Which character do you love/hate fighting?


b l a c k s w a n
Sep 29, 2010
I've played Dissidia for about a week now, and I think I now know which characters I can identify as my favorite and as the worst to fight. Now I'm not sure if the characters act the way they act for all of the people that play Dissidia or if they vary by game copy, but I use Firion mainly as my character, and the other character level expectations could vary depending on what kind of abilities the character your mainly use has (Firion is excellent in mid-air and far distances). As for me:

The Onion Knight. For some reason for me, no matter what level he is, he is totally easy to blow around. He hardly dodges or reacts quick enough when I attack him. Now he sometimes goes back for a multiple hit BRV attack, but it hardly fazes Firion.

Exdeath. I fucking HATE Exdeath. I'd say when it comes to close distance and far distance attacks, him and Firion are of equal ambition. But it once took me over 5 minutes to beat him because he can make out every move I make and even dodge right before I press the buttons to initiate the move. That and his laugh just irritates me now.
I like fighting Cloud, and Cloud Of Darkness. They aree both very easy to block against so I spend half the time just beating them down..
I also like Jacht because he is actually a challenge and Gabranth because it's essentially a timed match, you've got to win before he can get into Ex Mode or you'll get smashed into the ground so badly. ):

I hate fighting the Emperor in Pandemonium (don't need to explain) and Golbez because he, unlike Tidus, can dodge and strike back before you can do anything unlike Tidus who is easy to predict.
This is definitely a contrast to my game. Having to beat down Cloud of Darkness was hell to me at some point. Jeckt was easy on some levels, hard on others, but I don't mind fighting him.
Now Golbez seems to always be an easy target for me because when I fight him, he can deal some good damage from time to time but he hardly dodges (and its not because he was a low level.). And Emperor is a bit of a challenge, but he's one of my favorite characters - well, I should say bishie, but I always train him.
Gabranth, Exdeath & Kuja are the ones I like fighting. Because they're not much worth the efforts, pretty easy. But Gabranth becomes dangerous in his ex mode though.
I hate most fighting is the Emperor, especially in the Pandemonium. He beats me most of the time there. And Onion Knight, I hate that little runt, he's good at dodging and he's pretty quick too.
I can't say I really hate to fight anyone... To be honest I found the game kind of easy. and no one was hard enough to annoy me, and the characters I thought that were annoying well, I didn't hate to fight them- I loved to beat the hell out of them.

Ones I loved to fight, for one beating the hell out of Squall is fine in my book. For a completely different reason, I loved fighting Kefka, solely because I find his VA very amusing, and loved everything he had to say, and looked forward to it, mainly.
Personally, I liked fighting Tidus. He hasn't provided much of a challenge for me.

The ones I hate, though, are Kefka and The Emperor. They got on my nerves... >.>
(Personally I hate lvl 150 Chaos xD)

But seriously, I hate hate HATE OK (I play him m'self. Just try to beat a game with 2 punishers against each other >.>).
Emperor and Exdeath are a joke, rlly..
Intriguing question...

I'd say my favourite opponent is Cloud and (when my game is on, it seems) the CoD. Both of them telegraph their moves something chronic and lack long-range bravery options, leaving them at the mercy of the melee gods. I can read both of them like an open book and riposte them into oblivion in a few attacks.

On the other hand, however, is Jecht, god of the follow-through. A block just doesn't seem to faze him; he just plows right through my guard. This gets incredibly annoying when I've played a good game up until then, invitation to destruction begins and all of a sudden he opens up a combo to Jecht Blade on my butt, wiping me out in one attack. Frustration personified, in short.