Which Dresspheres for Who?


Pollen, bitch!
Dec 10, 2007
What are your main Dresspheres for the girls?

Mine are:

Yuna: Warrior, Dark Knight and Gun Mage
Rikku: Alchemist, White Mage and Trainer
Paine: Samurai, Black Mage and Lady Luck
Mine were almost the same as you because of the benefits offered by the Mascot dressphere. I tried to train everyone on every dressphere though, so I could have unlimited options in combinations. :D

Yuna: Gunner, Dark Knight
Rikku: Thief, White Mage
Paine: Warrior, Black Mage

I kind of want to play the game again just because the dressphere system was so cool, but I hate trying to get 100% because of that stupid Chocobo breeding thing. :|
Yuna: Gunner
Rikku: White Mage
Paine: Warrior/Samurai

I tried to train everyone in every dressphere, though, so they could switch if need be.
If I remember correctly....

Yuna: Gunner, Songstress, Trainer.
Rikku: Theif, White Mage, Achemist.
Paine: Warrior, Black Mage, Gun Mage, and Dark Knight.
Rikku from X was hot because she was fairly intelligent (she was the central archeologist for a group of tech scavangers - ie. Not Stupid.)

X-2 turned her into blond-bimbo. Whileplaying X-2 for the sake of playing X's sequal, I put her in as a White Mage with a Sword Tome and a Black Tome for added skills. (The only dressphere that looks good.)

Paine however requires a better look, so I go with the Black Mage. It still annoyed me to hell and back. (Why the technocolor?)
My Yuna was a Gunner, White Mage, and Dark Knight.

Riku was a Thief (naturally) and...I forgot what else. =/

Paine was a Samurai, Warrior...and something else...

I would constantly change their dresspheres though, and even used Mascot for awhile, so I can't really remember the very main dresspheres for each character.
Everyone on mine is maxed out in all, but if i had to choose one for one, i would have to say Yuna - gunner, gun mage, and dark knight. Rikku - thief, gun mage, dark knight and beserk. And Paine - same as Rikku, minus thief. Going to play through again on the ps3, get 100% on everything, don't care how many times through it takes, just to have:)
  • Yuna: White Mage, Black Mage, Gunner, Dark Knight
  • Rikku: Gun Mage, Dark Knight, White Mage
  • Paine: Dark Knight, Warrior, Samurai, Black Mage

Listed it order of use and effectiveness. I sadly had no inclination to change the dresspheres around much at all during other playthroughs, though I tinkered with the idea in certain battles for the grid upgrades (DEF + 10 etc). And despite its abysmal magic defense, I really like to Warrior dressphere - for the elemental attacks which, all-in-all, consume minimal MP, but with great benefits.
Ummm... It's been about six months since I last played my file, but I think my dress spheres were:

Yuna: Gunner, Alchemist
Rikku: Thief, Gun Mage, Dark Knight
Paine: Warrior, Dark Knight.

These are the ones I used the most. All but one are mastered. Yuna didn't get the Elixr ability when I finished.
trying to remember because its been a while and I dont remember exactly how far I got in the game.

I do remember almost always having Yuna as a gun mage or a black mage

Rikku, I think I kept her as a gunner or thief mostly

Paine... Black mage or gun mage, that is, if I didnt have her using Full Throttle.

Where ever I was I was far enough to get that sphere for Paine. Did not get Floral Fallial for Yuna or Mechina Maw for Rikku at that point.
I think all of rikku's dress spheres own, although yuna's special dress sphere is cooler
I had everyone using Dark Knight as a fallback sphere and the following as their personal ones.

Yuna: Samurai, Berserker, Gunner

Rikku: White Mage, Lady Luck, Thief

Paine: Alchemist, Warrior, Black Mage

But everyone was trained in everything equally (had all mastered by end of third playthrough)
Woah, man, I got bored of FFX-2 before I got to that point =P I mastered Rikku as a White Mage, and Yuna as an alchemist and a gunner, but apart from that, I couldn't stick to one, so they're all at like 60% still, lol
I mostly used the dress spheres that help me defeat the Angra Mainyu. I had Yuna as a trainer, Rikku as an Alchemist, and Paine as a Dark Knight. When all are mastered, they make a killer combination.
I had Rikku as a Berzerker.

And Paine and Yuna as Dark knights.
Hm... lemme see....

Yuna - White Mage, Gunner
Rikku - Thief, Black Mage
Paine - Warrior, Black Knight
All - Trainer

I found the Trainer Dress Sphere very useful.
Mine seems a bit od now that I think about it

I had Rikku as a Dark knight
Yuna I had as either a berserker or mage gunner
Paine was my alchemist

you have to have an alchemist
With exception to fighting Trema, I pretty much just used three dark knights. I trained everyone on everything, but Dark Knights are by far the best for damage. If I needed too, I'd switch one of them to alchemist to mix for mega potions.

Darkness rocks.

Of course mascots are a definite, but this is before I had them.