fighting Style- Would have to say that FF 10's was really enjoyable and more fun.

Fun- FF 10 is less frustrating and some of the missions in FF 12 can get a little dull and repetitive sometimes. FF 12 can be really fun if you are enjoying the game though.

By the way. Good luck and hope that you make the right choice that is best for you
If you are only after FF games on the PS2 your choice is limited to FFX and FFXII. Some people may try to tell you that there are also these two games called FFX-2 and FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus, but those people are lying communists, don't listen to them. :monster:

Now on to FFX and FFXII, I like both games but FFX is probably a lot more popular than FFXII. Personally I prefer FFX's storyline and battle system. FFXII's story is still good, but I found it hard to follow at times. FFXII's battle system is ok, but very differant from the rest of the series. I greatly prefered FFX's battle system to FFXII's.

As for length; FFXII is definately longer and I mean a lot longer than FFX, plenty of side quests and stuff too. Personally I found FFX more fun than FFXII. But with that said, I found FFXII pretty fun too.
I like XII a bit more than X. I'm close to the end of both games, and I've spent around twice as much time on XII. Its story is also quite a bit better, IMO. Its RTS-ish battle system is interesting, but it takes some getting used to. I thought FFX's traditional turn-based system was somewhat more fun, but I didn't like the game's linearity. FFXII has a lot more side quests and diversions.
Personally, I would say X is your best bet. IMO opinion not only is Final Fantasy 10 the best the series has to offer on PS2 but also top 5 game on ps2 period. Those that have played it, do you remember when you FIRST started playing FFX? It blew your mind. Don't lie. The story, while not the deepest the series has ever seen, is good and emerses you within the world and Spira and makes you geniunely want to succeed not just for the sake of finishing the game, but for the sake of Spira itself. The characters (with a few exceptions....) are all very easy to build a deeper connection with, you want to see Titus make it home, you WANT to see Wakka's Blitzball team win, things like that. Graphically, The game is (I think) clearly the most beautiful looking game in the series, all the colors seem so bright and vibrant. The enemies are all well designed and the musical score, while not the masterpiece that we have come to expect from FF, is good to great and gives the in game situations a tad more life.

So yeah, I would suggest Final Fantasy 10.
I suggest Final Fantasy X. It has one of the best stories out of all the FF games (I know it's not one of your criteria, but believe me, a good story will get you hooked onto the game), and the battle system isn't too shabby. Since you're new to the series, FFX is good as well because the battle system lets you take as long as you want to make a turn, which also gives you time to strategise. As for length, depending on what you are planning to do will determine the length of play. If you have patience, then FFX may actually take longer to 100% complete than XII, as the sheer amount of work needed to get strongest weapons, unlock secret bosses (PAL exclusive) etc. FFXII isn't bad either, but the story sucks compared to FFX. The battle system is kinda cool though.
I would tick FFX for all three boxes, Its also my favourite game ever. The battle system, storyline is fantastic so i say go and buy it. But if you go away and buy XII you wont be dissapointed either. As a whole the FF franchise is of a high caliber, so you cant really go wrong.
Well obviously FFVI, VII and IX since you can play them on a PS2 thanks to backwards compatiblity. XP

Though if you are talking about PS2 games only - well X is the best. I loved that game, it has a fab story, great characters - except for Tidus :P, and a good battle system.

It is way better than XII and X-2 imo. XP
the PS2 had:
X, X-2, XI, and XII

X-2 was terrible, XI's an mmo so that only leads to X and XII.
which is a tough one!
X is cool because it had a cool story, Nomura did the character designs, grpahics are nice.
XII on the other hand also had a cool story, graphics REALLY pushed the edge of the PS2, and if you turn gambits off the battles are fun to!
Yeah, I'd suggest FFX as well. Overall, I'd say it's probably the best one available for the PS2, closely followed by FFX2. Unlike the older PSone games the game is entirely 3D, and graphically, it's pretty amazing.

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I would suggest you try Final Fantasy X first.

The battle system is all turn based- perfect if you're new to the world of RPGs as you can spend as much time on a move as you want without worrying about a monster mauling you every 5 seconds.

The story is superior to XII, though I can't say the same for the villains. The characters in XII don't seem to hold a candle to X's.

X is quite long even without the Blitzball and monster hunting sidequests. The only intimidating thing it has for newcomers is the Sphere Grid system which is more complex than XII's gambit and license point system.

Then you can try X-2 (seeing as though it would be in bargain bins now) to complete the story (up to you) or go onto XII for a different FF experience.

Or get some PS1 games and try out FFVII, VIII and IX.
Yeah, I'd suggest FFX as well. Overall, I'd say it's probably the best one available for the PS2, closely followed by FFX2. Unlike the older PSone games the game is entirely 3D, and graphically, it's pretty amazing.

all the PS1 games were fully 3-D though,
but now that I think about it yeah start with X
The older Final Fantasy games' had 2D backdrops.

VII, VIII, and IX had pre rendered backgrounds, they weren't 2-D though

and actually I read the first post again,

if you're looking for length go with XII, that game is LOOOOOOOOOOOONG
and as far as battle system goes I like XII (as long as you remove the gambits, those are just annoying...), but I like X's summon system better than XII
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I would say Final Fantasy X. Also if you want to try FFX-2 then I say go for it. I almost didn't play it because so many people were talking about how terrible it is but I ended up loving it.