What's up with the Cids?


Sep 29, 2009
I'm not new to FF what so ever but I've always wondered what's the deal with a Cid being in each game?

Some one care to elaborate?
It's no different than Gilgamesh, or the Biggs and Wedge Star Wars homage. As far as I know, it's just become a trademark in the FF franchise. Throw in a character named "Cid", and make him some kind of inventive character.
I think as said it's just one of the running motifs each game in the series has - Chocobos, certain pieces of music and a character called Cid are one of those things that appear in nearly all (or all) the main games, and a lot of the spin-offs and other games. Though from what I know Cid didn't appear until the second game.

Would be interested to know where the idea for having a Cid in every game started though (or who had it).
That's what I'm saying. I know it's kind of just a running thing but maybe the original developer's dad's name was Cid or something, lol I'm just saying it seems kind of out of no where to just be some random thing.... not that giant riding chickens are in the norm...
Though from what I know Cid didn't appear until the second game.
But he was referenced in the remake of FF, making it so that his presence was in every "main series FF" to date, which shows their intent to make him a trademark of the game.

It probably started as some kind of thing for FFIII to give a nod to II. When making early FF installments, the developers were probably in the mind set that not too many things would be connecting each of them, as they all have their own storylines, characters, etc... So, along with chocobos and a few other things, they probably decided to throw in another "Cid" as a kind of reference to II's and a small "connection" between the installments. This either brought about good response or they wanted to keep the tradition going, or both of these factors played into having them add another for IV. Notice how in each one, he's always had some kind of "helpful" role to the main party.

Then comes VII, and they decide to give the character his due by making him an actual party member. Not only that, but the character seems to bare a few similarities to II's Cid, kind of tying it all back together to the character's origins.

And from then on, Cid's been one of the few traditional or recurring characters in otherwise separate stories.
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I'm not new to FF what so ever but I've always wondered what's the deal with a Cid being in each game?

Some one care to elaborate?

Yeah :awesome: and they almost always have airships or boats or something or they're Scientists of some sorts. :P Weird but cool I guess...I like FF-X's Cid the most, He was funny :>
Yeah its just become a certain trademark of the FF series. Like using Chocobos or Moogles, they also have Cid :)
Yeah its just become a certain trademark of the FF series. Like using Chocobos or Moogles, they also have Cid :)
Its cool though I think, The Cid after the next must be weirded out that A 'cid' is always involved in saving the world from ultimate destruction :P
That's what I'm saying. I know it's kind of just a running thing but maybe the original developer's dad's name was Cid or something, lol I'm just saying it seems kind of out of no where to just be some random thing.... not that giant riding chickens are in the norm...

I don't think anyone knows specifically why the developers decided to include a character named Cid in every game.

But (according to wikipedia at least) the development team for II and III was largely the same and a recurring element need only be repeated once before it is a recurring element. "Cid" could have been anything from the name of someone's father to an inside joke. But once the name Cid was mentioned in III after appearing in II the inclusion of Cid probably just became a tradition for later developers.
Like people have already mentioned, it's just become a tradition, like Moogles (who have appeared in nearly all FF titles, and KH series), it's just something that we've got used, there'll most likely be a Cid in FFXIII somewhere, it's a bit like the whole weather theme with characters names, it's become a long running thing D;
I want to know why recent Cids have been becoming villains. Cid from FFXII is a villain. Al-Cid, you can argue could be a Cid too, but I don't necessarily think so. Agito XIII, if I heard correctly, some guy called Cid is the leader of a militant country, who are invaders.

I want FFXIII to have Cid as an ally again. In fact- I won't be surprised if he becomes a party member due to the various homages to FFVII.
Maybe they just felt after having so many Cids who were fighting for the good guys (whether as a PC or NPC), it was time to have one or two as an antagonist. The FF series has often tried to vary the formula of any aspect of the games at times after all.
Think they named Cid after Al- Cid- a Spanish warrior/ general / fighter or whatever..

And think it was common for Al- Cid to return or revive...

so think that it was just Squaresoft.. now Square- Enix playing a joke or history or legend terms..

Also, There's a Cid character in the upcoming Blood of Bahamut DS Game, and I am pretty sure I read somewhere that SQUARE confirmed that there's also a Cid in both XIII, Agito and Versus
it's just one of those weird things that makes final fantasy "final fantasy", sort of a conversation piece in a way, something to make you go "hmmm" and wonder if there's a bigger connection, even though we know, if you know anything, that it's only a coincidence. it also seems to me to be another little way of connecting the different final fantasy universes together and to keep you feeling like you're playing a final fantasy game. i know every time i see a new "cid" it brings back fond memories of past games.
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