what level did everyone take on chaos


Chocobo Breeder
Aug 15, 2007
im now level 73 (bin trainin a lot) and i know 4 a fact tht i would kick chaos's ass(ive killed most of the bosses in a boout 5 or 6 turns:)) and i was wonderin wat was the lowest level tht somebody took him on.

im on about the psp version just so u know
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I never got quite up to chaos, but i was level 55 in the final dungeon and found it easy.

I really should complete this game one day =P
I was in the high 70's myself, and was on the psp version. Found it mildaly hard to a point, never died it's just it took a little longer then I would have liked. The Knight, Monk or Thief, White mage, Black mage combo. Did have the higher classes for them just forget thier names XD. So yea if your party is about the same its just gonna take a little extra time thats all.
I was level 59, I found him super easy. I had a Knight, Ninja, Black Wizard and White Wizard.
I also had all the level 8 Magic.
I beat him at level 99 and had plenty of megalixirs from fighting Zombie Dragons in the Citadel of Trials, so I pwned him off his arse.

Those Zombie Dragons are easy EXP. ;D
Dear lord I don't think I was ever that high. I think I was in my early 60s. I remember thinking it was a good thing I played on the easy mode instead of the normal mode because I was about 10 levels above the normal mode's level cap.
I was lv. 99 in the GBA version and I got really disappointed at the last battle. it's nothing compared to omega and shinryu in the bonus dungeons.
I actually haven't taken on Chaos yet as I'm not that far in the game but most guides I've read suggest you be over lvl. 50 before giving it a try. It should be easy to get past lvl. 50 way before then seeing as I'm lvl. 23 and I'm only at Elfheim.
Chaos fight

I would have to say that I was in the 30's, I had all ofy me characters on equal levels and experience points. Even at such a low level he wasn't too difficult to defeat.
I've never taken Chaos on either. The furthest i've gotten is the last dungeon where i had my ass handed to me on a plate because my characters were underlevelled. I think they were all level 40 >.<
I'd bitch that some of you people never competed this game but honestly... the last dungeon is hard. It was so difficult that I barely made it through. Chaos wasn't difficult but the 2nd Tiamat battle and just the constant barrage of enemies was a real pain in the ass. Not to mention I went to get the masamune and that just take so much more effort.