What will you take?


Craziness is my motto :P
Apr 30, 2007
Hallow Bastion
Ok so if you can take something from FF characters what will you take?
I'm a girl so I have to take things from these FF girls:
Yuna: Her eyes
Rikku: Her skin color
Paine: Her Necklace ;P
Lulu: Her eyebrows
Ashe: Her Skirt
Penelo: Her Clothes
Yuffie: Her hair and her weapon
Tifa: Her Strong legs
Aerith: Her nice sweet heart

If you were a girl you have to take these girls and write what you want from them and
If I were a boy like you boys who entered my Thread I will take from these FF boys:
Leon: his weapon
Zell: His cool tatto
Cloud: His hair
Vincent: His Skin color and His sexy eyes
Tidus: His Sexy look
Reno: His Funny personalty and his unique appearance
Sephiroth: His Strong body
Kadaj: His Sexy shaggy emo hair
Seifer: I want to be a little Rude and mean like him!

So boys take these FF boys and write what you wanna take from them

Tidus: His hair, face, personality, and body. (That doesn't sound queer, does it?)
Cloud: His sword skills
Zell: His hand to hand fighting skills
Kiros: His hair & skin colour
Squall: His Gunblade
Cloud: His Purple suit (lol joking), his hardass attitude
Irvine: His Charm
Seifer: His coat
Reddas: His beard
Balthier: His Wit
Auron: His Voice
Barret: His Body
Freya: Her attitude/skills
Beatrix: Her kick-ass power
Yuffie: Her body
Aerith: Her eyes
Fran: Her cool composure
Garnet: Her hair (pre-cut) and her kingdom.
Or maybe Sephiroth's hair, LOL.
And maybe Kuja's outfit.
Last edited:
Yuna:Her Hair
Rikku:Her hips
Paine:Her voice
Lulu:Her moogles
Ashe:Her clothes
Tifa:Her abilities
Aerith:Her eyes and her skin