When this comes to the DS...

Big Boss

Punished Snake
Mar 25, 2007
Hamilton, Ontario
I'm going to wait until there is an action replay code to keep Cecil a Dark Knight. Does anyone else think that the DK is so much more cooler then the paladin?
Im fairly sure theres a code like this for the GBA Version... what would be awesome is if you could use an action replay code to give you BOTH Paladin and Dark Knight Cecil :) then you'd get the best of both worlds, power and coolness
I've never done things like this before because I just feel it ruins my play of the game. Besides, usually there are some glitches within them that would put me off.
I don't get why people like DK Cecil better. He's not as powerful as Paladin Cecil, his special attack does damage to him, and Paladin Cecil can heal and protect your weaker characters. And DK Cecil is useless against undead things. DK Cecil is just in no way superior.
I don't get why people like DK Cecil better.

It could be because he looks just so much cooler :lol: DK Cecil could be more useful later on if we were allowed to keep him, like his Dark Wave attack could clear out multiple enemies at once. sadly since we dont get to keep DK Cecil we wont know how useful he could have been.

which is what makes Cheating fun, it can answer all these What if? Questions XD
It is true that Dark Knight Cecil looks cooler than the Paladin version, but I really don't know how well he'd work out any later in the game.
maybe a high level DK cecil can use those massive power magic attacks at the beginning of the game :)