Where is the blasted cluckatrix and her chicks?


Nov 10, 2006
I went to the clan hall and the little moogle head clansman gave me a quest to go to the Nomad Village in the Giza Plains and give assistance to the cockatrix herder there.

According to this woman, there is a cluckatrix and her chicks who are scaring the village's domestic cockatrix and she wants you to get rid of the cluckatrix and her babies for her. The location is something like the Northern wall of the Giza Plains southeast of the Nomad Village.

I have walked through every Giza Plain location about a millioin times and I can't find any chicks or the mother. Has anyone gotten though this part yet? Help, please!
If you pull up your map, its the area immediately to lower right exit of the village, if that makes sense. you gotta kill EVERY creature that's in the area then exit and return BAM there's your monster.

i must warn though. I wasted a lot of time trying to find this damn thing only for it to beat the living hell out of me. I have yet to return because I'm waiting 'till i get stronger. If you're still relatively early in the game you may wanna wait.
Thank you! I actually went back to the mines and killed skeletons for awhile in order to get more money to buy better armor, etc. So now I am at level 21 - should that be good enough to kill the bird and its chicks?

'Cause I gotta tell you, while the average monster pretty much dies in one or two strokes now, there are just some things in the deserts that still kill me in seconds. Like those werewolves and those great big birds that are flying! The walking birds I can kill without problem but the flying ones get me every time.

Are there just monsters in this game that you were never intended to be able to kill?
I still haven't been able to try again because I'm off doing stuff but I would assume that if you have a couple of quickenings you should probably be able to take it out. The hardest part of the battle for me in th 20 seconds it took for me to die was her chicks. It seems to me that with quickenings it would be a lot easier.
lol any monster you can see, you CAN KILL. If a monster has a green bar of health DONT ATTACK it unless A. You want to die. Or B. Think your stong enough to take it down. There freaking HARD AS HELL to take down so good luck.
Took Me Up To Level 30 Just To Beat The Living Daylights Out Of The Cluckatrice.

Watch Out For The Chickatrice, They'll Keep Coming... You'll Have Up To Four And Then They'll Beat The Living Daylights Out Of You!

Have Stona Ready Though, Or Gold Needles For That, Oh So Frustrating, Petrify Move That Cluckatrice Does Oh So Well.
Quickenings make it easy...

After getting killed alot to the birds, I went back at level 18, after Leviathan with quickenings in hand...one inferno later that bird was severly weakened. Then play mop up.
I killed the Cluckatrice at level 14. I had about 80 potions and gambits set up to cast them. I had an Iron Sword on my main guy that I bought in Nabrina (even though I wasn't supposed to be there). I had augments for potions. I attacked with 1-2 guys while the other 1-2 were in constant heal mode. It took me about 10 minutes and I used up about 70 potions. You want to focus completely on the Cluckatrice until it's dead and then kill the baby chicks afterwards.

So if your level 21, you should have no problems killing the Cluckatrice. My guys are level 23 right now so I know for a fact you should drop the Cluckatrice in about 4 hits if you developed your characters correctly. I had to take out a few Marlboro's (lvl 39) to get to the White Mousse Hunt (although I can't beat the White Mousse yet) so a party of lvl 21's should mop up Cluckatrice.

I also don't have any quickenings yet, so you shouldn't need them for the Cluckatrice. From what I hear, those should make it really easy.
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LOL, I agree with you Majere. quickenings are just about useless. In the 120+hrs of playing, Ive only used them about 4 times total. It only took me about 3 minutes to kill that dum cluckatrice and 2hrs to figure out how to make it appear....im ashamed...
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It is important to point out that you do not need to kill every monster in the area for it to come out. When you were told about the quest, they said the cluckatrice is afraid of humes. So, if you have Fran as your leader it will just be there. Anyone else, you'll never find it. Also it is only around during the dry season, I got stronger and went back to kill it to find it wasn't there anymore.