What will be your Christmas gift?


Oct 6, 2006
we all know that Christmas are close enough.
what gift will you ask for Christmas that you most want?

*i did again a mistake at the thread's title
Hmm.. Lets see
Hugs and Kisses and......
I wan't a car.. a brand new one.
But thats too much to ask. So anything. Its the thought that counts
i want the new Smackdown vs Raw 2007 game,coz it came out and i can't wait to play it.
it'll be so much fun with the new matches.
I'll fix the title for you dear :P. I always do that kind of thing.

I've already had my Xmas gift from my Mum. She needed a new phone desperately and wanted my old one so she brought me a new one. It was kind of expensive so she said not to expect anything at Xmas which is fair enough. I told her not to get me anything anyway xD.
I have no idea what I'm getting from anyone else. Although I did tell my brother I wanted this NME CD so hopefully I get that.
And I -really- want a stripey t-shirt xD. =3
Thanks Sephire for fixing it.
I dunno yet about my Christmas gift.There are many things i'd like to have,but mostly i'd like for gift a video game i really like,but i may buy it myself.
Nothing's sure yet.
(If im gonna celebrate x-mas) im gonna want a brand new computer, if thats too much, then ill ask for an i-pod video, thats it
I'm jewish, btu for chanuka, I'm mostly asking for guitar stuff, a vidoe game, and a book.
im muslim so therefore dont celebrate x-mas

Just out of curiosity, do you want to celebrate Christmas, but feel restricted because you are Muslim? That's something I've always wondered.

Everyone is asking for "a" video game, "a" CD. I feel so spoiled now. Being an only child, I tend to get 5 video games at least :P I feel really REALLY spoiled now.

Nothing major this christmas though. I'm going to Paris with my school on the 7th of December, and that cost quite a bit, so it's like a slap in the face to ask for more. Growing up, you realise that more. Much younger, though, I wanted all 60 games that I saw that day, all 30 cars that I saw in the shop :P Not like that anymore.
Just out of curiosity, do you want to celebrate Christmas, but feel restricted because you are Muslim? That's something I've always wondered.
I dont feel so restricted, we got other holidays to celebrate, like Eid al Adha and eid al fitr and get presents or money, mostly money which i use to buy what i want.
Hopefully getting Rainbow six vegas for the 360 or maybe money i dont know.