what part of the game do u like the most (final fantasy 12)


Nov 4, 2008
hey, what part of the game do u like the most???:jon:

i like the first time i played final fantasy it was asome
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It's hard for me to choose which part of XII is my favourite because there's nothing I like less than anything else in the game. I'll just base my post on my first thoughts and mention the scene with the Judges, upon Emperor Gramis' murder, and the scene at the top of the Paramina Rift.
which bit do i like the most?

i think it would have to be... trying to defeat Hell Wyrm. Just mainly because when you do beat him, there's a sense of real satisfaction =]
In the Pharos, the cut-scene after fighting Cid, where Reddas cuts the nethecite.

Either that or the whole ending scene right after killing Vayne, that was pretty cool.
The only part of this game I liked is whenever Larsa was on my team because I was able to level up quicker and not die so many times in battle due to his unlimited amount of Hi Potions.
I'm a huge Judge Magister fan, so anything with them in, Or Dr.Cid, Reddas, Vayne...Vossler...I love :wacky:

Oh, and any scene with Ghis <3
I absolutely loved how easy it was to put the game down and never pick it up again. Otherwise, I might have had to endure more pain than I did.

Nah, that's a bit extreme. I'm not a huge fan, but it did do some things well. Since the battle system is new, and therefore different from past Final Fantasy games, I don't usually praise it much. It's an issue with loyalty. But still, I was surprised with how well it worked in combat.

So I'm gonna cite the battle system as my favorite part of the game...though I'd prefer to see battles done the old way. I guess I'm a tad twisted...
As a part of the story, my favorite part is the story focusing on the importance of the Sun Cryst. Up until the end of the game, the story can become so confusing as to what is going on, who the bad guy(s) really are, and what the party has to do to stop him/them. The information unleashed by the Undying, Reddas, and others enlightens not only the party, but the gamers playing the game.

On a side-note though, I loved completing the hunts aside from the story line of the main game. It was an added challenge to test the skill of your characters in battle against some of the toughest enemies that Square has had to offer yet.
I loved Phon Coast. Fighting on the beach was such a nostalgic idea. Or at least better than a cave... o_O

And on phon coast the enemy weren't that bad, except for that big butt dinosaur look'in thing.
I loved it when you actually got to go to Eruyt Village. I was excited to learn more about Fran's past because she was such a mysterious character.

The hunts in XII were a lot of fun as well. It was a great way to beef up the characters, and you could earn some great items while doing it.