What would you do if Chocobos were real?


Jun 6, 2006
Chocobos are my favorite. They are super cute and so fluffy, to me. If Chocobos were real I would be owning one right now and riding him to college everyday. I would also name my Chocobo, Cocoa. No idea why or maybe I would name it Chobo? :lol:

Anyway... what would you do if Chocobos were real?
well most likely i'd do the same thing i do everyday cause i'd say that chocobo's would be like horses you know sorta rich only kinda thing but if not well i'd just race and breed them and all that stuff play alittle chocobo hot or cold all that stuff :D
I would by a farm and 1000 chocobos. I luv them! I even made a club of them but i havent been here 2 weeks so i cant be the leader of it:( . But i would name my white chocobo alfredo my gold one Racer Z and my black one stealth. Chocobos would be awesome to ride!!!:D
Hah, if Chocobo's were real. How cool would that be. I would name mine Boco, and no, no reference to Dirge of Cerberus! Hah, how suprised I was to find out that there was already a Chocobo named Boco, small world. : D
Ride one of course. It'd have to be a Black Chocobo thought. Or a Gold one <3
Instead of taking the bus to college, I would ride one. I'd look after as if it was my pet and I'd cherish it for life. Of course I love chocobos!
I'd totally open a restaurant and make "Choco Burgers" or "Choco Fries". With a brand new animal on the market, who knows what they would taste like. I bet, for some odd reason, it tastes a lot like chicken.

If the restaurant idea didn't work out, I'd probably create odd things to wear with the Chocobo pelts.
splinteredvisions u are a disgusting person... eating chocobos???? after all they did for u? how mean
I would ride on my chocobo everywhere. I think I would name it... slave. uhm no too obvious :P nah I'd call it Felix or Paza.
if chocobos were real theyd just replace horses but still thatd b gr8 fun u cud race them agenst the horses nd they r just big chickens so im sure ya cud make a fortune sellin their eggs r have a nice fry in the monrin