We'll continue this thread much like the last one. However, instead of having a separate discussion thread for discussions on your mood, and having members be very vague about their mood, we've decided to merge the two ideas into one.
In this thread, tell us how you are currently feeling, why you are feeling as such and feel free to discuss previous posts with members. As always, only posts of a substantial length should be made. Short, pointless posts may be deleted on sight, along with an immediate warning via Personal Message.
As for me, I'm quite relieved - I have an excuse not to attend the Cardinal's mass at school, tomorrow. I had initially been playing in the orchestra but, after finally attending a rehearsal and discovering that we were to play for the mass, I've been desperate for a route out of playing in it. I now have an opticians' appointment for tomorrow directly over the time of the mass. <3
In this thread, tell us how you are currently feeling, why you are feeling as such and feel free to discuss previous posts with members. As always, only posts of a substantial length should be made. Short, pointless posts may be deleted on sight, along with an immediate warning via Personal Message.
As for me, I'm quite relieved - I have an excuse not to attend the Cardinal's mass at school, tomorrow. I had initially been playing in the orchestra but, after finally attending a rehearsal and discovering that we were to play for the mass, I've been desperate for a route out of playing in it. I now have an opticians' appointment for tomorrow directly over the time of the mass. <3