Which Character do you hate the most from FFVIII?


Iller than Radiation
Jan 15, 2007
Ellen Stone
FFXIV Server
It can be anyone. It doesn't neccesarily have to be one if the main charcters.

For me I'd say General Caraway. What an asshole. He sent Laguna off to somewhere far away and told Julia he died and comforted her and made it with her. Filthy bastard.
Sorceress Adel. She was the most pointless villian ever and felt very random. And the fight with her at the end of disk three was so stupid. And who designed her?

I predict that Aztec Triogal will say "All of them!" ;)
That dog shit eating mother fucker in the chocobo forest.. Oh my God I hate him... Oh, I lost my freaking whistle. What? It's only 5,000 gil for another one? Awsome.

Please, what an overcharge. I was probably supporting his drug addiction by buying about 100 of them. Thats the only explanation for this high price; drugs.
general caraway didnt send laguna away.
and when he didnt return julia assumed he was dead and caraway comforted her because she was in pain.
i hate norg. hes just annoying with his bujurururu
I hate Fujin and Raijin. It's just annoying with y'know? Every two lines, and the other who has the vocabulary of a 2 year old
I didn't like Selphie much either. She was like the Yuffie of FFVIII, but without the stealing
I hate Fujin and Raijin. It's just annoying with y'know? Every two lines, and the other who has the vocabulary of a 2 year old

Agree on Raijin defo! I liked Fujin in away, soemthing sexy and mysterious about her. But the whole y'know crap did bite after awhile.
Rinoa. Her whole personality just annoyed me non stop - that, and whenever I needed to train her, something would happen to her, leaving me unable to teach her anything, so I gave up in the end.
I also hated Rinoa's personality, and I never used her since she was my weakest character, but she was one of the hottest characters in the game I think
All of the main characters....except rinoa

it was so dull how they all basically had the same backstory "Grew up in an orphange lost thier memory" and they were basically clones of each other. they were either Emo or way too hyperactive.

so compared to them Rinoa was a breath of fresh air
Most hated character

My moste hated character Was probably Zell....although hes upbeat (Not as much as Selphie), he has a tendency to consistanly whine his way through the game. Maybe he was a good match for Squall though who never showed any emotion till the very end of the game which to this day still makes me teary eyed what happens in the end. My friend told me Squall died at the end of the game so when i found him the way he was i was just cryin lol
Can I pick everyone except Zell? Ahh...well as much as I hated Squall and Co. I'd have to pick Irvine out of the crew. He's made out to be a great gunner and fighter, but when it comes down to business, he gets cold feet. The ladies all flock over this guy? Pleeeeease. Dude can hardly handle a Be-Be gun and they think he's macho. Give me a break.

Quistis, Selphie, Squall, and Rinoa are all tied for 2nd place after Irvine.
Lol, don't be jealous Busta. Irvine has that aura in him that screams "I'm sexy!" The long hair was actually hot, and I don't like guys with very long hair. =/

Anyway, for me it would have to be Cid. I don't know, to me he was a disappointment being a "Cid". He seems so...old. =/ All the other Cids in FF were unique atleast, and there's always something interesting about them. The Cid here was way too normal and boring.
Rinoa...she is the most annoying FF character ever!>_<

You have to keep saving her along the game, she acts like a 10 year old and the way she´s forced into the group just gets me angry!
BustaMo said:
Can I pick everyone except Zell?
LOL Seconded (except throw Seifer in with Zell :P)

Buuuuut, since I have to pick just one...I'll go with Irvine too. Just can't stand him. I didn't like the way he looked, acted, etc...I can't pick out a single thing I liked about him. And I really don't see what's macho about him at all xD
Tough choice...Selphie or Zell.....which one annoyed me more.......I am gonna have to go with Zell....I just wanted someone to shut him up the whole way through. I kept hoping that he was going to be killed somehow in the story but it never happened. I kept him in the sidelines as much as possible, except when I HAD to use him like in the prison...that was sure annoying.
i liked all the characters, but unlike FF7, i never felt emotionally attatched to any of them which is why i like FF7 and FF9 more than i like FF8
I hated Rinoa with a passion! She bugged me so damn much. I purposefully made her die over and over for fun. She was annoying. I felt like I was a babysitter or something. I guess I am more into the secondary female characters of the ff games.
Uhmmmm you pretty much can't hate any one of them more than the other i mean they all have virtually the exact same pasts. o_O
And theyall had pretty lame personalities too. o_O

Rinoa was especially a brat. O,o