what is your favorite battle between two charecters?


Chocobo Breeder
Feb 15, 2011
one of my favorite battle's are between Firion & ExDeath. Cuz Firion hasnearly only ranged attacks and ExDeath is just plain annoying!

But my favorite charecter is Cloud, and I love to fight against acctualy most of the charecters with him. I always like a new challenge!
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favorite fight between two characters.. that's tough.... ok i like putting squall up with tidus..... of terra and Onion Knight is a cute one XD

But I can't wait to pitch tidus out with yuna in duodecim..... gonna be sooooo epic XD

oh yh + Rep for being a dissidia fan :wacky:
I do the traditional Cloud Vs. Sephiroth :P

One of my favorite characters to use suprisingly is Squall, even Bartz. I usually kick all the characters asses with these two
Meh I always pit Cloud vs my Squall and kick his blond spiky ass across the sky proving once and for all whos superiour which btw is Squall xD I do want to play online with other people but theres alot of red tape to go through to do so apparently
Golbez and Jecht; One a brother who watched his father die, the other died to protect the ones he loved. In the end they both were corrupted by darkness and now they fight each other!
favorite battle

one of my favorite replays ever(it really is mine).........Tifa Vs. Yuna

I have Tifa in my main story party. She really does kick some major ass.

Tifa's EX Mode is by far one of my favorite EX modes of all the playable characters(next to Sephiroth's).
Its more than one for me but my favorite I guess would have to be Squall vs Cloud I like trying to see who's the better one and sinc eive repeated this match playing both sides I have no conclusion lol I also like pitting cloud vs tifa,lighting vs cloud,lighting vs Squall,yuna vs tidus and laguna vs squall.
I guess my favorite battle is between Cloud and Sephiroth (Typical)... But if Cid (FF7) would be in this game it would be so badass with the cigar and lance :D or Zack would be so awesome in this game. i would change Zidane for Zack all the way.

Zack vs Cloud would be a interesting fight but it is only a dream because Square Enix isn't going to keep making fighting games :( :(
Definitely gotta be a Cloud v Sephiroth battle. When it goes well its like a scene out of AC which I think is awesome! I sometimes put Sephiroth against Kuja too just to have both of these main villains against each other for once.
well..,my favorite battle is "cloud vs sephiroth" i think that's kinda the traditional work of FF :P
i also got a video of it in youtube...but in it sephiroth couldn't even move :O
but today sephiroth kicked ma ass X_X