What??!! No Chef's Knife?


Will You Remember? Will Your Heart Sing With Pain?
Oct 26, 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
It seems that I have much to say about FFXII.


For example where are Cactuars, Ochus and Tonberries? And why aren't Malboros large and formidible?

Anyone else agree?
Cactaurs exist in that sandy place at the begining surrounding Rabanastre.

They look a lot different from the normal cactaurs and no longer have that famous stance. They're essentially just walking cacti now.

As for tonberries I haven't seen one, but I haven't beat the game yet. What Brit says sounds right though, FFXII does seem to have a habbit of replacing old monster types that we are used to with mechanical references.
Maybe the decided to omit some of the typical ff themes in favour of trying something new?

The Marlboros aren't that bad, but could be if you're under-leveled., but in X they could be a nightmare if you didn't have first strike/initiative, so perhaps they thought they'd provide other challenges instead?
The marlboros are shit xD

Tonberries, well I guess tonberries wouldn't work what with them having to take all them steps toward you before doinking you one....although I guess they could have worked around it somehow =/ And as mentioned above, there was an aiirship, or something that flew that was calledTonberry...so they kinda kept it in ¬_¬

There's defo cactuars -__-

As for ochus...can't say Ive seen one of them....never even thought about it tbh
Yeah, the Aircutter 'Tonberry' Remora at the beginning.. but it's not the same is it?

But at least there's 1000 Needles...:wtf:
hmmm... I think Square Enix want to make a different story from the earlier Final Fantasy series.. [and it's 180 degrees lol~]. but still..i like this Final Fantasy series, compare to the other series, FFXII has the simplest battle system.

and to tell the truth, i hate Marlboros from FFX. because it always prevent me from my main mission! and new marlboros in FFXII is not as that annoying than FFX. lol~
I didn't notice any of this simple because FFXII was my first FF.
As far as I remember, I didn't see Tonberries. Don't sure about Ochu, but Cactuars were there.
On the other hand, Mog/Moogles are a lot more prevalent than in X, where there's just a nod to them in Lulu's dolls.

Square can't do exactly the same thing every game or they'd be stuck with a whole checklist of "things we ritually have to include" and there wouldn't be much freedom left for originality/freshness. There was definitely a Tonberry mech as the very first boss, plus, of course, most of the classic Summons are the names of ships in this game, just for a fun twist. It's like the Magus Sisters, Onion Knight, Spoony Bard joke and other stock parts of the mythos: sometimes they appear, sometimes they don't.

There's a whole side plot / quest involving Cactuars. You have to do a little Mark Hunting to trigger it.

I don't recall Ochus in this game. Maybe they had a little trouble working in the Venus Fly Trap on steroids wearing a tutu. They had to de-cutesify the chocobos a bit.