Whats the ultimate party using all the FF characters


Apr 17, 2007
Choose the ultimate party

1) Can only include a maximum of 2 main characters (eg cloud, squall, tidus, zidane)
2) Must include min 1 character of each sex (we can't have a homosexual relationship for main love story)
3) A single Aeon, GF or summon creature used as support.
4) Consider characters that fall into group categories eg healer, black magic user, support, ranged character, tank, summoner, thief etc
5) Give your party a title
6) Quote/moto party lives by
7)Give reasons for your party

Party name - The Crazy 5
Moto - "Everybodies got a little madnest stored up in them waiting to mature"
Squall - Leader - Mainly selected for the fact that is special move I have always considered the best (especially defeating Ultima when I turned invisble and toally f#@! up her with his aura ability). He also leads the way with his weapon Lionheart which manages to do 9999 damage per hit.

Yuna - Healer/Summoner - hot, smart and totally single (with Tidus dead). Found her to be the most useful healer. About the only problem call the exocist shes got a heap of dead spirts in her, could be a little problem.
Zidane - Thief/quick hitter - His big moves kick butt, bit of a monkey when it comes to certain things (his tail). Love how he wields his daggers.

Fran - Mage/Ranger - Easter bunny on rabbies, she is cool with a bow. Plus I leveled her up mainly as my black magic user. I like in the FMVs when she goes crazy. Best user of a range weapo out of any FF (debatable)

Odin (once resurrected) - Summoned creature - can get u experience fast, kill things in one hit. Zankuten! (I think I spelt it right)

Sorry for my lack luster description on why I chose certain characters but they just are just my favorite and I thinks they are all in there own way a little crazy/blood thirsty.
This seems to involved more than just FFXII characters so I'm oging to move this to the General Discussion area.

Squall-Simply for LionHeart
Tidus-Blitz Ace, Exceed damage limit, Exceed HP limit
and Wakka-Elemental Reels, Exceed damage limit, Exceed HP limit

Add on system:
I would bring back the Junction System, and use the Sphere Grid for complete and total domination to save up my levels for strategic battle plans.
Kain-His jumping ability is awesome and he looks a lot cooler than the other early FF characters. Garnet-she's hott and has bigger boobs than Yuna and can still summon and use White Magic Coud-one of my favorite FF characters of all time and his omnislash hits hard and does some crazy damage. Bahamut-Is a staple summon in all FF's except for XII. He looks really cool and can do over 60,000 damage on FFX with his overdrive Mega Flare.
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Cloud - Omnislash + Ultima sword = Ownage

Aerith - two words - Great Gospel

Yuna - Aeons + Magic

The Magus sisters - Hell theres 3 of them!
Black Magic: Vivi
White Magic / Support: Ashe using a Bow.
Attack and Strength: Ramza

This is given that they are maxed out.

Summon: Zodiark


Vivi: Best spells and black mage so far. He's whimsical attitude and development adds for a good black mage

Ashe: Her use of spells along with combination of attacking strength is necessary.

Ramza: Ramza > Cloud. Don't believe me? Play FFT.
You mean for the entire cast?
I can't even choose anymore than 4 otherwise I'll be thinking on it for too long. ^_^

The Boogertards:
Cloud - Physical strength/--front row
Aerith - Healer/isummoner/invincible limit breaks/--back row
Yuffie - Thief/long range physical attacks for flyers/--front row
Vivi - Black mage/offensive magic user/--back row

Bahamut Zero - non elemental so it works on all enemies. ^_^
1) Can only include a maximum of 2 main characters (eg cloud, squall, tidus, zidane)
2) Must include min 1 character of each sex (we can't have a homosexual relationship for main love story)
3) A single Aeon, GF or summon creature used as support.
4) Consider characters that fall into group categories eg healer, black magic user, support, ranged character, tank, summoner, thief etc
5) Give your party a title
6) Quote/moto party lives by
7)Give reasons for your party

I accept all of these rules except for 2, because it's asinine. There are female characters I like, so I'm going to use two. But specifically to contradict that rule, the main love story is between Zidane and Zell.

Zidane (Thief/leader)
Penelo (Black magic/summoner)
Rosa (White magic/archer)
Zell (Monk/eye candy)
Agrias (Pwnage/secondary healer)

Terra is the Esper. :D

They're called the Dusk Warriors, the last five (or six) heroes left once the rest of the FF Multiverse gets invaded by some evil force or another, etc. etc. You can pretty much follow it from here on.

I'll get back to you on the motto...
My party would have to be:

Zell - his Armaggedon fist combo is the most powerfull out of all the final fantasy limit breaks allowing you to deal more than 200.000 damage a turn!

Yuna - summoning combined with her overgrown white magic would make the game so much easier

Cloud - Omnislash can deal a great amount of damage and literally with Zell´s Armaggedon fist would make a lethal combo!

Summon - Anima=total anhilation to all of my opponents his the most powerfull summon that i have seen so far in my opinion!

This party would be unbetable i´m pretty sure of that plus we would have the silent and serious Cloud on one side, Zell with his cocky and fun attitude on the other and finally Yuna who with her looks and calm tone would be able to keep her team together.

Their quote would be: " We shall help the people...and DELIVER SOME ASSKICKING ON THE WAY!"
cloud = omnislash = very strong
auron = very strong and pretty damn cool
garnet = summons and magic

summon bahamut cuz he looks cool
cloud: warrior
rydia: white mage
cecil: paladin
cid(ff7): dragoon
tifa: monk
vivi: black mage


my team is called the warriors of yore